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Parallax 28140 RFID Reader Newb Question — Parallax Forums

Parallax 28140 RFID Reader Newb Question

JcStipJcStip Posts: 1
edited 2013-04-15 20:30 in Accessories
I just bought a Parallax 28140 RFID Reader.I hooked it up to my computer VIA a serial to USB connection. I also installedChris Savages RFID reader program. When I flag the RFID reader with the supplied card I get a tag ID of "6???u}s?{?". If I use the ArduinoSerial Monitor Tool I get a tag ID of "½6öööu}s™". Are either ofthese correct?

My goal is to send the tag ID from the 28140 to an ATTINY2313. Right now when Iuse the Tag ID that I get from the RFID reader program/Arduino it doesn't work.Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2013-04-15 09:37
    First of all, is tihs USB to serial adapter at TTL level or RS-232 level? If RS-232 you have or are damaging the RFID Reader. Is the baud rate set to 2400bps? If your adapter has an RS-232 interface not only will the voltages be too high for the RFID reader but the data will be inverted, resulting in incorrect data coming through.

    As a note I am moving this thread to the sensors forum since this is not the correct forum for it (off-topic).
  • NWCCTVNWCCTV Posts: 3,629
    edited 2013-04-15 20:30
    I have found that any time I am dealing with Baud Rates and data, garbled numbers/letters almost always leads to an incorrect baud rate on either the TX side, the RX side or both.
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