Any example code for I2C
do we have any example code for I2C ? in C for the prop that is.
i am looking at i2c.h in propgcc/propeller-elf/include and see the briefs... but i could use a lil more if someone know of some code.
i am looking at i2c.h in propgcc/propeller-elf/include and see the briefs... but i could use a lil more if someone know of some code.
Here's a Spin2Cpp-created project for the Wii Nunchuk that uses i2c. Hopefully, you'll be able to mod as needed. This is a Zip of a SimpleIDE project.
i was looking for example code because i have written the functions as i think they need to be, foe example
i2c_Address = simple_i2cOpen( DS1721_Addr,i2cSCL,i2cSDA); // get a i2c address for the ds1721 chip
flag = i2cWrite(i2c_Address,DS1721_Addr,AccessConfig,8,False); // tell DS1721 we are going to config
if (flag == 0)
printf("Success on config \n");
if (flag == -1)
printf("Failure on config\n");
pause (1000);
flag = 2;
flag = i2cWrite(i2c_Address,DS1721_Addr,Cont_09_Bit,8,True); // tell DS1721 9 bit accuracy
if (flag == 0)
printf("Success on 9 bit\n");
pause (1000);
flag = 2;
flag = i2cWrite(i2c_Address,DS1721_Addr,StartConvert,8,False);
if (flag == 0)
printf("success on starting conversion of temp\n");
and i am getting success printf's ( flag coming back as zero )
but i am not getting a valid temp reading, have gone over my wiring several times
( using a setup that i put together in 2008 and used spin with.)
i am excited about being able to use C with the prop, but was hoping for more documentation like the prop manual ( which is a lil more wordy ) or like the way they did the sx when they were programming that.
coming back to programming after a 5 year hiatus so i am a lil rusty.
spin2cpp appears to work, but doesn't interact with the library
sorry, don't mean to be so verbose.
if you have time, please look.
this is the latest itteration, was trying simple open, so i didnt have to figure out cog driver yet, but i commented out simple and am playing with the cog driver
where did you find i2c_simple.c ?
am trying to see why I2C_COGDRIVER COG; works
but if i uncomment I2C_SIMPLE i2c_Address; it doesnt work the same.
thanks for the help, i will work on this some more, and see if i can't dragg my head out of where it is
It's in propgcc/lib/sys/propeller.
But for now its working.
Thanks David.