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More NOOB questions, reader beware

average joeaverage joe Posts: 795
edited 2013-03-10 01:48 in Propeller 1
My past --n-- attempts at building a cache driver for the Touchburger have failed and I'm starting to pull my hair out. The read and write commands are directly from working code. I must be missing something!
The latest attempt. Download: Skeleton JCACHE external RAM driver from google code. Fresh copy. Rename touch_cache.spin in new efolder.. Test cache is reused, although I doubt it's that.. have code for CACHE SIZE = 8192 and 4096

The problem seems to be address bit 13 is aliasing. I think it's correct, I might reconnect LA and grab a few screenshots if it could help. I remember having a problem like this before and I can't remember what it was!
Here's the full cache.spin, hopefully you guys can help before I ragequit again!
  Skeleton JCACHE external RAM driver
  Copyright (c) 2011 by David Betz

  Based on code by Steve Denson (jazzed)
  Copyright (c) 2010 by John Steven Denson

  Inspired by VMCOG - virtual memory server for the Propeller
  Copyright (c) February 3, 2010 by William Henning

  For the TouchBurger 3 Board - DateCode AUG2012 By James Moxham and Joe Heinz
  Basic port by Joe Heinz, Optimizations influenced by Steve Denson *huge thanks for V1
  Honorable mention to David Betz for his patience during V1
  Copyright (c) 2012 by John Steven Denson and Joe Heinz

  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
  of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
  in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
  to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
  copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
  furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
  all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



  ' default cache dimensions

  ' cache line tag flags
  EMPTY_BIT             = 30
  DIRTY_BIT             = 31

PUB image
  return @init_vm

        org   $0

' initialization structure offsets
' $0: pointer to a two word mailbox
' $4: pointer to where to store the cache lines in hub ram
' $8: number of bits in the cache line index if non-zero (default is DEFAULT_INDEX_WIDTH)
' $a: number of bits in the cache line offset if non-zero (default is DEFAULT_OFFSET_WIDTH)
' note that $4 must be at least 2^(index_width+offset_width) bytes in size
' the cache line mask is returned in $0

init_vm mov     t1, par             ' get the address of the initialization structure
        rdlong  pvmcmd, t1          ' pvmcmd is a pointer to the virtual address and read/write bit
        mov     pvmaddr, pvmcmd     ' pvmaddr is a pointer into the cache line on return
        add     pvmaddr, #4
        add     t1, #4
        rdlong  cacheptr, t1        ' cacheptr is the base address in hub ram of the cache
        add     t1, #4
        rdlong  t2, t1 wz
  if_nz mov     index_width, t2     ' override the index_width default value
        add     t1, #4
        rdlong  t2, t1 wz
  if_nz mov     offset_width, t2    ' override the offset_width default value

        mov     index_count, #1
        shl     index_count, index_width
        mov     index_mask, index_count
        sub     index_mask, #1

        mov     line_size, #1
        shl     line_size, offset_width
        mov     t1, line_size
        sub     t1, #1
        wrlong  t1, par

        ' put external memory initialization here
        shr     line_size,#1            ' from V1 > offset for byte to word conversion  *suggested by JSD
        or      outa,maskP22            ' pin 22 high - LATCH OE - disable                                        
        or      dira,maskP22            ' and now set as an output                            
        mov     dirb, #$FF              ' latch all high - done uses dirb to set latch-                                                                                                                                        
        call    #done                   ' and set latch, release all pins- EXCEPT P22 for latch OE
        jmp     #vmflush

fillme  long    0[128-fillme]           ' first 128 cog locations are used for a direct mapped cache table

        fit   128

        ' initialize the cache lines
vmflush movd    :flush, #0
        mov     t1, index_count
:flush  mov     0-0, empty_mask
        add     :flush, dstinc
        djnz    t1, #:flush

        ' start the command loop
waitcmd wrlong  zero, pvmcmd
:wait   rdlong  vmline, pvmcmd wz
  if_z  jmp     #:wait

        shr     vmline, offset_width wc ' carry is now one for read and zero for write
        mov     set_dirty_bit, #0       ' make mask to set dirty bit on writes
        muxnc   set_dirty_bit, dirty_mask
        mov     line, vmline            ' get the cache line index
        and     line, index_mask
        mov     hubaddr, line
        shl     hubaddr, offset_width
        add     hubaddr, cacheptr       ' get the address of the cache line
        wrlong  hubaddr, pvmaddr        ' return the address of the cache line
        movs    :ld, line
        movd    :st, line
:ld     mov     vmcurrent, 0-0          ' get the cache line tag
        and     vmcurrent, tag_mask
        cmp     vmcurrent, vmline wz    ' z set means there was a cache hit
  if_nz call    #miss                   ' handle a cache miss
:st     or      0-0, set_dirty_bit      ' set the dirty bit on writes
        jmp     #waitcmd                ' wait for a new command

