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AP16+ issues — Parallax Forums

AP16+ issues

alnajjar1alnajjar1 Posts: 110
edited 2013-04-14 12:04 in BASIC Stamp
I purchased this item from Parallax as it has many appealing features. The documentation is clear but has holes. For example, there is no pin-out documentation on the serial connector. The sample code references only one IO to the AP16+ so I assume the W pin is serial, R is +5 and B is gnd. However, when I run the sample code it doesn't work. I know my sample audio works because I made an exact copy and called it AMBIENT.WAV and it worked when I set switch 6 to ON. It plays beautifully.

Any help? Are there more detailed documentation of the board? Is there any details on the jumper?

many thanks,



  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2013-04-13 20:23
    The AP-16+ was designed and is made by EFX-TEK and their website has the documentation as well as sample code for their Stamp-based prop controllers. The connector uses a standard arrangement used for sensors and effectors (motors for example) where the R (red) lead is the positive power lead, the B (black) lead is ground (both power and signal), and the W (white) lead is the signal, in this case the serial connection. Which sample code are you using and what microcontroller are you using? How is it hooked up?
  • alnajjar1alnajjar1 Posts: 110
    edited 2013-04-14 04:43
    I am using BS2. on the Stamp side, the W lead is connected to p7. Red to +5 and Black to gnd. This is exactly how you explain above. The sample code is from the Parallax site. I simply changed the p15 to p7.
  • PropNut1960PropNut1960 Posts: 23
    edited 2013-04-14 05:46
    Do you have the BR dip switch ON? This sets the baud rate to 38400.
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2013-04-14 07:55
    All of the configuration switches should be off and you should use 2400 Baud at least until you're sure everything works. 2400 Baud is more reliable than 38400 Baud when using a BS2. Receiving at 38400 Baud is very marginal with the BS2. It's just not fast enough.

    Does anything work with the test program? If some parts work, which are they? What happens with the other parts?
  • alnajjar1alnajjar1 Posts: 110
    edited 2013-04-14 08:26
    thanks Mike, the issue was using the wrong command. I used "PS" instead of "PW". It is all good.

    Is it normal that the relay engages every time the sound is played or is it some setting/jumper that needs to be changed? Again, documentation is not very clear. I am spoiled with Parallax's perfect documentations.

  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2013-04-14 08:39
    Read the bottom of page 5 of the documentation for how to disable the relay.
  • alnajjar1alnajjar1 Posts: 110
    edited 2013-04-14 12:04
    Many thanks...that was tucked away!
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