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communicating Basic stamp 2 with Visual Basic 6.0 — Parallax Forums

communicating Basic stamp 2 with Visual Basic 6.0

dimbildimbil Posts: 1
edited 2013-04-21 08:33 in BASIC Stamp
I am having 3 push-buttons and the servo connected on the basic stamp
In a form of my basic VB 6.0 program I have a command button
When I press any of the 3 push buttons, I want to receive it's signal in my VB6.0 program and anytime I press the command buttton on the form, I want toactivate the servo to turn for about +90 degrees and return back
In the code that I have written, I am able to activate the servo and make itturn at anytime when pressing the command button in my VB 6.0 code but I am notable to read the signals into my VB 6.0 when pressing any of the 3 push-buttons
I am attaching my code
Can anyone help me?
I would very much appreciate your help
If you have any suggestions, you can write to my e-mail address which is :

Sincerely Yours,
Bill Dimitriou


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2013-04-21 08:33
    Here's a link to a forum thread with some good examples of the use of VB with a Stamp. Remember that the programming port (#16) is not like using other I/O pins in that it echos any incoming data back to the PC and the normal Baud is 9600 (except for the BS2px where it's 19200). With the SERIN / SEROUT statements, you can override this, but most Stamps can't reliably receive serial data beyond 9600 Baud.
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