' line is the cache line index
' vmcurrent is current cache line
' vmline is new cache line
' hubaddr is the address of the cache line
miss    movd    :test, line
        movd    :st, line
:test   test    0-0, dirty_mask wz
  if_z  jmp     #:rd                    ' current cache line is clean, just read new one
        mov     vmaddr, vmcurrent
        shl     vmaddr, offset_width
        call    #wr_cache_line          ' write current cache line
:rd     mov     vmaddr, vmline
        shl     vmaddr, offset_width
        call    #rd_cache_line          ' read new cache line
:st     mov     0-0, vmline
miss_ret ret

' pointers to mailbox entries
pvmcmd          long    0       ' on call this is the virtual address and read/write bit
pvmaddr         long    0       ' on return this is the address of the cache line containing the virtual address

cacheptr        long    0       ' address in hub ram where cache lines are stored
vmline          long    0       ' cache line containing the virtual address
vmcurrent       long    0       ' current selected cache line (same as vmline on a cache hit)
line            long    0       ' current cache line index
set_dirty_bit   long    0       ' DIRTY_BIT set on writes, clear on reads

zero            long    0       ' zero constant
dstinc          long    1<<9    ' increment for the destination field of an instruction
t1              long    0       ' temporary variable
t2              long    0       ' temporary variable

tag_mask        long    !(1<<DIRTY_BIT) ' includes EMPTY_BIT
index_width     long    DEFAULT_INDEX_WIDTH
index_mask      long    0
index_count     long    0
offset_width    long    DEFAULT_OFFSET_WIDTH
line_size       long    0                       ' line size in bytes
empty_mask      long    (1<<EMPTY_BIT)
dirty_mask      long    (1<<DIRTY_BIT)

' input parameters to rd_cache_line and wr_cache_line
vmaddr          long    0       ' external address
hubaddr         long    0       ' hub memory address

'------------------------------------------------ SRAM Address Setup -----------------------------------------------------------------
'' looks like address bit 13 not correct? doubt it's hardware...
set161and373           'mov     ramaddr, vmaddr         ' copy ram address                       
                        shr     vmaddr, #1              ' from old build 1 > '' schematic connects SRAM A0 to A0, not A1 - jsd
                        or      vmaddr, maxram          ' mask off unused ram address bits
                        '' setup pointer for hub and count
                        mov     ptr, hubaddr            ' cant trash hubaddr                          
                        mov     len, line_size          ' or line_size                                 
                        mov     dirb, latchvalue        ' save old latch value for restore at end of op.             
                        ''    do locking here!
                        or      outa,maskP16P20         ' set control pins high                        
                        or      dira,maskP16P20         ' set control pins P16-P20 as outputs          
                        mov     latchvalue,#%11111110   ' group 1, displays all off                      
                        call    #set373                 ' send out to the latch                        
                        and     outa,maskP0P20low       ' prepare data pins for address          
                        ''extended addressing, only for stacked SRAM - comment out and uncomment below for standard config
                        or      dira,maskP0P20P29       ' %00100000_11100000_00000000_00000000 ' make all address pins out        
                        cmp     vmaddr,maskP19   wc     ' check if we have extended address    ' and do extended addressing         
                        muxnc   outa, maskP29           ' and !mux onto p29                            
                        andn    vmaddr,maskP0P18low     ' mask off the low 19 bits                                             
                        '' end extended addressing, only for stacked SRAM
                        'or      dira,maskP0P20          ' use this for standard ram config
                        or      outa,vmaddr             ' send out ramaddr
                        andn    outa,maskP20            ' P20 clock low                                                  
                        or      outa,maskP20            ' P20 clock high                               
                        or      outa,maskP16P20         ' P16-P20 high                                  
                        andn    dira,maskP29            ' %1101_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111 ' release P29, xmm only, else comment out                    
                        mov     latchvalue,#%11111101   ' group 2                                       
                        call    #set373                 ' change to group 2     
set161and373_ret        ret                             '' returns @ INS window

