BOE Bot calibration help
I am teaching a unit using the BOE Bot USB edition and my students are running into problems with calibration. Specifically they are calibrating thier robots to go in straight lines with nice 90 degree turns one class but then when they come back next class the programs they wrote previously are no where near what the robot now does. The differences between one day and the next is quite large (ex. one group calibrated it to go straight for 1.5m and now with the same program it is going only about 0.6m) The robots also are curving heavily on commands that previously caused them to move straight. We have troubleshot everything we can think of and I can find nothing that will help except re-calibrating everything which is taking them most of our classtime so they aren't able to move forward with programming it to navigate the perscribed course. Can someone please help me figure out what is happening and/or offer a solution for htis problem?
Without an encoder, unfortunately, you're left with the vagueries of an open loop, which behavior you've noted here.