Propeller Servo Controller USB
Klaus Gawelczyk
Posts: 9
I have a problem with the controller (connected to BOE - BS2p), after update the software is the firmware version number does not like "PSC ver: " - (for example 1.0). special "Min" ??? and the controller does not work - see the Attachements
thank you very much for your help
Klaus Gawelczyk
'{$STAMP BS2p}
'{$PBASIC 2.5}
'Identify Firmware Version Number
'Board of Educatin
Sdat PIN 15 ' Serial Data I/O pin
buff VAR Byte(3) ' temporary variable
FindPSC: ' Find and get the version
baud CON 396
baud CON 1021
baud CON 1646
DEBUG "Finding PSC", CR ' number of the PSC.
SEROUT Sdat, Baud+$8000, ["!SCVER?",CR]
SERIN Sdat, Baud, 500, FindPSC, [STR buff\3]
DEBUG "PSC ver: ", buff(0), buff(1), buff(2), CR
I have a problem with the controller (connected to BOE - BS2p), after update the software is the firmware version number does not like "PSC ver: " - (for example 1.0). special "Min" ??? and the controller does not work - see the Attachements
thank you very much for your help
Klaus Gawelczyk
'{$STAMP BS2p}
'{$PBASIC 2.5}
'Identify Firmware Version Number
'Board of Educatin
Sdat PIN 15 ' Serial Data I/O pin
buff VAR Byte(3) ' temporary variable
FindPSC: ' Find and get the version
baud CON 396
baud CON 1021
baud CON 1646
DEBUG "Finding PSC", CR ' number of the PSC.
SEROUT Sdat, Baud+$8000, ["!SCVER?",CR]
SERIN Sdat, Baud, 500, FindPSC, [STR buff\3]
DEBUG "PSC ver: ", buff(0), buff(1), buff(2), CR
buff(0) = $4D
buff(1) = $69
buff(2) = $6E
Could you add before END ?
I'm curious though. The PSC firmware is still at Version 1. What update did you apply? I updated mine to include Servo32v9, and it still reported Ver 1.0.
Could you include the Propeller code?
Thanks for the help
I have loaded the software from Parallax!!!! (,ProductName) PSC Propeller Firmware (.zip)
The PSC Propeller Firmware.spin is datet 24.09.2009!!!.
Yesterday I found and installed the following files Servo32v8.spin and PSC Propeller Firmware V2.spin - and the controller work well again (PSC ver: 1.0)!!!!!!
I found today even better version, and I will also install PSC Propeller Firmware V2.1.spin and Servo32v9.spin
Klaus Gawelczyk
I also install Servo32v9 and it worked OK.
Please tell me where you got PSC Propeller Firmware V2.spin. Would like to take a look at it.
So you are running OK?
Ran fine here.
I have found the files here
Thank you for your help
Klaus Gawelczyk