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IR help

qwertyologyqwertyology Posts: 2
edited 2013-06-02 20:00 in BASIC Stamp
before reading this, i apologize ahead of time for any typing/ grammar errors, and if this has been asked before
OK, so earlier today i found an old remote, pulled the IR LED( i believe its known as an LED) and am interested in knowing how to control it with my basic stamp 2 board, because i have not found any sort of guide/tutorial that does not assume i bought it off of parallax, or have an IR receiver ( which i do not have )
if anyone could help me learn how, by either directing me to another thread that may help, actually describing how, or directing me to some guide i missed before, this would be greatly appreciated
thanks in advance


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2013-06-02 19:38
    An IR LED is not particularly different from a visual light LED. It's controlled the same way, particularly red LEDs. If you want to produce a modulated IR beam like those used by IR remote controls, you should download and read through the "IR Remote for the BoeBot Robot" tutorial which can be found on Parallax Downloads webpage under Tutorials. It deals mostly with the problem of receiving and decoding Sony-type remote control signals, but the information and discussion is applicable to others. There is a section on generating IR remote control signals using a 555 timer. The receive discussion assumes you're using an IR receiver which is necessary for receiving modulated IR signals. You can receive a simple on/off IR signal using just an IR phototransistor, but the reliability of this on/off signalling is very poor. It tends to get washed out in sunlight and gets overridden by 60Hz hum from indoor lighting.
  • qwertyologyqwertyology Posts: 2
    edited 2013-06-02 19:41
    thanks it kinda helped but any idea what pin on the 555 ic i should connect to the led?
    all i was able to find was which to connect P15 to, but i need to know what else needs to be connected to what
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2013-06-02 20:00
    The tutorial I mentioned has a schematic in the appendix starting on page 189.
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