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Solar powered blinking soldering kit. — Parallax Forums

Solar powered blinking soldering kit.

LawsonLawson Posts: 870
edited 2013-05-12 17:42 in Robotics
My sister and I have a small venture together using electronic parts and manufacturing to make jewelery pieces. We've come out with our first soldering kit. It's a simple square circuit that is charged by the sun or USB and blinks two LEDs. [video=vimeo;66022982] The circuit is ultra low power and will run/charge on even dim natural or incandescent light.

We've got an inscrutable showing how it's built. Solar-powered-Blinky-LED-Jewelry/ And we have parts kits available on our Etsy site. LumenJewelry

1024 x 1364 - 112K


  • ercoerco Posts: 20,255
    edited 2013-05-12 17:42
    Inscrutable! :)

    Mightn't it be possible to go into exothermic regeneration by pointing those same LEDs directly at the solar cell, thus harnessing and ambiglifying the ambient quiescent energy level in a self-optimizing, perpetually powered bridge accelerator ladder which would ultimately slash gaping rents in the very fabric of the time space continuum?

    Well, maybe year two...
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