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Can the spinneret use destination port values > 32767?? — Parallax Forums

Can the spinneret use destination port values > 32767??

RforbesRforbes Posts: 281
edited 2013-04-08 01:20 in Accessories
Hey all,

I've been working on an ftp object, and I've successfully gotten the spinneret to upload files to an ftp server using the raw EPSV, PORT and PASV commands.

However, I cannot get my data port to connect to the ftp server if I try to use any destination port # above 32767.

Port 32767 and below work fine, and I'm struggling to understand the 5100 driver code... assembly still looks like jibberish to me! :)

In httpserv we define the destination ports as a word sized value, but it looks like the 5100 assembly driver would accept a long value. But I can't seem to make it work.

Any quick thoughts? As always, thanks in advance!



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