"Revolutionary Space Diving Suit" - and 12Blocks...
Posts: 1,130
Here's a cool father's day present- and it mentions my 12Blocks...
Here's a cool father's day present- and it mentions my 12Blocks...
Do you get one of his Gravity Development Boards to help with 12Blocks support??
Wish they had mention Parallax Propeller in the quote
"The GDB will replace the Arduino Uno® as the preferred high-level prototyping environment"
So the Propeller is "Space qualified" ? When did that happen ?
Blaze recons on getting over a million dollars from his "Gravity Development Boards". Sounds like a lot of Props:)
I wonder if they're are talking about jumping from 100,000 feet, or do they really mean from space, which would be 62.5 miles or higher? I think the aerodynamic forces from jumping from space would be too high to survive with just a space suit. I also wonder about the gyro-boots that are used for stablization. And then there's the rocket motors used for landing during the final seconds of the descent. I think the developers may have read too many comic books and seen to many action movies while they should have been attending Physics classes.
What is the terminal velocity of a skydiver? From that we can work out what kind of thrust is going to be needed to slow you to soft landing speed at the last moment. Is it feasible to carry that size thruster and fuel?
I would have thought you would need something like the Rolls-Royce Thrust Measuring Rig from 1954. Forerunner to the jump jet. Perhaps a bit smaller with modern rocket power.
Are you saying "it's impossible" ?
Then it shall be done.