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A simpler COG — Parallax Forums

A simpler COG

AleAle Posts: 2,363
edited 2013-07-02 14:00 in General Discussion
Having loads of time to think, and less time to sit down at the keyboard, brought me the possibility of doing some fpga work. While the ultimate goal may be the 1048576-bit parallel processor implemented in the Tornado5000 series to be developed on the next century, I have meanwhile decided that the constrains imposed by a Lattice MachXO2-1200 allows for interesting possibilities.
One of them is a COG. Yes, our beloved Propeller series I cog. (I know that some have done this already but I haven't seen any code yet).
With time to think, and pencil and paper I have been exploring with multiple archtectures. And finaly settled, for the time being, for a COG. But mine is a bit different. So, no code compability. But important are the concepts that lead to its simplicity: The sequencer has its work cut in half because all these bits for flags and result handling, dual ported memory for reading s and d cocurrently avoid extra muxes.
I also increased the. memory to 1024 locations. Some conditions had to go too to make room for the extra space, those conditions are not used that often, then I thought extra space is better :). The FPGA is some 85 % full.


  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,183
    edited 2013-03-03 01:59
    Can you add flexible Time-slice, as seen in Prop 2 ?
    That makes it a whole lot more flexible and matters even more on a single COG design.
    What speed does your COG run at ?
  • AleAle Posts: 2,363
    edited 2013-03-03 02:25
    Flexible-time slice... I'll have to find out what that is... :)
    Here some simulation waveforms.
    Regarding the frequency, the compiler said something about 10 Mhz, that is in the slowest of the MachXO2 series, with an 8x8 multiplier :)
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,183
    edited 2013-03-03 02:45
    Ale wrote: »
    Flexible-time slice... I'll have to find out what that is... :)

    Chip gave some details in the Prop 2 threads. IIRC he managed a late-change to add threading, without a clock penalty.
    To time-slice, you create multiple Opcode Fetch Pointers (ProgramCounters) and Flags, and then flip those to the CPU engine, on a time-sliced manner.
    You need to decide how many PC.FLAG copies (or threads) are to be supported, and give some way to weight them.
    Simple Equal time, is less flexible than something like a 4 way copy, which needs 2 bits to map, and one can fit 16 x 1:4 allocate slots into a 32 bit register.

    You might choose to allocate every second one to the most critical Thread, giving that 50% CPU thruput (still jitter free, but at half the clock speed), and the remaining 8 slots could map as 3/16:3/16:2/16, or 4/16, 3/16 and 1/16, or 7/16, 1/16, 0/16 etc.

    Or, you may decide to allow some modulus bits, to cover cases 1/3 1/3 1/3 mapping.
  • AleAle Posts: 2,363
    edited 2013-03-03 03:25
    I understand. I'll have to explore it. It seems a very interesting (simple) way of getter more bang for your buck. I can implement 2 threads with some easy, I hope.
    But I am thinkering a bit more with an external memory interface. RDBYTE/WRBYTE should access external memory directly... let's see with what I can come up.
  • User NameUser Name Posts: 1,451
    edited 2013-03-03 06:52
    @Ale: Great work! I like the idea of trading some less-used features for double the amount of COG RAM and fewer MUXes. FPGAs allow one to explore all sorts of architectural ideas. You might just come up with a design so slick that it demands incarnation in silicon...perhaps a publically-funded effort.

    I wonder how difficult it would be to port your design to a Cyclone IV? I guess that partly depends on whether you used an HDL or building blocks from a Lattice library. Anyway, if your COG is sufficiently lean, perhaps several would fit on on a DE0-Nano. More cogs plus higher speed would make a most interesting design to play with!
  • Heater.Heater. Posts: 21,230
    edited 2013-03-03 08:10
    Interesting project. Perhaps you could look at making a COG that runs the CMM bytecodes of Prop GCC. Then you would have a ready made C compiler for your creation.

    Or how about an engine that executes Spin bytecodes directly?
  • pjvpjv Posts: 1,903
    edited 2013-03-03 08:59
    Hi Ale;

    Yes, you have an interesting project indeed.

