Help with using Propforth v5.5 in Parallax Serial Terminal
Posts: 68
I have loaded the devkernal.spin into my QuickStart EEROM and now want to test using PST to run a simple forth command. If I type in 1 3 -100 and then RETURN, shouldn't I see in the terminal window something like Prop0 cog6 ok ? What I'm I doing wrong? Maybe I don't understand how the terminal is supposed to respond? I am new to forth and new to terminal windows.
Please try below;
Speed: 230400bps
Data: 8bit
Parity: None
Stop: 1bit
FlowControl: None
In case of PST, setting are speed and COMport.
I recommend to use TeraTerm.
Please post question in
I mean, thanks CASKAZ