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Make a GUI... — Parallax Forums

Make a GUI...

markw8500markw8500 Posts: 3
edited 2013-08-14 06:36 in Robotics
I am new to micro controllers and I wanted to make a GUI to interface with it... I want to be able to send a string or integer to the controller which will cause it to preform different tasks... What is the best way to do that?


  • kwinnkwinn Posts: 8,697
    edited 2013-05-25 23:43
    A little more info is required. For instance, what microcontroller, what computer, and what operating system are you using for this? Also, what language for the GUI software?
  • markw8500markw8500 Posts: 3
    edited 2013-05-26 06:03
    My apologies... The microcontroller is a BS2 module but its not the REV-J... The chip is the PIC16F57-I/SS...

    As for the rest... I would like to do it in Java... But I can make an interface in just about any language then pass the data thru it in Java... Right now the computer is Windows XP... More than likely with will end up on a Linux box... I would also perfer to use USB vs. Serial... But at the same time... I want EASY... My XP box is an AMD processor and my Linux box is Intel...

    In a nutshell... Im going to have a server application that will pass/receive data to the BS2 in order to open and close a water solenoid... Then I'm going to have an app on my phone that will allow me to control it...
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2013-05-26 11:31
    Look at StampPlot Pro for an example of how to communicate information from a GUI on a PC to a Stamp. As far as the Stamp is concerned, the communications is via a serial port with text / numeric strings being exchanged. The Stamp uses SERIN and SEROUT statements and the PC end depends on the programming language being used, but it's the same text strings. Since you can build GUIs with StampPlot Pro, that may be enough by itself for your project.
  • markw8500markw8500 Posts: 3
    edited 2013-05-29 03:45
    Thanks Mike! But I was hoping to make something a little more independent... I was looking on line and I found a Java Serial API... I'll give that a shot today and let you know...
  • wespiecewespiece Posts: 6
    edited 2013-08-14 06:36
    PM me - I have a program already written that is doing exactly what you want. I can save you some headaches.
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