    Flexible time slices and mapping multiple thread execution register sets (PC, C, Z, etc.) as well as bank switching would be very fine enhancements to the current architecture. But more important, at least in my opinion, would be the provision for indirect addressing. The current cog can already quite effectively do task switching, but is crippled somewhat by the lack if indirect operations.

    Solving this latter issue would really make a cog shine !


    Peter (pjv)
  • AleAle Posts: 2,363
    edited 2013-03-03 09:26
    I havent used any lattice-only feature. The block ram I use can be replaced easily with the ones on the cycloneIV, they are both 9 kbits. And the cyclone hat 18x18 multiplayers, 66 of them!
    It went through my mind something like a spin bytecode interpreter, that would be cool, maybe microcoded ;). The proGCC CMM bytecodes are for me a new territory, didn't know they existed... I'll research it!
    Indirect addressing would need and extra field in the opcode map... And there is no space for it, Maybe autoincrement/decrement... Maybe another encoding for the flags/effects should ge impemented... 7 bits are quite a... bit!
  • rod1963rod1963 Posts: 752
    edited 2013-03-03 10:53
    Like to see a Cog with 8k of Ram instead of the constipated 2k. Yeah it would mean redoing the instruction set but I think it would be worth it.

    Microcoded instruction sets for various languages(Pascal, Modula-2, Prolog, LISP, Java) have been done but there isn't much of a performance gain. Once the Intel 32bit microprocessors started taking off, it killed the market for these microcoded beasts.

    But if one wants to study how to implement it, take a look at the Symbolics workstations. It's fascinating stuff.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,183
    edited 2013-03-03 13:03
    Ale wrote: »
    I understand. I'll have to explore it. It seems a very interesting (simple) way of getter more bang for your buck. I can implement 2 threads with some easy, I hope.
    But I am thinkering a bit more with an external memory interface. RDBYTE/WRBYTE should access external memory directly... let's see with what I can come up.

    Since this is custom, and you are doing external memory, I would suggest to include SPI RAM and SPI FLASH HW options. (QSPI where possible, with options for Dual chips, to do 8 wide SPI )

    Really fast stuff is managed on-chip, but once you go to LMM byte-code style, the speed impact of going serial can be greatly reduced with proper HW support.
  • pedwardpedward Posts: 1,642
    edited 2013-03-03 16:44
    jmg wrote: »
    Can you add flexible Time-slice, as seen in Prop 2 ?
    That makes it a whole lot more flexible and matters even more on a single COG design.
    What speed does your COG run at ?

    The only reason this works is because the P2 has a 4 stage pipeline. If he copies the P1, there isn't any chance of it having this feature, because the 4 stage pipeline imposes so many restrictions on code execution that the P1 doesn't.

    They're as different as apples and oranges.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,183
    edited 2013-03-03 17:09
    pedward wrote: »
    The only reason this works is because the P2 has a 4 stage pipeline. If he copies the P1, there isn't any chance of it having this feature, because the 4 stage pipeline imposes so many restrictions on code execution that the P1 doesn't.

    They're as different as apples and oranges.

    I'm not following the logic here. This has been done in P2, in spite of the 4 stage pipeline imposes so many restrictions on code execution
    - which has to make it easier to do, in a CPLD version, than in P2, rather than harder ?

    The Op has already said in #5 that he thinks a 2:1 Slicer is (relatively) easy to do..
  • pedwardpedward Posts: 1,642
    edited 2013-03-03 21:43
    The multi-threading trick that Chip did was an exploit of the 4 stage pipeline. He is keeping 1 PC for each stage of the pipeline, and swapping from one to the next. The P1 architecture is only 1 stage (prefetch), so it makes zero sense to have multiple program counters, since the next instruction will be reading to run in the next fetch. The 4 stage pipeline creates restrictions on instruction ordering, which the P1 doesn't have. This means you can't execute P1 binary code on a P2 and have it work correctly for many of the instructions. Things like self modifying pointers are 5 instructions away, instead of 1 instruction away, but are available in the same effective number of clocks.