'------------------------------------------------ Latch Control  -----------------------------------------------------------------
set373                  or      outa,maskP22            ' pin 22 high                                  
                        or      dira,#%1_11111111       ' enable pins 0-7 and 8 as outputs              
                        and     outa,maskP0P8low        ' P0-P7 low                                
                        or      outa,latchvalue         ' send out the data                             
                        or      outa,maskP8             ' P8 high, clocks out data               
                        andn    outa,maskP22            ' pin 22 low                                    
set373_ret              ret                             '' returns @ INS window

done                    mov     latchvalue, dirb        ' restore old value
                        call    #set373                 ' Set latch to vaule prior to cog opperation                           
                        and     dira,maskP0P20low       ' tristates all the common pins, leaves P22 as is though            
                        ''                        ''
                        ''    do un-locking here!
done_ret                ret                               

' rd_cache_line - read a cache line from external memory
' vmaddr is the external memory address to read
' hubaddr is the hub memory address to write
' line_size is the number of bytes to read
pasmramtohub            call    #set161and373           ' set up the 161 counter and change to group 2
                        andn    dira,maskP0P15          ' data bus inputs
                        andn    outa,maskP16            ' memory /rd low
                        nop                             ' first read sometimes corrupt?
ramtohub_loop           mov     data_16, ina            ' get the data                        3        
                        wrword  data_16, ptr            ' move data to hub                   1-2      
                        andn    outa, maskP20           ' clock 161 low                       3        
                        or      outa, maskP20           ' clock 161 high                      4        
                        add     ptr, #2                 ' increment the hub address           1        
                        djnz    len,#ramtohub_loop      '                                     2
                        or      outa,maskP16            ' memory /rd high  
                        call     #done                  '  tristate pins 
rd_cache_line_ret       ret
' wr_cache_line - write a cache line to external memory
' vmaddr is the external memory address to write
' hubaddr is the hub memory address to read
' line_size is the number of bytes to write
pasmhubtoram            call    #set161and373           ' set up the 161 counter and then change to group 2
                        or      dira,maskP0P15          ' data bus outputs
hubtoram_loop           andn    outa,maskP0P15          ' clear P0 to P15 for output                      2                 
                        rdword  data_16,ptr             ' get the word from hub                          1-2
                        or      outa,data_16            ' send out the byte to P0-P15                     3
                        andn    outa,maskP17            ' set mem write low                               4
                        add     ptr, #2                 ' increment by 2 bytes = 1 word. Put this here for small delay while writes   1
                        or      outa,maskP17            ' mem write high                                  2
                        andn    outa,maskP20            ' clock 161 low                                   3
                        or      outa,maskP20            ' clock 161 high                                  4
                        djnz    len,#hubtoram_loop      ' loop this many times                            1
                        call    #done                   ' tristate pins and listen for command
wr_cache_line_ret       ret

' constants
maskP0P18low            long    %11111111_11111000_00000000_00000000 ' P0-P18 low
maskP16                 long    %00000000_00000001_00000000_00000000 ' pin 16 - SRAM_RD
maskP17                 long    %00000000_00000010_00000000_00000000 ' pin 17 - SRAM_WR
maskP19                 long    %00000000_00001000_00000000_00000000 ' pin 19 - LOAD - Group1
maskP20                 long    %00000000_00010000_00000000_00000000 ' pin 20 - Clock - Group1-Group2
maskP22                 long    %00000000_01000000_00000000_00000000 ' pin 22 - Latch OE - GroupPin
maskP0P15               long    %00000000_00000000_11111111_11111111 ' for masking words
maskP16P20              long    %00000000_00011111_00000000_00000000 ' control pins
maskP0P20low            long    %11111111_11100000_00000000_00000000 ' for returning all group pins HiZ
maskP0P8low             long    %11111111_11111111_11111110_00000000 ' P0-P8 low for set 373
maskP8                  long    %00000000_00000000_00000001_00000000 ' pin 8 for set 373 
maskP0P20P29low         long    %11011111_11100000_00000000_00000000 ' xmm
maskP29                 long    %00100000_00000000_00000000_00000000 ' xmm
maskP0P20P29            long    %00100000_00011111_11111111_11111111 ' xmm

maxram                  long    %00000000_00001111_11111111_11111111   '7_ff_ff - f_ff_ff

latchvalue            res  ' current 373 value  
data_16               res  ' general purpose value
'ramaddr               res  '  copy of vmaddr, not used
ptr                   res   ' pointer to hub
len                   res   ' copy of line_size for decimation
        fit     496

