Philips to unveil new LED technology
The technical milestone the company claims to have achieved is the ability to produce 200 lumens of light per watt. A lumen is the standard measure of the amount of light a lamp casts in a given area.
According to Mark Hand, a technology expert at Philips competitor Acuity Brands Inc., that's about twice the output per watt of the best fluorescent tubes currently on the market; he estimated the best LED lamps may get up to 120 lumens per watt.
The technical milestone the company claims to have achieved is the ability to produce 200 lumens of light per watt. A lumen is the standard measure of the amount of light a lamp casts in a given area.
According to Mark Hand, a technology expert at Philips competitor Acuity Brands Inc., that's about twice the output per watt of the best fluorescent tubes currently on the market; he estimated the best LED lamps may get up to 120 lumens per watt.
200 lumens per watt and decent quality control would certainly be a game changer.
They compare a LAB R&D LED, that will not ship until 2015, with production LEDs shipping now..
They even have to admit Cree are way ahead, and shipping 200 l/w today, but try to claim Philips will have better Colour temp.
I am sure Cree will be better, in 2015 too !!
A lot of the 'cheap' LED lights burn ut fast because they're running the LEDs at much higher power than they're designed for.
Even latest leds with acceptable CRI deliver only 45-65lm/w today...
They run them with way too much voltage, and that gives a TINY bit more brightness, and reduces life to 1/10 or worse. Sounds stupid, but I guess it sell more diodes. So instead of getting the first run bulb replacements (which are major Smile still), just get the raw LED and DIY.
IF you get a 12 volt super bright LED, and run it at 10 volts, (the ones I have) last and last. Instead of using 1 @ 12 V, I do 2 or 3 at 10V. Its way brighter and should last longer than I'll live.
There are some new Phillips 40 watt replacement bulbs that have pretty good color; but I'm waiting until the 800 lumen 60 watt replacements are under $9 before I go swapping out all the lights in the house. By that time, I may have everything already 12 volt indirect lighting.
I do the same. CFL's started bad, but got better; LED's start terrible and are getting better. Even so, being 10x better than incandescent. its better to replace with the LED's when an incandescent or CFL burns out, IF you can spot the LED that is the best bang for the buck. Which is the most lumens per watt, from the best name, for under $9
It also helps to return the defective ones to replace them for free while quality is getting sorted out.