    The P2 and P1 *are* similar in that the P1 does the 4 stages of execution in 4 consecutive clocks, while the P2 interleaves 4 instructions across 4 stages and 4 clocks. When you combine this with the multi-threading, it actually takes 16 clocks for 4 instructions to enter and exit the pipeline, because although the P2 executes 4 instructions in 4 clocks, the pipeline is 4 stages deep and the currently finishing instruction was loaded 4 clocks ago.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2013-03-04 01:18
    When I played with doing 1 cog in an FPGA (Spartan-3A) I used the internal RAM for the cog. No doubt it would be possible to add more internal RAM to make a cog 8KB.

    I think if you used a DE0-Nano it might gain some traction as those of us that already have one might find the time to assist.

    If you (and others) come up with something interesting, once the P2 is out in production, Chip/Parallax might be interested in adding it into a P1 or P2 variant.
  • AleAle Posts: 2,363
    edited 2013-03-04 11:34
    There are here a couple of interesting ideas. A pipelined cog or 2 threads... I think that 2 threads may be better, there is only 7 block rams in this small fpga,
    i have also a board with a spartan2-100, and one with a spartan3-200, the DE0-nano will be the birthday's gift that I'll ger as long as I order it :). There, I'm sure one could pack loads of such cogs, maybe 15 of them.
    I am writing down some documentation and diagrams, I want to see if I can speed it up a bit, it is rather slow. With the combinatorial multiplier it should do some 6.5 MHz.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,183
    edited 2013-03-04 12:07
    Ale wrote: »
    ... I want to see if I can speed it up a bit, it is rather slow. With the combinatorial multiplier it should do some 6.5 MHz.

    Multiply is a rare opcode, and often systems pipeline it, which saves a lot of logic, and you may be able to make it larger./ Size variable.

    Adding an opcode like WAITMATH would work like WAITxx, allowing you to pack in other instructions that did not use the result, and wait for the result if you need to, with minimal looping cost.

    Note another opcode in Prop 2 is the REPEAT - that does a 'zero overhead loop', where you specify a loop count, and block size,
    and a parallel hardware circuit does DJNZ

    Prop 2 also allowed a timeout on some Waits...
  • AleAle Posts: 2,363
    edited 2013-03-05 06:30
    I haven't implemented any waits... but djnz is there, tjz and tjnz too.
    On the spartan2 it can do 18 MHz.
    I have been thinking about the threading vs pipeline and a 2 way threading can be done sort of easily, interlocking the fetch, registers load and writeback. At least on paper is possible, I'll have to check to see how slow it becomes due to the extra address muxes and related logic.
    I have to write some docs and publish them, with diagrams!, those I have to do too :), maybe we get some more ideas going.
  • AleAle Posts: 2,363
    edited 2013-03-10 09:35
    I've been working on the two threads version a bit and it looks doable, the threads would work in interlock one two clocks ahead of the other one, what made me think that such a pipelining would also allow for a faster cog, I mean just one thread. That leads to the djnz, tjnz, tjz issue... how to avoid losing a slot... the opcode has to be decoded and interpreted before the other thread reads the next opcode, a comparator on the d bus, so to say, should provide for a fast response. I think it may work...
    The picture shows a bit the simulation of the sequencer and the memory. The two threads are labeled t1&t2. The marker shows where the first thread starts execution. One clock before memory is read to get the opcode. The slots or states are Fetch S&D T1, Fetch Opcode & WB T2, Fetch S&D T2 and Fetch Opcode & WB T1. I have to add the ALU and see if it fits the MachXO2. A Spartan2-100 would probably be 50% full.
  • AleAle Posts: 2,363
    edited 2013-03-16 09:55
    After some time working on the two threads problem, I think that I have something working to show/share with you.
    The file tb_v8.v can be compiled with icarus verilog.
    $ iverilog tb_v8.v

    and run with vvp

    $ vvp a.out

    that will create a waveform file, dump.vcd (also provided) that can be displayed with GTKWave.

