PropBasic Popularity
Quote from another thread:
Hi Guys
If you could take the time to
1. Let me know the popularity of PropBasic i.e. anyone using it and if so some feedback.
2. What if anything it requires to make it more usable etc.
This is a survey of sorts.
Are we going to see some support for PropBASIC or are we stuck with GCC for a high level language when PASM-type performance is required?,
Hi Guys
If you could take the time to
1. Let me know the popularity of PropBasic i.e. anyone using it and if so some feedback.
2. What if anything it requires to make it more usable etc.
This is a survey of sorts.
Who knows? Clearly some people are using it, but there are no surveys and it would be difficult to do one in a meaningful way in a short period of time.
"more popular"
Usually tools become more popular when people do interesting projects and publish detailed descriptions of them that demonstrate their unique features. Parallax isn't going to do it for you and Bean is busy enough already
Also, I think that PropBasic can only address LMM, not to sure as too whether the "users" are using/need XMM capabilities. So, make it a stand alone project then maybe I would give it another try. Not to divert this thread, but what ever happened to Propeller Basic?
PropForth and Tachyon Forth are active and interactive. Both have said they will have Propeller 2 versions.
For early development of a product, where wiring and timing solutions need to be resolved, an interactive software is much faster, less frustrating than a write-compile-load language.
After you have verified all the details, it is much easier to switch over to Spin, C, or Pasm to complete your application.
At the least, download a copy of PropForth or Tachyon Forth and try it out. You may actual find you like it more than Basic on the Propeller.
Quote from Bean in another thread. He was asked if there would be a version of PropBasic for the Prop2: "Not unless the Prop2 IDE supports external compilers. I've put a lot of work into PropBasic and I've come the conclusion that unless you can use the Parallax IDE, the language will never really take off and be used by the masses."
So hence the survey.
Oh yes please.
How much and who do I pay it to.
Is Bean getting a share??
It will be free to download and use:)
All that said, Forth would be a huge leap for someone accustomed to BASIC. Certainly BASIC coders should be capable of grasping Forth, but how attractive an option learning Forth is for them is another question altogether.
Ok, NOW I'm getting excited about the prop2.
12 months ago it was the Raspberry Pi, but it only seems to really be useful with Linux.
I'm currently struggling with 'C' on the arduino it's ok but...
But a prop2 with propbasic is now my dream machine.
PropBASIC has helped me a few times with rapid prototype development that ultimately led to 2 successful project wins
There are many people on this forum that scoff at BASIC being a lesser language than their own preference but I think it's great for getting things working quickly and certainly shouldn't be underestimated.
Normally I'd use SPIN but for raw speed PropBASIC is perfect.
I really hope Bean can do a version for Prop2.
Bean's PropBasic is an excellent programming language for the Prop. It generates both COG PASM and LMM PASM. I think of PropBasic as a high-level assembly language for the Prop. I agree with the comment that PropBasic would be more highly utilized if it had it's own IDE.
I wonder if instead of it "just going away" if Bean would ever consider opening up the source to that effort?
Looks like Batang has time and has something started using Visual Studio. He does good work, and I look forward to seeing the IDE develop. Hopefully Bean will work closely with Batang to make the tool fit nicely.
Bean is right, but surely external compiler support is a 'no brainer' on any serious IDE ?
All it needs (initially) is a means to call a batch file, and then download the output code.
That gets you a 'build and send' working system.
Next to add are things like
* Syntax Highlighting (but someone can use an external editor in the short term)
* Symbols and Simulation
I look forward to working with Batang on an IDE, but would still like to get it into the "official" propeller IDE (I guess that is SimpleIDE now).
From what I've seen of the Prop2 the conversion will not be simple. The compiler was a translation of SXB and the code is best called "a mess that works". Much of the code is written to look for special cases to make the code as small as possible to fit within the cogs limited RAM.
It also trys to generate code that can be easily understood by someone wanting to learn PASM.
For all it's faults it is one thing..."FAST". Being a single pass compiler means it compiles quickly. And because it looks for all these special cases, the generated code is pretty fast for compiled BASIC.
For those interested, the compiler is written in Delphi 7 and can be compiled with lazarus with very few changes. (This is what BradC did for BST).
I think if I were to make a Prop2 version, I would like to start fresh and make something easier to use at the expense of generating easily understandable PASM code. One thing for sure it would have complete expression evaluation. This is one thing I never liked about the current version.
Maybe you can port the expression parser you wrote for your embedded basic? :-)
I would suggest that anyone that can use a calculator can use forth. And not an RPN calculator, I could never figure those out.
Is there a count of downloads for any versions?
What problems occur if you try to use this with SimpleIDE ?
A quick look at SimpleIDE pdf shows two exe's it can call, with a search option.
One is compiler is propellor-elf--gcc.exe and the other is bstc.exe
Compiler error messages seem to be Filename:line#:Col#:ErrorString
None of that looks too specialized ?
I'm one of those BASIC scoffers. Yet your comment brings to mind a situation once where I had a 5KW device I needed to control, and my only asset was an old-fashioned IBM PC - I mean with an 8088 and the original green screen monitor. So I clipped an SSR to the speaker inside the case and used SOUND commands in BASICA to drive the SSR directly. It took 30 minutes to implement and was a rousing success that was used for years afterward. A propensity to scoff at BASIC must be, in part, culturally inspired. It certainly isn't because it is useless, or anything like that.
It already has broken away from BST. The .exe runs very nicely under Geany, Notepad++, etc. when they're properly configured.