The symptoms are all tests fail miserably. Walking address bits always show aliasing on A13. Other tests flat out fail at completing write ??? I did change this code to NOT use ramaddr and just directly use vmaddr, first version driver shifted vmaddr right every set161, now we do a little more but should be okay? I know hubaddr and line_size can't be trashed from previous experience. ;)

If I put these commands back in the PASM engine I'm using, things work perfectly so I'm stumped!
Test 0- Address Walking 0's 15 address bits: ERROR! Expected 0 @ 00007ffc after write to address 00005ffc 00002000
Test 1- Address Walking 1's 15 address bits: ERROR! Expected 0 @ 0 after write to address 00002000 00002000
Test 2- Incremental Pattern Test 32 KB :ERROR at $00000000 Expected $00000001 Received $00001801
Test 3- Pseudo-Random Pattern Test 524 KB : ERROR at $00000000 Expected $d0000001 Received $bb67aaab
Test 4 -Pseudo-Random Pattern Test 32 KB :ERROR at $00000000 Expected $00000e80 Received $a0800e66
Address Walking 0's 18 address bits :ERROR! Expected 0 @ 0003fffc after write to address 0003dffc 00002000 
Address Walking 1's 18 address bits. : ERROR! Expected 0 @ 0 after write to address 00002000 00002 
1024 x 262 - 42K


  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2013-03-03 04:14
    set161and373           'mov     ramaddr, vmaddr         ' copy ram address                       
                            shr     vmaddr, #1              ' from old build 1 > '' ...
                            [COLOR="#FF0000"]or      vmaddr, maxram[/COLOR]          ' mask off unused ram address bits
    From a quick glance - this may be completely unrelated - how does this or insn do any masking?
  • average joeaverage joe Posts: 795
    edited 2013-03-03 05:39
    DUH! I knew it was something stupid. That was an AND! I'll try again in a few and report back! __

    Looks like that was it! I'm testing full memory area now!
    Thank you SO MUCH for taking a look, I guess I was starting to get tunnel vision.

    It looks like that resolved my issue. Now build the cache and see if runs programs. It looks like I hit issues trying to use the full 1megaword... Pass first 2 tests, then fails the rest
    Incremental Pattern Test 1048 KB: ERROR at $00000080 Expected $00000021 Received $00000003
    Random Addr Pattern Test 1048 KB: ERROR at $0007f900 Expected $00003203 Received $000052e1
    Pseudo-Random Pattern Test 1048 KB: ERROR at $00000080 Expected $f501d000 Received $f5016fee

    *aedit* okay, now I'm having the problems that got me last time... I can load some programs in SimpleIDE and they run just fine in XMMC and XMM *hello.c* but drystone won't run now!
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,516
    edited 2013-03-03 16:09
    Great! I'm glad you found the problem and have your cache driver working. I'm currently in the process of using Roy's Spin compiler to make new versions of the cache drivers that factor out all of the tag handling code so it doesn't get duplicated in every driver. That should simplify the process of writing a driver. You'll just have to supply BREAD, BWRITE for SRAM drivers and BREAD, erase_4k_block, and write_block for flash drivers along with an init function that initializes your external memory hardware.
  • average joeaverage joe Posts: 795
    edited 2013-03-03 21:39
    Well that stupid OR inst did seem to get the cache test to work. My problem now is that dhrystone won't run! I can get other programs such as HELLO to run, but I think that's because they are relatively small. So I'm wondering what could be the issue?

    The other question that I've been trying to figure out... When running the Walking address bit test, for example, it says testing 18 address bits *524k* but with the right shift of line_size by one and the right shift of hubaddr, is that actually 17 bits? I should probably get my logic analyzer out and check..

    thanks again @kuroneko, I looked at that stupid OR inst for over an hour and it didn't click!
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,516
    edited 2013-03-04 07:15
    Well that stupid OR inst did seem to get the cache test to work. My problem now is that dhrystone won't run! I can get other programs such as HELLO to run, but I think that's because they are relatively small. So I'm wondering what could be the issue?

