A couple of comments about the learning C course that Andy is creating
Actually it's currently one comment and one question. :cool:
The first is that when going through the exercise using pushbuttons for input it was mentioned that the programs wouldn't work with the resistive inputs on the quickstart board. Any one know the reason why?
The second has to do with a "parts kit" for the learning C course. Are there plans to provide one? I know that parallax sells "parts kits" for things like the PEK, etc. I think it would be helpful for someone that doesn't have parts bins loaded with LEDs, pushbuttons, appropriate resistors, etc. Rather than have to go through all the tutorials and figure out what's needed I know I would rather buy them all at once in a single package. I understand the course isn't complete and it may be a bit early to provide such a parts kit but I hope one is being planned.
The first is that when going through the exercise using pushbuttons for input it was mentioned that the programs wouldn't work with the resistive inputs on the quickstart board. Any one know the reason why?
The second has to do with a "parts kit" for the learning C course. Are there plans to provide one? I know that parallax sells "parts kits" for things like the PEK, etc. I think it would be helpful for someone that doesn't have parts bins loaded with LEDs, pushbuttons, appropriate resistors, etc. Rather than have to go through all the tutorials and figure out what's needed I know I would rather buy them all at once in a single package. I understand the course isn't complete and it may be a bit early to provide such a parts kit but I hope one is being planned.
That's interesting. Is the ina spin command doing something special that makes the inputs work?
I ask because with the QS powered from the usb port I can take it with me for "on the go puttering" without having to bring a power supply, leds, pushbuttons, etc. Just need the QS board, laptop and usb cable to do a lot of coding. The small size is an added bonus. I'm going to have to look for the C code that makes the QS work with C.
For Question 2, the answer is "We are working on it!" The parts used so far loosely follow the "What's a Microcontroller?" Parts Kit but it is likely we will be using a different combination for a starter kit.
Part of Quickstart Whack-a-mole demo, bottom of page.
Quickstart Button Spin/PASM
Reference http://www.parallaxsemiconductor.com/sites/default/files/parallax/TouchButtonsLEDDemov1.0_1.zip
Touch Buttons.spin
Steph, I'm glad to hear that there will be a parts kit offered. As I mentioned in my OP I understand that the tutorials aren't even close to being finished yet and as a result it's way to early to put together such a "kit".
I heard about the "learning C course" but did not know that it was available (beta?). Where did you take the document?
I think you're asking about where the Parallax Learn material is?
That's the site for the C learning course I was referring to.
Aside from the occasional "hello world" type program to convince myself I still remember C I haven't done any programming in it for better then 15 years! I've been going through the K&R book and find what Andy has done for Parallax to be an excellent refresher!
Frequently I look for any new lessons: Can you indicate on the 'Propeller C Tutorials' page if lessons have been updated or if any new lessons are available?
Glad you are enjoying them! Yes, I will post prominent notices on many web pages when tutorials have been added or changed, or when the Learn Library folder has been updated. There have not been any new tutorials lately. The developers are working hard to make improvements to the underlying libraries.