    What it does...
    Thread one starts at address 0 and executes a call to $004 with ret at $022. Thread 2 starts after one instruction of t1 at address $20, at address $22 it finds the written jmp of thread 1. For the time being only the memory and the sequencer are included. Feel free to try it out !.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,183
    edited 2013-03-17 13:28
    pdf tb_v8.pdf‎ looks good - once you have a two-way thread working, the next logical step would be to allow users to skew the duty cycle.
    That can pipeline, so should have no speed-cost. Default could be 1:1 for 50% CPU.

    It would nudge the HW a little, ( a tiny %) but I could see that Two wide-ish load values could be quite useful ?
    That would allow Video threading for example. 0 is off, and 1..N is that many cycles on that thread.
    examples would be
    A:B 1:1 run high speed 50%/50%
    A:B 0:1 B has 100%, A is off
    A:B 1:0 A has 100%, B is off
    A:B 480:110 A has 100% for 480 clocks, then B has 110 clocks
    A:B 9:1 A has 90%, B has 10%

    Either thread could change A:B, and it would apply on the next load.
  • AleAle Posts: 2,363
    edited 2013-03-18 22:35
    I still have to see if the 50:50 version even fits my target FPGA. Pipelining for one thread is a bit weak as it is because destinations are written after sources are read... To fix that I'd need loads of logic....I'll have to synthesize it first to see, and add the ALU, it sits ready in another file. And make a board to plug above the FPGA board with extra RAM and a VGA connector, it is a "quasi-propeller" after all, maybe :)
  • AleAle Posts: 2,363
    edited 2013-04-07 00:02
    This is going well :)

    here is the report for the attached version.

