Play WAV Files example @
NEVER MIND - got it working! Not sure what the issue was - I think the LED blink program kept being run and that was making the speaker click
Haven't got the hang of SimpleIDE yet.
I just tried to Play a WAV file per the example at using the Propeller Activity Board and VEHO speaker.
I am using a SanDisk 512MB SD card formatted as FAT.
It sounds nothing like the levels.wav file
The Parallax SD card description states that it is "Specially formatted to work with common Propeller file system drivers such as the Full Filesystem Driver or FSRW"
What special format does the Parallax card use?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Haven't got the hang of SimpleIDE yet.
I just tried to Play a WAV file per the example at using the Propeller Activity Board and VEHO speaker.
I am using a SanDisk 512MB SD card formatted as FAT.
It sounds nothing like the levels.wav file
The Parallax SD card description states that it is "Specially formatted to work with common Propeller file system drivers such as the Full Filesystem Driver or FSRW"
What special format does the Parallax card use?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.