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Safety reminder for things with motors — Parallax Forums

Safety reminder for things with motors

JasonDorieJasonDorie Posts: 1,930
edited 2013-05-16 22:41 in Robotics
I occasionally browse for news and stuff, and saw this post today:

I've been clipped before, but this guy came close to losing a finger.

I know that things with sharp parts mounted to motors are dangerous - I occasionally fly airplanes and helicopters that are large enough to kill you, but with the quad on the bench, I'm usually a little lax. The above post was a nice reminder of why that's a bad idea, and I thought it was worth passing along.

It motivated me to add an arm/disarm sequence to my new quad (which, up to this point, it hasn't had). I've always had one on the Sport / Open boards, but they have a speaker and an LED, so it's easy to give feedback. Tonight I soldered on a speaker. :)

Here's the sequence on an Elev-8 :

Play safe, kids. :)
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