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putting code on a chip — Parallax Forums

putting code on a chip

byocbyoc Posts: 17
edited 2013-05-21 09:14 in BASIC Stamp
Hi. First post. I'd like to know what my options are or if it's even possible to compile the code to just a single microcontroller like the PIC12C508 for example.

I've just started experimenting with my BS2 module. Qbasic was the first programming language I learned and I was a VB6 programmer for a little while, so Basic Stamp makes a lot of sense to me and I'm having a lot of fun with it. However, size, cost, weight, etc., don't really make the module practical for actual physical use in a lot of the projects I'd like to try. I don't need the external EEPROM. I only need the microcontroller. I'm a total newb when it comes to the hardware aspect of microcontrollers. Is there some sort of compiler I can use to put the code I've written on a single chip? Or does basic stamp only work with the module.


  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2013-05-20 16:15
    You can get the basic stamp OEM which are the parts of the stamp module needed to make it work. Or you can use a microcontroller like the PIC or an Atmel (and many others) and use some form of programmer to burn the program into the chip. On the stamp the external EEPROM is where the program is stored.
  • byocbyoc Posts: 17
    edited 2013-05-20 16:29
    After poking around on the interwebs, I think I learned a bit more about programming/compiling to the MCU ala carte. BASCOM-AVR and something like this seem like what I'm looking for. Would this do the trick if all I want to do is put some simple code on an MCU with a few I/Os?
  • byocbyoc Posts: 17
    edited 2013-05-20 16:31
    Franklin wrote: »
    You can get the basic stamp OEM which are the parts of the stamp module needed to make it work. Or you can use a microcontroller like the PIC or an Atmel (and many others) and use some form of programmer to burn the program into the chip. On the stamp the external EEPROM is where the program is stored.

    I was looking as BASCOM and it appears very similar to Basic Stamp. Can basic stamp compile to the MCU with a programmer, or does it need the "interpreter" ?
  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2013-05-20 16:37
    Can basic stamp compile to the MCU with a programmer, or does it need the "interpreter" ?
    It needs the interpreter that is built into the chip. For a relatively cheap way to get into chip programming take a look at the Arduino. The chip has a bootloader programmed in but once you have working code loaded on the chip you can pull the chip out and use it in your own circuit. This might be a good first step but the programming language is more like c than basic.
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2013-05-20 21:17
    There are Basic compilers on the market (not free, but reasonably priced) that accept a Basic very close to PBasic and produce code for a variety of PICs. PICBasic Pro is one such. If you're making hundreds of devices or more, the cost of these sorts of development tools is neglectable. For making a couple of devices, I'd stick with the OEM version of the Stamps for ease of use and reliability.
  • byocbyoc Posts: 17
    edited 2013-05-21 09:14
    Thanks, Franklin and Mike!
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