Prop using an ADC as EKG
I thought this may be helpful for some of you out there. While crusing the hack a day archives with the search term "Propeller" I found this little gem:
Although iv'e been to Rayman's site many times I some how missed this little DIY EKG. I know almost all of us have the polar set up but maybe you don't, or maybe the waste band is just not convenient as you only need a quick heart rate read once... At any rate here is an EKG using nothing but an A to D and Propeller!
Although iv'e been to Rayman's site many times I some how missed this little DIY EKG. I know almost all of us have the polar set up but maybe you don't, or maybe the waste band is just not convenient as you only need a quick heart rate read once... At any rate here is an EKG using nothing but an A to D and Propeller!
Have ordered a couple of them and will post my experiences with it once I have a chance to try them out. Goes for about 20 euros (presumably around $28 US as they were $28 CAD from a Canadian distributor). Uses limb leads with ground lead being leg. My preference is for chest leads and third lead can go anywhere that have close resistance between the two chest leads.
I wish I had more time to play with this as I know my unit is Very accurate for what it is and would make a Great CAL source
Want to do a similar thing now, but this time for a strain guage...
It's not just Prop ADC though, there's an instrument amplifier on the front end.
The instrument amplifier circuit was the hard part...
Vaguely remember that I was limited in choices because I wanted to use through-hole and not smt.
I think I couldn't find a single supply version in through-hole.
But, this time I'm more comfortable with SMT, so I think I'll try to find a single supply version that can do the same thing.
This will make the circuit a lot simpler.
May still use the Prop for final ADC, have to think about that...
Update: Actually, looking around I think I found a single supply one in DIP too...
Actually, forget my earlier comments (it's been a long time!)... I found the circuit and I was using it as single supply...
It was an AD627 instrument amp with a 100Meg resistor setting the gain followed by two OPA2107 amps. One was to maintain a reference level and the other to boost the output 100X bigger.