Spinnernet Vs. PINK

With the help of Ron C and others I have successfully programmed my PINK to turn on an LED over my internal network. I have electronics items in my monthly budget but until now I was unable to swing for a Spinnernet. So my question is, what are the distinct advantages of using a Spinnernet over a PINK? I am mostly interested in having the module control items in my home over the Internet. With a bit of coding and manipulation and other hardware I plan to set up my home so that I can turn on and off the lights and other devices and lock/unlock my doors. This will be done via the Internet and my cell phone. I am currently able to monitor everything that goes on over the Internet using CCTV cameras that are accessible online. I just want to modernize my old home and then eventually add this as another Service to offer my customers.
Spinnernet: $59.99
Pink $130.00
Raspberry Pi $35
Updated Prop->W5100 driver and supporting libraries.
I do like the NetBurner products (PINK) they are very powerful and can handle encryption.
Actually, I think the PINK is also known as the SB70 and can be bought for $79 - still not cheap...
Note: I found this on the NetBurner site:
From a programmer perspective, switching between a W5200 and W5100 is an OBJ reference. Of course, you must have the correct driver file in the project directory.