Simple - no response
Kirk Fraser
Posts: 364
It has to be a simple problem I'm overlooking. F10 or F11 loads this code to my Prop with no errors but it won't show anything on serial terminal. The terminal is set to Com3 57600 and fails even after F11, hit Enable, then the Prop reset switch to give it the best chance of working. Thanks.
OBJ STrm : "Parallax Serial Terminal" 'Access SerTerm Object con _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 6_000_000 ' use 6MHz crystal CLK_FREQ = ((_clkmode - xtal1) >> 6) * _xinfreq PUB ComTest | x STrm.Start (57600) 'Initialize timing, Rx and Tx pins for DEBUG repeat x := 26 STrm.Str(string(13,"Test dec: ")) STrm.Dec(x) STrm.LineFeed STrm.Str(string(13,"Test hex: ")) STrm.hex(x,1) STrm.LineFeed STrm.Str(string(13,"Test bin: ")) STrm.bin(x,12) STrm.LineFeed STrm.Str(string(10)) waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)
Yes, it takes a magnifying glass to read it but it's a 6.000
Is this a standard Parallax board? Should be 5.0 Mhz. 6.25 Mhz is another optional xtal that Parallax sells. I don't believe they sell a 6.0 Mhz.
Is your Propeller chip actually on COM3:? You may have another choice in PST.
No it's a custom board with a Digi Key crystal. F7 says it's on COM3.
Do you have a part number for the crystal?
The part number on the part is TXC 6.000c8H
This part is no longer found at DigiKey or on Google. So maybe I need to buy another one. I don't understand why it will program with it but not run.
Almost looks like a part number for a Temperature compensated crystal oscillators (TCXO) which might have different capacitive characteristics.
Check out page 68 of the Propeller Manual Ver. 1.2. If it's an external Oscillator, you may want to try XINPUT instead of XTAL1.
Worth a try. Got a picture of it?
The part number is likely TXCo6.000c8H but I didn't put in the small o as it looks like a square. The part looks just like a Parallax crystal.
Thanks for the ideas on how programming can work but not run.
I am sure my 3.3V is ok but I've moved since I did much work on the PCB so I have misplaced lots like spare LED's. So I'll try the program change then buy some LED's to see if the Prop works.