    The other question that I've been trying to figure out... When running the Walking address bit test, for example, it says testing 18 address bits *524k* but with the right shift of line_size by one and the right shift of hubaddr, is that actually 17 bits? I should probably get my logic analyzer out and check..

    thanks again @kuroneko, I looked at that stupid OR inst for over an hour and it didn't click!
    What memory model are you using for Dhrystone? I'm assuming xmm-single. Is that correct?
  • average joeaverage joe Posts: 795
    edited 2013-03-04 07:42
    I tried xmm-single and xmmc. Neither one sent anything to terminal after load.
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,516
    edited 2013-03-04 07:54
    I tried xmm-single and xmmc. Neither one sent anything to terminal after load.
    What board are you using? Is it available for sale?
  • average joeaverage joe Posts: 795
    edited 2013-03-04 13:14
    I'm using the Touchburger -v1.5 (The stock "production board with half the mods I'm planning for v2 that will add more groups and allow x8 the memory of v1.) V1 has 1 mega-word SRAM (2-512k) and v1.5 has 2 mega-words (4x512k) and yes I have boards for sale. (displays sold separately) - They're $50 + s&h and I believe I have all parts for 1 more. I have most parts for 5, short on SRAM, possibly connectors. I'm doing inventory this week so I will let you know.

    I have a feeling it's something simple. I'll try to pull out the LA over the next few days and see if I can see anything obvious. It should benchmark quite well since read/write loops are 2 hub cycles!
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,516
    edited 2013-03-04 13:36
    I'm using the Touchburger -v1.5 (The stock "production board with half the mods I'm planning for v2 that will add more groups and allow x8 the memory of v1.) V1 has 1 mega-word SRAM (2-512k) and v1.5 has 2 mega-words (4x512k) and yes I have boards for sale. (displays sold separately) - They're $50 + s&h and I believe I have all parts for 1 more. I have most parts for 5, short on SRAM, possibly connectors. I'm doing inventory this week so I will let you know.

    I have a feeling it's something simple. I'll try to pull out the LA over the next few days and see if I can see anything obvious. It should benchmark quite well since read/write loops are 2 hub cycles!
    Good luck in finding the problem. I'm surprised that the RAM test works but C code doesn't. I'm happy to help track this down but I would need a board to do that, hence my question about whether they were available. Rather than spending $50 right now, I'll wait for you to try to track it down yourself. If you have trouble, let me know and I'll order one of your boards to try to help.
  • average joeaverage joe Posts: 795
    edited 2013-03-04 14:08
    I'm pretty surprised the RAM test works and C doesn't... I'm thinking it has something to do with address line masking. Much more testing is needed, I just thought I'd see if anyone could point me in a direction to look. One symptom, if I try setting tests to $F_FFFF, they fail. Back off to 7_FFFF and it works?

    Thanks again for all your help!


    Here's a full list of things that work:
    Cache test, mostly. Throws errors when memory size increased, else okay.
    FIBO: seems to run fine
    Hello : seems okay
    Dhrystone: loader opens terminal and nothing happens.
    xmm-single and xmmc tested on all programs and seems to not make a difference. If there's other programs I should check that could help pinpoint I will. I know this version of dry.c is good because I ran it on the previous version Steve helped with.
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,516
    edited 2013-03-04 15:22
    I just compiled the dhrystone demo for xmm-split mode on the C3 and it seems to work although slowly. For some reason the Makefile checked into Google Code uses -O0 to build the demo. I changed that to -Os and things are quite a bit faster but still slow relative to any other processor. I'll have to try xmm-single later once I dig out my DracBlade or Steve's SDRAM PP module.
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2013-03-04 21:51
    David Betz wrote: »
    For some reason the Makefile checked into Google Code uses -O0 to build the demo.

    Line 130 of the dry.c file:
    [TD] *      2) As far as it is possible without changes to the Dhrystone
    [TD] *      statistics, optimizing compilers should be prevented from
    [TD] *      removing significant statements.[/TD]
  • average joeaverage joe Posts: 795
    edited 2013-03-04 23:02
    Deleted most of the post, I think I got it... My stacked ram-chips are most likely to blame...

