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Cannot get piezospeaker to "beep" in activity three — Parallax Forums

Cannot get piezospeaker to "beep" in activity three

neidpathneidpath Posts: 3
edited 2013-03-08 11:38 in BASIC Stamp

Need help.

Trying to run run the Start/Reset Indicator circuit and while the program runs and gives the expected messages, I cannot get the speaker to "beep"

I have checked the wiring and code and everything seems right.


What setting should the on/off switch be set at - 1 or 2.?
Does it matter what colour the jumper wires are?
Could the batteries be going flat and affecting the "beep"?

Any help would be appreciated.



  • davejamesdavejames Posts: 4,047
    edited 2013-03-08 11:37
    ...what is the proposed frequency of the "beep"?
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2013-03-08 11:38
    What board are you using? Is it a Board of Education? What activity #3 do you mean? Are you referring to "What's a Microcontroller?" If so, what page #?

    "What setting ... ?" - Either switch setting should do. The difference between setting #1 and setting #2 is that power to the servo sockets is only on in position #2.

    "Does it matter what colour ... ?" - No. The colour is for your benefit (and that of others who may look at your project) to indicate what signal is carried in the wire. Usually red indicates (+) or Vdd while black indicates (-) or Vss or ground (earth).

    " ... batteries ... flat ... ?" - Maybe, but it's more likely that the wiring is incorrect.
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