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Stingray motor shaft diameter - wheel hub size question — Parallax Forums

Stingray motor shaft diameter - wheel hub size question

tomega3tomega3 Posts: 14
edited 2013-05-15 14:56 in Robotics
Anybody know what the shaft diameter and shaft length is on the motors that come with the Stingray kit?

I really like the kit and its wheels but I would like a slower motor with an encoder. I am looking at using the motor listed below but am unsure if it will work with the Stingrays wheel hubs. I may have to drill new mounting holes in the Stingrays motor mount plates to use this motor.

Are spare motor mount plates available for the Stingray incase I need them?

Pololu 100:1 Metal Gearmotor 37Dx57L mm with 64 CPR Encoder


  • dgatelydgately Posts: 1,628
    edited 2013-05-15 06:21
    From the Stingray documentation:


    Not sure about the mount holes on the Pololu motor but I think they fit the Stingray.

    889 x 675 - 333K
  • tomega3tomega3 Posts: 14
    edited 2013-05-15 07:51
    Thank you very much for the info, I really appreciate it.

    Now to find out if the pololu motor will fit the stingray wheel hub and mounting plate holes.
    I'll let you know hat I find out.

    Anybody know if spare stingray parts are available such as motor mounting plates, sensor plates and decks?
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,255
    edited 2013-05-15 08:45
    Hopefully Roy Eltham will chime in here shortly. IIRC, he was swapping numerous gearmotors (inc. Pololu) into the Stingray.

    Don't be afrain to build your own wheel encoders. IMO it's a rite of passage for every robot builder! :)

    I'm partway thru making wheel encoders on my Stingray, BTW, using $1 sensors.
  • dgatelydgately Posts: 1,628
    edited 2013-05-15 13:51
    tomega3 wrote: »
    Now to find out if the pololu motor will fit the stingray wheel hub and mounting plate holes.

    Anybody know if spare stingray parts are available such as motor mounting plates, sensor plates and decks?

    The Stingray wheels and hex bushings are from: BaneBots

    Not sure of the size, but the Stingray docs can help you with that. You can buy bushings to adapt to your motor if its shaft size is different than the stock Stingray motor shafts.

    You can PM me if you cannot find Stingray chassis parts as I have a few spares thanks to the recent Official Propeller Conference "free parts table"

  • tomega3tomega3 Posts: 14
    edited 2013-05-15 14:56
    Hi dgately,
    Thanks for the link to banebots. What a great site.

    I am to blame for not finding the shaft diameter and length info in the stingray documentation pdf file listed on the stingray purchase page. Somehow in the last couple of weeks a different pdf viewer got installed on my pc in place of Adobe. Apparemtly this 'new' pdf viewer and I have issues.
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