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Need help making Science Fair display board light up with PIR motion sensor — Parallax Forums

Need help making Science Fair display board light up with PIR motion sensor

DareDare Posts: 1
edited 2013-04-01 14:30 in Accessories
I have no experience in circuits and am looking for a simple way to make 2 LED UV flashlights turn on when someone walked up to a science fair display board. I purchased the PIR Motion Sensor (555-28027-RT) at Radio Shack and was hoping within the package or on Google I could find a simple wiring diagram. There are some great projects out there, but I could not find a simple one that would have a relay for two flashlights with 3 "AAA" batteries (4.5 volts each). Any help with basic wire diagram and what to buy at Radio Shack would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, happy Easter too!


  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2013-04-01 14:30
    You will probably need a few more parts to make this work. First modify the flashlights so you have connections that, when shorted will turn on the light. If you want the lights to stay on for a set amount of time you will need some kind of timer, this could be as simple as a 555 timer chip and a few resistors and caps. you will also need a MOSFET or transistor to handle the current needed by the lights.
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