    It has two threads, but I havent tested it, only the one thread version. It should run at 24 MHz, witht booth signed multiplier and all :) No idea what of all works as of yet, but the multiplier and the pointers should work, the pointers are separated for both threads, the flags c and z and not saved yet, a little rework is still needed :)
    Place & Route TRACE Report
    Loading design for application trce from file pnutdsp_lattice_pnutdsp_lattice.ncd.
    Design name: pnutdsp_top
    NCD version: 3.2
    Vendor:      LATTICE
    Device:      LCMXO2-1200ZE
    Package:     TQFP144
    Performance: 1
    Loading device for application trce from file 'xo2c1200.nph' in environment: C:/lscc/diamond/1.4/ispfpga.
    Package Status:                     Final          Version 1.33
    Performance Hardware Data Status:   Final          Version 22.4
    Setup and Hold Report
    Lattice TRACE Report - Setup, Version Diamond_1.4_Production (87)
    Sun Apr 07 08:52:00 2013
    Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
    Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp.   All rights reserved.
    Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc.  All rights reserved.
    Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems   All rights reserved.
    Copyright (c) 2002-2011 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation,  All rights reserved.
    Report Information
    Command line:    trce -v 10 -gt -sethld -sp 1 -sphld m -o pnutdsp_lattice_pnutdsp_lattice.twr pnutdsp_lattice_pnutdsp_lattice.ncd pnutdsp_lattice_pnutdsp_lattice.prf 
    Design file:     pnutdsp_lattice_pnutdsp_lattice.ncd
    Preference file: pnutdsp_lattice_pnutdsp_lattice.prf
    Device,speed:    LCMXO2-1200ZE,1
    Report level:    verbose report, limited to 10 items per preference
    Preference Summary
    FREQUENCY NET "CLK_I_inferred_clock" 20.460000 MHz (0 errors)
                4096 items scored, 0 timing errors detected.
    Report:   24.534MHz is the maximum frequency for this preference.
    Preference: FREQUENCY NET "CLK_I_inferred_clock" 20.460000 MHz ;
                4096 items scored, 0 timing errors detected.
    Passed: The following path meets requirements by 8.116ns
     Logical Details:  Cell type  Pin type       Cell/ASIC name  (clock net +/-)
       Source:         FF         Q              II_1/alu/d_out_1  (from II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0 +)
       Destination:    FF         Data in        II_1/imem/ptr1_t1_r_9  (to CLK_I_inferred_clock +)
       Delay:              19.153ns  (31.7% logic, 68.3% route), 7 logic levels.
     Constraint Details:
         19.153ns physical path delay II_1/alu/SLICE_189 to II_1/imem/SLICE_152 meets
         48.875ns delay constraint less
         21.174ns skew and
          0.432ns DIN_SET requirement (totaling 27.269ns) by 8.116ns
     Physical Path Details:
          Data path II_1/alu/SLICE_189 to II_1/imem/SLICE_152:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    REG_DEL     ---     0.955      R5C9A.CLK to       R5C9A.Q1 II_1/alu/SLICE_189 (from II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0)
    ROUTE         1     6.800       R5C9A.Q1 to      R5C14A.A1 II_1/alu_out_1
    CTOF_DEL    ---     0.923      R5C14A.A1 to      R5C14A.F1 II_1/SLICE_275
    ROUTE         6     6.279      R5C14A.F1 to      R2C14B.B0 DIN_O_c_1
    C0TOFCO_DE  ---     2.064      R2C14B.B0 to     R2C14B.FCO II_1/imem/SLICE_156
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R2C14B.FCO to     R2C14C.FCI II_1/imem/ptr1_t1_r_cry_2
    FCITOFCO_D  ---     0.317     R2C14C.FCI to     R2C14C.FCO II_1/imem/SLICE_155
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R2C14C.FCO to     R2C14D.FCI II_1/imem/ptr1_t1_r_cry_4
    FCITOFCO_D  ---     0.317     R2C14D.FCI to     R2C14D.FCO II_1/imem/SLICE_154
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R2C14D.FCO to     R2C15A.FCI II_1/imem/ptr1_t1_r_cry_6
    FCITOFCO_D  ---     0.317     R2C15A.FCI to     R2C15A.FCO II_1/imem/SLICE_153
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R2C15A.FCO to     R2C15B.FCI II_1/imem/ptr1_t1_r_cry_8
    FCITOF0_DE  ---     1.181     R2C15B.FCI to      R2C15B.F0 II_1/imem/SLICE_152
    ROUTE         1     0.000      R2C15B.F0 to     R2C15B.DI0 II_1/imem/ptr1_t1_r_s_9 (to CLK_I_inferred_clock)
