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Cheap Robots - Inspired by OBC and erco's Chinese Steppers — Parallax Forums

Cheap Robots - Inspired by OBC and erco's Chinese Steppers

mindrobotsmindrobots Posts: 6,506
edited 2013-03-09 18:39 in Robotics
These are wonderful inexpensive, quick and easy to build robots built mostly along the lines of Jeff's (OldBitCollector) great Instructable for Robotics on a Budget.

My 11 year old daughter finished her chassis today in about an hour and then we wired both of them up and loaded the stepper test program. THEY'RE ALIVE!!!!!

Tomorrow, we'll add the utrasonic sensors and maybe the Bluetooth and take them to our 4-H robotics meeting on Monday. Without the Quickstart, we have about $12.50 plus tape and velcro invested in each one.

They went together very easily by following Jeff's Instructable for the most part (we may have changed a few things:innocent:).

There will be more to come as we add features and play more with these little fellas!! :smile:

All the hardware can be purchased from PropellerPowered if you want to try one without chasing parts all over ebay!


  • shimniokshimniok Posts: 177
    edited 2013-03-09 18:39
    Sweet! I love the idea of inexpensive robots as a great way for more people to get involved in the hobby.
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