    I have 19 address bits, and these test okay. My extended memory hack has 20 and works in cog driver, but not in cache test? I have this feeling that with with both the shifts, it works out one bit higher than test results say? So when I run walking 0s 18 address bits, it's running from A0-A18, which is really 19 address bits and when I run incremental 1024kb is really 1024 kWord ??
    C:\Users\Joe\Desktop\Touchburger V1\Programs>bstc -Ograux -c touch_cache.spin
    Brads Spin Tool Compiler v0.15.3 - Copyright 2008,2009 All rights reserved
    Compiled for i386 Win32 at 08:17:48 on 2009/07/20
    Loading Object touch_cache
    Program size is 1052 longs
    Compiled 176 Lines of Code in 0.008 Seconds
    C:\Users\Joe\Desktop\New folder (4)\dry>propeller-load -r -t -b touchburger dry_
    Propeller Version 1 on COM38
    Loading the serial helper to hub memory
    9528 bytes sent
    Verifying RAM ... OK
    Loading cache driver 'touch_cache.dat'
    1028 bytes sent
    Loading program image to RAM
    17408 bytes sent
    Loading .xmmkernel
    1724 bytes sent
    [ Entering terminal mode. Type ESC or Control-C to exit. ]
    Dhrystone Benchmark, Version C, Version 2.2
    Program compiled without 'register' attribute
    Using STDC clock(), HZ=80000000
    Trying 5000 runs through Dhrystone:
    Final values of the variables used in the benchmark:
    Int_Glob:            5
            should be:   5
    Bool_Glob:           1
            should be:   1
    Ch_1_Glob:           A
            should be:   A
    Ch_2_Glob:           B
            should be:   B
    Arr_1_Glob[8]:       7
            should be:   7
    Arr_2_Glob[8][7]:    5010
            should be:   Number_Of_Runs + 10
      Ptr_Comp:          536899232
            should be:   (implementation-dependent)
      Discr:             0
            should be:   0
      Enum_Comp:         2
            should be:   2
      Int_Comp:          17
            should be:   17
            should be:   DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, SOME STRING
      Ptr_Comp:          536899232
            should be:   (implementation-dependent), same as above
      Discr:             0
            should be:   0
      Enum_Comp:         1
            should be:   1
      Int_Comp:          18
            should be:   18
            should be:   DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, SOME STRING
    Int_1_Loc:           5
            should be:   5
    Int_2_Loc:           13
            should be:   13
    Int_3_Loc:           7
            should be:   7
    Enum_Loc:            1
            should be:   1
    Str_1_Loc:           DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 1'ST STRING
            should be:   DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 1'ST STRING
    Str_2_Loc:           DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 2'ND STRING
            should be:   DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 2'ND STRING
    Microseconds for one run through Dhrystone: 1401
    Dhrystones per Second:                      713
    So I have one version compiled. I'm going to import a few optimizations from cogdriver *using safe drivers, not fast drivers*
    last result:
    Microseconds for one run through Dhrystone: 1376
    Dhrystones per Second:                      726
    and with stacked ramchip config *got it working*
    Microseconds for one run through Dhrystone: 1378
    Dhrystones per Second:                      725
    dry.rar 27.2K
  • average joeaverage joe Posts: 795
    edited 2013-03-05 01:42
    Okay I think I found it... I'm very close to having a driver, now to figure out how to invoke extended function set in C!
    I'm getting excited because with the fast version, only need to toggle 1 pin, not 2. SO, read and write could fit in 1 hub window using the counters! I'm thinking this could be a VERY fast cache :D