                       19.153   (31.7% logic, 68.3% route), 7 logic levels.
     Clock Skew Details: 
          Source Clock Path iosc to II_1/alu/SLICE_189:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     7.878        OSC.OSC to     R9C13C.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
    REG_DEL     ---     0.955     R9C13C.CLK to      R9C13C.Q0 SLICE_294
    ROUTE        33     5.856      R9C13C.Q0 to      R5C11A.A1 II_1/opcode_t1_29
    CTOF_DEL    ---     0.923      R5C11A.A1 to      R5C11A.F1 II_1/alu/SLICE_436
    ROUTE         2     3.386      R5C11A.F1 to      R2C13D.B0 II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0_a2_0_0
    CTOOFX_DEL  ---     1.359      R2C13D.B0 to    R2C13D.OFX0 II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0/SLICE_297
    ROUTE        17     8.695    R2C13D.OFX0 to      R5C9A.CLK II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0
                       29.052   (11.1% logic, 88.9% route), 3 logic levels.
          Destination Clock Path iosc to II_1/imem/SLICE_152:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     7.878        OSC.OSC to     R2C15B.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
                        7.878   (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels.
    Passed: The following path meets requirements by 8.157ns
     Logical Details:  Cell type  Pin type       Cell/ASIC name  (clock net +/-)
       Source:         FF         Q              II_1/alu/d_out_1  (from II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0 +)
       Destination:    FF         Data in        II_1/imem/ptr0_t1_r_9  (to CLK_I_inferred_clock +)
       Delay:              19.112ns  (31.8% logic, 68.2% route), 7 logic levels.
     Constraint Details:
         19.112ns physical path delay II_1/alu/SLICE_189 to II_1/imem/SLICE_158 meets
         48.875ns delay constraint less
         21.174ns skew and
          0.432ns DIN_SET requirement (totaling 27.269ns) by 8.157ns
     Physical Path Details:
          Data path II_1/alu/SLICE_189 to II_1/imem/SLICE_158:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    REG_DEL     ---     0.955      R5C9A.CLK to       R5C9A.Q1 II_1/alu/SLICE_189 (from II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0)
    ROUTE         1     6.800       R5C9A.Q1 to      R5C14A.A1 II_1/alu_out_1
    CTOF_DEL    ---     0.923      R5C14A.A1 to      R5C14A.F1 II_1/SLICE_275
    ROUTE         6     6.238      R5C14A.F1 to      R2C16B.A0 DIN_O_c_1
    C0TOFCO_DE  ---     2.064      R2C16B.A0 to     R2C16B.FCO II_1/imem/SLICE_162
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R2C16B.FCO to     R2C16C.FCI II_1/imem/ptr0_t1_r_cry_2
    FCITOFCO_D  ---     0.317     R2C16C.FCI to     R2C16C.FCO II_1/imem/SLICE_161
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R2C16C.FCO to     R2C16D.FCI II_1/imem/ptr0_t1_r_cry_4
    FCITOFCO_D  ---     0.317     R2C16D.FCI to     R2C16D.FCO II_1/imem/SLICE_160
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R2C16D.FCO to     R2C17A.FCI II_1/imem/ptr0_t1_r_cry_6
    FCITOFCO_D  ---     0.317     R2C17A.FCI to     R2C17A.FCO II_1/imem/SLICE_159
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R2C17A.FCO to     R2C17B.FCI II_1/imem/ptr0_t1_r_cry_8
    FCITOF0_DE  ---     1.181     R2C17B.FCI to      R2C17B.F0 II_1/imem/SLICE_158
    ROUTE         1     0.000      R2C17B.F0 to     R2C17B.DI0 II_1/imem/ptr0_t1_r_s_9 (to CLK_I_inferred_clock)
                       19.112   (31.8% logic, 68.2% route), 7 logic levels.
     Clock Skew Details: 
          Source Clock Path iosc to II_1/alu/SLICE_189:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     7.878        OSC.OSC to     R9C13C.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
    REG_DEL     ---     0.955     R9C13C.CLK to      R9C13C.Q0 SLICE_294
    ROUTE        33     5.856      R9C13C.Q0 to      R5C11A.A1 II_1/opcode_t1_29
    CTOF_DEL    ---     0.923      R5C11A.A1 to      R5C11A.F1 II_1/alu/SLICE_436
    ROUTE         2     3.386      R5C11A.F1 to      R2C13D.B0 II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0_a2_0_0
    CTOOFX_DEL  ---     1.359      R2C13D.B0 to    R2C13D.OFX0 II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0/SLICE_297
    ROUTE        17     8.695    R2C13D.OFX0 to      R5C9A.CLK II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0
