Cheap tools for ethernet termination
Posts: 1,915
Found this on ebay seems very cheap not sure of quality, it looks ok in the photos so have ordered one and will let you know of the quality. U.K. based but ships worldwide
I had an issue recently with a lower cost crimp tool that was deforming the latching tab causing latch failure.
I saw the crimp tool and the word cheap and relived that freakish nightmare for a few seconds and had to chime in lol.
Anyway when it arrives I'll put it to the test and see what sort of connection is made with it.
Each pharmacy had a robot One of them was a big arm that is probably a commercial welding robot or something. Before I could do any work there, I'd have to watch it for at least a couple minutes. Occasionally there would be a robot tech there working on it and I'd have to pace myself with all the questions lol. It had a 1 U Dell server for a brain. Good times. Now I get to watch Fastems robots using Predator DNC wireless systems which is a nice step up. Moar robots!
When I bought mine(at a bargain store no less), I actually brought a couple of pieces of Cat5 (both single-strand and multi-strand), a few connectors, and a 60x handheld microscope and asked the people in the store if I could test it first.
(it helped that I was also in the market for a big reel of Cat5, bags of connectors, wall-sockets and terminating tool for those, too)
I had to buy it as I had been told that I could no longer take the one at the office with me for my 'home improvement' projects in case someone else needed it for workrelated things...
But buying a 'cheap' crimping tool over the net?
Mmmmmno.... Not that mad, yet...