    preliminary results!
    without extended memory option: 1024k
    ' xmmc:
    Microseconds for one run through Dhrystone: 734
    Dhrystones per Second:                      1361
    Microseconds for one run through Dhrystone: 1303
    Dhrystones per Second:                      767
    'xmmc = 046368 (02667ms) (213388064 ticks)
    'xmm   = 046368 (02637ms) (210987296 ticks)
    with the extended memory option :2048k
    ' xmmc:
    Microseconds for one run through Dhrystone: 735
    Dhrystones per Second:                      1360
    ' xmm-single
    Microseconds for one run through Dhrystone: 1304
    Dhrystones per Second:                      766
    'xmmc = 046368 (02667ms) (213388064 ticks)
    'xmm   = 046368 (02637ms) (210987296 ticks)
    Already beats SDram! I'm going to try again and compile for "standard" hardware, should be a titch faster! - strange how xmmc and xmm-single differ slightly as to the faster dhrystone. fibo's are the same though.. I'd really like to push this to use faster writes. I think it would work, just need to toggle 2 pins at the same time with counters....
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,516
    edited 2013-03-05 04:40
    jazzed wrote: »
    Line 130 of the dry.c file:
    [TD] *      2) As far as it is possible without changes to the Dhrystone
    [TD] *      statistics, optimizing compilers should be prevented from
    [TD] *      removing significant statements.[/TD]
    Yeah, that's why these benchmarks are pretty much useless. PropGCC generates terrible code with optimization disabled. It isn't really a good measure of the performance that can be expected in real programs. I guess that's because dhrystones was really concieved as a test of processor performance not of compiler performance.
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,516
    edited 2013-03-05 04:44
    Congratulations on getting your driver working!!
    Already beats SDram! I'm going to try again and compile for "standard" hardware, should be a titch faster! - strange how xmmc and xmm-single differ slightly as to the faster dhrystone. fibo's are the same though.. I'd really like to push this to use faster writes. I think it would work, just need to toggle 2 pins at the same time with counters....
    The fibo function is so small it probably fits in the cache so it doesn't end up accessing external memory much and it doesn't use any global variables.
  • ersmithersmith Posts: 6,092
    edited 2013-03-05 10:50
    David Betz wrote: »
    Yeah, that's why these benchmarks are pretty much useless. PropGCC generates terrible code with optimization disabled. It isn't really a good measure of the performance that can be expected in real programs. I guess that's because dhrystones was really concieved as a test of processor performance not of compiler performance.

    I really think Dhrystone should be compiled with -Os. The quote Steve provided said that optimizing compilers should be prevented from removing significant statements. That's not at all the same as saying optimization should be turned off, and in fact if you look on the web I believe most Dhrystone benchmarks are quoted with optimization turned on. Leaving it off might give people an inaccurate picture of Propeller performance.

    But I guess this is drifting off topic...

  • average joeaverage joe Posts: 795
    edited 2013-03-10 01:48
    I've taken a small break *to study for midterms* but I will begin work again on Tuesday.. Getting a cache driver working was the first step, now on to learning C! My plan is to "convert" the current drivers into C in attempt to gain functional knowledge, so I have some questions to the guru's.. First, how to implement the PASM driver? My first thought was to stuff as much of the driver code into the cache driver. But then I figured this is probably not the best way to go since there may be programs in COG or LMM. So my next thought would be to create touch.h with prototypes of all the PUBlic methods from the spin driver... Then link these to the PASM portion of Touch.spin, containing the assembly driver and 3 Spin functions. SO... "Touch.spin" looks like this:
    '' ************ RAM cog driver ***************
    PUB start : err_
    ' Initialise the Drac Ram driver. No actual changes to ram as the read/write routines handle this
      command := "I"
      cog := 1 + cognew(@tbp2_start, @command)
      if cog == 0
        err_ := $FF                 ' error = no cog
        repeat while command        ' driver cog sets =0 when done
        err_ := errx                ' driver cog sets =0 if no error, else xx = error code
    PUB stop
       if cog
          cogstop(cog~ - 1)      
    PUB CogCmd(command_, hub_address, ram_address, block_length) : err_| a,b
    ' Do the command: A-Z (I is reserved for Initialise)
      a := dira                     ' store the state of these and restore at the end 
      DIRA &= %11001111_10100000_00000000_00000000 ' tristate all common pins that cog can change so no conflicts
      hubaddrs := hub_address       ' hub address start
      ramaddrs := ram_address       ' ram address start
      blocklen := block_length      ' block length
      command  := command_          ' must be last !!
    ' Wait for command to complete and get status
      repeat while command          ' driver cog sets =0 when done
      err_ := errx                  ' driver cog sets =0 if no error, else xx = error code
      dira := a                     ' restore dira and outa
    '' Modified code from Cluso's triblade
    '' commands to move blocks of data to the touchscreen display
    ' DoCmd(command_, hub_address, ram_address, block_length)
    ' B  - logic OR hubaddrs with latchvalue - logic AND ramaddrs with latchvalue
    ' C  - convert 3 byte .bmp format BGR to 2 byte ili format and store to ram
    ' E -  convert from .raw RGB to two byte ILI format RRRRRGGG_GGG_BBBBB
    ' D -  Draw_ILI9325
    ' G -  Draw_SSD1289
    ' H -  Draw_SSD1963
    ' S - Move data from hub to ram
    ' T - Move data from ram to hub
    ' U - Move data from ram to display
    ' V - Hub to display
    ' X - merge icon and background based on a mask
    ' communication params(5) between cog driver code - only "command" and "errx" are modified by the driver
       long  command, hubaddrs, ramaddrs, blocklen, errx, cog ' rendezvous between spin and assembly (can be used cog to cog)
    '        command  = A to Z etc =0 when operation completed by cog
    '        hubaddrs = hub address for data buffer
    '        ramaddrs = ram address for data
    '        blocklen = ram buffer length for data transfer
    '        errx     = returns =0 (false=good), else <>0 (true & error code)
    '        cog      = cog no of driver (set by spin start routine
    '' +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    '' | Touchblade 161 Ram Driver (with grateful acknowlegements to Cluso and Average Joe)            |
    '' +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