                       29.052   (11.1% logic, 88.9% route), 3 logic levels.
          Destination Clock Path iosc to II_1/imem/SLICE_158:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     7.878        OSC.OSC to     R2C17B.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
                        7.878   (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels.
    Passed: The following path meets requirements by 8.316ns
     Logical Details:  Cell type  Pin type       Cell/ASIC name  (clock net +/-)
       Source:         FF         Q              II_1/alu/d_out_1  (from II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0 +)
       Destination:    FF         Data in        II_1/imem/ptr1_t1_r_8  (to CLK_I_inferred_clock +)
       Delay:              18.953ns  (31.0% logic, 69.0% route), 6 logic levels.
     Constraint Details:
         18.953ns physical path delay II_1/alu/SLICE_189 to II_1/imem/SLICE_153 meets
         48.875ns delay constraint less
         21.174ns skew and
          0.432ns DIN_SET requirement (totaling 27.269ns) by 8.316ns
     Physical Path Details:
          Data path II_1/alu/SLICE_189 to II_1/imem/SLICE_153:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    REG_DEL     ---     0.955      R5C9A.CLK to       R5C9A.Q1 II_1/alu/SLICE_189 (from II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0)
    ROUTE         1     6.800       R5C9A.Q1 to      R5C14A.A1 II_1/alu_out_1
    CTOF_DEL    ---     0.923      R5C14A.A1 to      R5C14A.F1 II_1/SLICE_275
    ROUTE         6     6.279      R5C14A.F1 to      R2C14B.B0 DIN_O_c_1
    C0TOFCO_DE  ---     2.064      R2C14B.B0 to     R2C14B.FCO II_1/imem/SLICE_156
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R2C14B.FCO to     R2C14C.FCI II_1/imem/ptr1_t1_r_cry_2
    FCITOFCO_D  ---     0.317     R2C14C.FCI to     R2C14C.FCO II_1/imem/SLICE_155
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R2C14C.FCO to     R2C14D.FCI II_1/imem/ptr1_t1_r_cry_4
    FCITOFCO_D  ---     0.317     R2C14D.FCI to     R2C14D.FCO II_1/imem/SLICE_154
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R2C14D.FCO to     R2C15A.FCI II_1/imem/ptr1_t1_r_cry_6
    FCITOF1_DE  ---     1.298     R2C15A.FCI to      R2C15A.F1 II_1/imem/SLICE_153
    ROUTE         1     0.000      R2C15A.F1 to     R2C15A.DI1 II_1/imem/ptr1_t1_r_s_8 (to CLK_I_inferred_clock)
                       18.953   (31.0% logic, 69.0% route), 6 logic levels.
     Clock Skew Details: 
          Source Clock Path iosc to II_1/alu/SLICE_189:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     7.878        OSC.OSC to     R9C13C.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
    REG_DEL     ---     0.955     R9C13C.CLK to      R9C13C.Q0 SLICE_294
    ROUTE        33     5.856      R9C13C.Q0 to      R5C11A.A1 II_1/opcode_t1_29
    CTOF_DEL    ---     0.923      R5C11A.A1 to      R5C11A.F1 II_1/alu/SLICE_436
    ROUTE         2     3.386      R5C11A.F1 to      R2C13D.B0 II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0_a2_0_0
    CTOOFX_DEL  ---     1.359      R2C13D.B0 to    R2C13D.OFX0 II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0/SLICE_297
    ROUTE        17     8.695    R2C13D.OFX0 to      R5C9A.CLK II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0
                       29.052   (11.1% logic, 88.9% route), 3 logic levels.
          Destination Clock Path iosc to II_1/imem/SLICE_153:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     7.878        OSC.OSC to     R2C15A.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
                        7.878   (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels.
    Passed: The following path meets requirements by 8.357ns
     Logical Details:  Cell type  Pin type       Cell/ASIC name  (clock net +/-)
       Source:         FF         Q              II_1/alu/d_out_1  (from II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0 +)
       Destination:    FF         Data in        II_1/imem/ptr0_t1_r_8  (to CLK_I_inferred_clock +)
       Delay:              18.912ns  (31.1% logic, 68.9% route), 6 logic levels.
     Constraint Details:
         18.912ns physical path delay II_1/alu/SLICE_189 to II_1/imem/SLICE_159 meets
         48.875ns delay constraint less
         21.174ns skew and
          0.432ns DIN_SET requirement (totaling 27.269ns) by 8.357ns
