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Chapter 03 - Reaction Timer Game - Alternate program with a different Circuit — Parallax Forums

Chapter 03 - Reaction Timer Game - Alternate program with a different Circuit

AndyMenonAndyMenon Posts: 26
edited 2013-04-22 07:09 in BASIC Stamp
Hi Folks,

Total Parallax Noobie here icon7.png If I've posted this in the wrong section, I apologize in advance.

Here's my first attempt at writing a program for the Reaction Timer Game from Chapter 03 in the Parallax Basic Stamp "What's a Microcontroller" book.
For those who're already familiar with this, I haven't yet included the random timer feature because I wanted this program to swith LED colors within the predicatable time of 1 second to test the cheat feature.

Here are some of my changes:
  1. I lost the Bi-Color LED, and therefore used the Dual LED program from Chapter 03 with the pull-down resistor. Pic is attached .
    • For now, the upper push button has no part to play in the game, and can therefore be ignored
  2. My program manipulates the 2 LEDs to change colors instead of working with a single Bi-Color LED.
  3. Also, I have incorporated an alternate solution to detect if the player is letting go of the button before the LED turns yellow and displays a message appropriately.
Please let me know what you think. Here's the pic below, and the code has been attached to this post as well.03_05_ReactionTimer_Game_Program.bs2




  • Daveb1972Daveb1972 Posts: 1
    edited 2013-04-06 19:22
    I had similar aspirations, and came up with this code, that also flashed the winning side when played away from the computer.
    ' What's a Microcontroller - ReactionTimerRandomTwoPlayer.Bs2
    ' Test random reaction time with a pushbutton and a Bicolor LED.
    ' Added second player, with second pushbutton. Both players
    ' play at once using the same LED. Quikest to release wins. Includes random switchtime, and anti cheat code.
    ' Pin P3: Player A pushbutton, Active High
    ' Pin P4: Player B pushbutton, Active High
    ' {$STAMP BS2}
    ' {$PBASIC 2.5}
    PAUSE 1000
    timecounter VAR Byte
    timecounter2 VAR Byte
    timecounterA VAR Word
    timecounterB VAR Word
    value VAR Byte
    value = 23
    DEBUG "Press and hold Pushbuttons", CR,
          "to make the LED turn Red",CR ,CR,
          "When LED turns Green, let",CR,
          "go as fast as you can.", CR, CR
      LOOP UNTIL (IN3 = 1) AND (IN4 = 1)
        HIGH 14
        LOW 15
        RANDOM value
        DEBUG "Delay: ", ? 1000 + (value*4), CR
        PAUSE 1000 + (value*4)
        LOW 14
        HIGH 15
      timecounterA = 0
      timecounterB = 0
        PAUSE 1
        IF (IN3 = 1) THEN
         timecounterA = timecounterA + 1
        IF (IN4 = 1) THEN
         timecounterB = timecounterB + 1
      LOOP UNTIL (IN3 = 0) AND (IN4 = 0)
        IF (timecounterA <=2) OR (timecounterB <=2) THEN
          DEBUG CLS, HOME, "You Must wait for the LED to change to Green...FAIL!", CR, CR
                 timecounter2 = 0
            DEBUG "NO CHEATING!", CR
            LOW 15
            HIGH 14
            PAUSE 250
            HIGH 15
            LOW 14
            PAUSE 250
            timecounter2 = timecounter2 + 1
          LOOP UNTIL timecounter2 = 20
            DEBUG CLS, HOME, "To play again, hold the", CR,
                  "button down.", CR, CR
          ELSEIF (timecounterA >1) AND (timecounterB >1) THEN
            LOW 15
            LOW 14
            timecounterA = timecounterA */254
            timecounterB = timecounterB */254
            DEBUG "Player A Time: ", DEC timecounterA," ms.", CR, CR,
                  "Player B Time: ", DEC timecounterB," ms.", CR, CR
            IF (timecounterA < timecounterB) THEN
            DEBUG "Player A Wins!!!", CR
            timecounter = 0
            LOW 15
            HIGH 14
            PAUSE 250
            LOW 14
            PAUSE 125
            timecounter = timecounter + 1
            LOOP UNTIL timecounter = 10
            ELSEIF (timecounterB < timecounterA) THEN
            DEBUG "Player B Wins!!!", CR
            timecounter = 0
            LOW 14
            HIGH 15
            PAUSE 250
            LOW 15
            PAUSE 125
            timecounter = timecounter + 1
            LOOP UNTIL timecounter = 10
            DEBUG "It's a Tie!", CR
             timecounter = 0
            LOW 15
            HIGH 14
            PAUSE 125
            HIGH 15
            LOW 14
            PAUSE 125
            timecounter = timecounter + 1
            LOOP UNTIL timecounter = 10
            LOW 15
            LOW 14
          DEBUG "To play again, hold the", CR,
                "buttons down again.", CR, CR
          LOW 14
          LOW 15
  • AndyMenonAndyMenon Posts: 26
    edited 2013-04-07 12:20
    Nice! The reason I wrote my code the way I did is because when reading through the ReactionTimer example in the BasicStamp Text, the Item3 fix where the program detects the player is cheating using that 2 second check kind of confused me.

    Here's what I mean - In the pseudocode section, we have 3 items to fix

    Item 1 Fix: Removing the PAUSE 1 inside the FOR LOOP removes the code overage
    Item 2 Fix: Adding randomness to the LED change time, increases the pause time from 1 to 2 seconds
    Item 3 Fix: In the pseudocode section there are 2 conditions:

    If timeCounter <=2
    Display Cheat Message
    Else (if timeCounter > 1)
    Display ReactionTime

    But when timeCounter > 1, it may also mean that it can fall under the first condition timeCounter <=2, in which case the program never gets to go into the Else condition.
    Am I reading this wrong, or does my reasoning make sense?

    Thanks and Happy Coding!
  • JLockeJLocke Posts: 354
    edited 2013-04-22 07:09
    It would sure seem so. But I think the order of execution is important here. The apparent 'failing' case is when timeCounter = 2. In that instance, timeCounter IS less than or equal to 2, AND timeCounter is greater than 1. But if you look at the code, when timeCounter equals 1 or 2, then the first condition (timeCounter <= 2) is TRUE and DisplayCheatMessage is called and the 'if' test ends ('Else' is never run, because the 'If' condition was TRUE). If timeCounter is > 2, then the first condition is FALSE, but the 'else' condition is still TRUE (timeCounter > 1), so DisplayReactionTime is called.

    Does that make sense?
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