Prop and PINK
Posts: 3,629
With the help of some great Forum members I was able to get my PINK to work with my stamp and turn a light on using a web page. Now I want to do the same thing with a Prop. Does anyone have an easy object to do this with? I have the Pink2 and PINK2 object but it uses external EEPROM and I do not want to use that. I just want a quick and easy program that turns on an LED via an HTML page. I have the HTML code I need. Being very new to Spin I like to get things set up and working with my Stamp first and then the Prop.Thanks for the help.
If you're talking about using a Prop with a PING, all you need to do is use FullDuplexSerial or Simple_Serial or one of the other asynchronous serial I/O drivers. Start with the BS2_Functions object which provides a lot of the Stamp's functionality as Spin subroutine (method) calls including serial I/O (like SERIN and SEROUT). We're only talking about a serial I/O connection between the Prop and the PINK. Use a 3.3K resistor in series between the PINK's transmit output and the Prop pin you're using for serial input. You don't have to have a resistor the other way (Prop transmit to PINK receive).