Four (4) Propeller Activity Boards in stock - buy now or wait...,ProductName
For our forum members, I don't want you to be without this board. Although we built 500 they were gone in a flash, and the next 800 and 1000 units are in the queue.
If you're on the fence, just grab one of these four units now because they'll be gone in a few minutes after I post this message.
Ken Gracey
For our forum members, I don't want you to be without this board. Although we built 500 they were gone in a flash, and the next 800 and 1000 units are in the queue.
If you're on the fence, just grab one of these four units now because they'll be gone in a few minutes after I post this message.
Ken Gracey
Paying tax is cheaper than shipping on this item! Microcenter is just down the road for me.
They REALLY are a nice little board!!
MicroCenter got in on the Initial Propeller Activity Board offering, so they should have a few hundred in short order.
This board and the associated program have generated a lot of excitement and the 500 units we built were gone before they were available for sale.
And I'm pretty sure that Propeller Powered got a batch, too.
You can also pick up the compatible PropBOE I/O shield at the same time.
by the way, does anyone know what time of day the postal service picks up from parallax? got it into my head to calculate the average package velocity.
Thanks for the compliment on the quality. USPS pickup at Parallax is about 3:00 pm, but our order close is around 2:00 pm (Pacific).
from the time it left your doors, the package traveled about 2700 miles in approximately 42 hours for an average speed of just over 64 mph
Boe-Bot upgrade time!
For Science!
We are currently taking back orders of this product which will ship on Thursday 5/16/13.
The Propeller Activity Board combined with a Propellerpowered I/O shield is a winning combination.
Nine units in stock this afternoon.