Testing the status of a hinge
Posts: 6
I want to build a device that can test the 'closedness' or status of a hinge. So the hinge would be fully open and would be able to close 90 degrees (like a door hinge for example) So one extreme it would be completely flat and the other extreme it would be a right angle. Does anybody have any ideas how I could test that status of the hinge and return the angle of the hinge?
If you need analog,(anywhere between full closed and full open,) then a variable resistor seems like it might work.
As for how to attach any of the above, will need a bit more information about what it is going to be attached...
It would appear that the sensor you might consider is a deflection or bending sensor.
A quick 'Google' brought up this:
Is this approach of any value?
cheers, David
I'd go first to the hall effect sensor, although what you say about cross talk between neighboring fingers could be a problem. Maybe smaller magnets and detectors close to the joint.
Another thing that comes to mind is the inductive variometer principle. Have one coil excited by a high frequency and another coil is a pickup. The signal picked up is a function of the position of the two coils. You might arrange it as rings, one on each joint of the finger (insert grain of uncertainty here). The signals could be separated by selective drive to the coils, or by different frequencies, or by something like PhiPi's recent Walsh functions thread. Would be a nice Prop application.
you are correct in your assumption with relation to two parallel coils (hinge closed) versus two perpendicular coils (hinge open).
If he goes with two open coils, the general rule of thumb is that the average diameter of the coil equates the the outward sensing distance for open air coils.
So the distance from center to center of the open hinge needs to be determined. i.e. on my office door that's about 2 inches. So my average coil diameter should be at least that. So to fit in the door jam I made a coil that's 2 inches by 1 inch (see attached image) ... average diameter about 1.5 inches and it's just barely enough to sense a reading... I would go larger to make the full 2 inch average at least.
Note: the "red" coil that you see is literally a single loop of wire. This would prevent the door (the moving part of the hinge) to require any power.
A simple LC oscillator should work. Attached is an example of one that I am using...
Note: the output frequency is high in the MHz usually, so you will need to divide it down with something like a 4040B as shown in this e-bay item.
I don't suppose you could tell us what you want to accomplish with this? It would keep the guessing down.
You original question used a door hinge example. You'd likely use very different methods to measure the angle of a door hinge than you would to measure the position of a finger.
What kind of gloves? Do you assume the glove is needed to attach the sensors or do you have a specific glove in mind?
Do you want to measure the angle of each joint in each finger or do you care more where the tip of the finger is?
There are so many different ways to do this and a lot will depend on the specific requirements you have. Is this an input device for a vehicle? Game?
More information on your end goal would be helpful.
Alternatively find a semi conducting elastomer and measure the stretch directly as changing resistance of the tape. The spongy stuff that comes with IC's have this property - go ahead and measure resistance of one while pressing down on it.
Example using a BIC pen and a piece of coat hanger, but a coffee straw and steel cable would work just as well...
The basic oscillator schematic can be located in post #9 of this thread, then simply divide the frequency down with a 4040B (12-stage binary ripple counter) and use a Basic Stamp or Propeller to read the pulse width or count the number pulses over a fixed time period.
TV commercial at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMkTq3NW-jE
Have you considered doing a patent search on this sort of thing? People have been doing virtual reality gloves for decades, so I'm guessing many of the problems you are likely to wrestle with have already been solved. Just a thought.