    And the PASM driver continues. Then, the Touch.h looks something like this:
    #ifndef __TOUCH_H__
    #define __TOUCH_H__
    typedef struct tchstruct
       long command_;        ///' rendezvous between spin and assembly (can be used cog to cog)
       long hub_address;  
       long ram_address; 
       long block_length; 
       long err_;  
    } Tchst;
     * Start touchscreen driver - starts a cog
     * @param cmdptr  = Address to start of structure
     * Driver returns 0 if no error, else xx == error code
    int touch_start(unsigned int *cmdptr)
        extern unsigned int *binary_pasm_dat_start[];
        return cognew(&binary_pasm_dat_start, cmdptr) + 1;
     * Stop touchscreen driver - frees a cog
    void touch_stop(void);

    Then, there's the Touch.c file that looks something like this:
    #include <propeller.h>
    #include "touch.h"
     * Structs here
     Tchst cmdptr ;
     * Main program function.
    int main(void)
        int touch_start(unsigned int *cmdptr);
        return -1 ;
    Now, I'm wondering if I'm on the right path, or there's some obvious glaring errors?

    Last I heard Demoniator(TED) was AFK, so if anyone has used LOCKS before... I'm wondering if there's a command to call to enable the lock? I believe I have them implemented correctly in the cache driver, but still not tested.

    Also, about cache_interface.spin... If I were to modify this to handle some functions...
      INIT_MBOX             = 0     ' cache line mask should be returned here
      INIT_CACHE            = 1
      INIT_CONFIG_1         = 2     ' driver specific configuration ; display type?
      INIT_CONFIG_2         = 3     ' driver specific configuration : memory size?
      _INIT_SIZE            = 4     
      ' mailbox offsets
      MBOX_CMD              = 0
      MBOX_ADDR             = 1
      _MBOX_SIZE            = 2                                                        
      ' cache access commands
      WRITE_CMD             = %10
      READ_CMD              = %11
      ' extended commands
      ERASE_CHIP_CMD        = %000_01  ' only for flash  '' first 3 could be used for quad-flash drive?
      ERASE_BLOCK_CMD       = %001_01  ' only for flash
      WRITE_DATA_CMD        = %010_01  ' only for flash
      'SD_INIT_CMD           = %011_01  ' these are the ones I need to hijack  '' draw?
      'SD_READ_CMD           = %100_01  '  '' hook to further extended function set? 
      'SD_WRITE_CMD          = %101_01  ' to do display commands               '' display write?
      REINIT_CACHE_CMD      = %110_01  '                     
      '' Added for Touchburger Specific config
      LA_GROUP_CMD           = %011_01  ' these are the ones I need to hijack  '' group changes
      MM_READ_CMD            = %100_01  '  '' hook to further extended function set? 
      LC_WRITE_CMD           = %101_01  ' to do display commands               '' display write?
      CMD_MASK              = %11
      EXTEND_MASK           = %10   ' this bit must be zero for an extended command
    Can I do this? Or is it best to just leave the cache driver for just cache???

    *and my 2 cents about optimizations... Has anyone actually TRIED optimized dhrystone, and if so, how different are the numbers?

    I'm currently just using dhrystone as a "known-good" test, since it seems to find problems than the cache test doesn't. It is interesting to see how code modifications alter the results. Then next board I build will have an auto-increment-address function which should put read-writes in 1 hub-cycle per loop... That and the 6.25mhz xtal should provide some interesting results, even if they are "just synthetic benchmarks" :P
    Thanks again guys!
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