     Physical Path Details:
          Data path II_1/alu/SLICE_189 to II_1/imem/SLICE_159:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    REG_DEL     ---     0.955      R5C9A.CLK to       R5C9A.Q1 II_1/alu/SLICE_189 (from II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0)
    ROUTE         1     6.800       R5C9A.Q1 to      R5C14A.A1 II_1/alu_out_1
    CTOF_DEL    ---     0.923      R5C14A.A1 to      R5C14A.F1 II_1/SLICE_275
    ROUTE         6     6.238      R5C14A.F1 to      R2C16B.A0 DIN_O_c_1
    C0TOFCO_DE  ---     2.064      R2C16B.A0 to     R2C16B.FCO II_1/imem/SLICE_162
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R2C16B.FCO to     R2C16C.FCI II_1/imem/ptr0_t1_r_cry_2
    FCITOFCO_D  ---     0.317     R2C16C.FCI to     R2C16C.FCO II_1/imem/SLICE_161
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R2C16C.FCO to     R2C16D.FCI II_1/imem/ptr0_t1_r_cry_4
    FCITOFCO_D  ---     0.317     R2C16D.FCI to     R2C16D.FCO II_1/imem/SLICE_160
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R2C16D.FCO to     R2C17A.FCI II_1/imem/ptr0_t1_r_cry_6
    FCITOF1_DE  ---     1.298     R2C17A.FCI to      R2C17A.F1 II_1/imem/SLICE_159
    ROUTE         1     0.000      R2C17A.F1 to     R2C17A.DI1 II_1/imem/ptr0_t1_r_s_8 (to CLK_I_inferred_clock)
                       18.912   (31.1% logic, 68.9% route), 6 logic levels.
     Clock Skew Details: 
          Source Clock Path iosc to II_1/alu/SLICE_189:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     7.878        OSC.OSC to     R9C13C.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
    REG_DEL     ---     0.955     R9C13C.CLK to      R9C13C.Q0 SLICE_294
    ROUTE        33     5.856      R9C13C.Q0 to      R5C11A.A1 II_1/opcode_t1_29
    CTOF_DEL    ---     0.923      R5C11A.A1 to      R5C11A.F1 II_1/alu/SLICE_436
    ROUTE         2     3.386      R5C11A.F1 to      R2C13D.B0 II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0_a2_0_0
    CTOOFX_DEL  ---     1.359      R2C13D.B0 to    R2C13D.OFX0 II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0/SLICE_297
    ROUTE        17     8.695    R2C13D.OFX0 to      R5C9A.CLK II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0
                       29.052   (11.1% logic, 88.9% route), 3 logic levels.
          Destination Clock Path iosc to II_1/imem/SLICE_159:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     7.878        OSC.OSC to     R2C17A.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
                        7.878   (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels.
    Passed: The following path meets requirements by 8.433ns
     Logical Details:  Cell type  Pin type       Cell/ASIC name  (clock net +/-)
       Source:         FF         Q              II_1/alu/d_out_1  (from II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0 +)
       Destination:    FF         Data in        II_1/imem/ptr1_t1_r_7  (to CLK_I_inferred_clock +)
       Delay:              18.836ns  (30.6% logic, 69.4% route), 6 logic levels.
     Constraint Details:
         18.836ns physical path delay II_1/alu/SLICE_189 to II_1/imem/SLICE_153 meets
         48.875ns delay constraint less
         21.174ns skew and
          0.432ns DIN_SET requirement (totaling 27.269ns) by 8.433ns
     Physical Path Details:
          Data path II_1/alu/SLICE_189 to II_1/imem/SLICE_153:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    REG_DEL     ---     0.955      R5C9A.CLK to       R5C9A.Q1 II_1/alu/SLICE_189 (from II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0)
    ROUTE         1     6.800       R5C9A.Q1 to      R5C14A.A1 II_1/alu_out_1
    CTOF_DEL    ---     0.923      R5C14A.A1 to      R5C14A.F1 II_1/SLICE_275
    ROUTE         6     6.279      R5C14A.F1 to      R2C14B.B0 DIN_O_c_1
    C0TOFCO_DE  ---     2.064      R2C14B.B0 to     R2C14B.FCO II_1/imem/SLICE_156
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R2C14B.FCO to     R2C14C.FCI II_1/imem/ptr1_t1_r_cry_2
    FCITOFCO_D  ---     0.317     R2C14C.FCI to     R2C14C.FCO II_1/imem/SLICE_155
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R2C14C.FCO to     R2C14D.FCI II_1/imem/ptr1_t1_r_cry_4
    FCITOFCO_D  ---     0.317     R2C14D.FCI to     R2C14D.FCO II_1/imem/SLICE_154
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R2C14D.FCO to     R2C15A.FCI II_1/imem/ptr1_t1_r_cry_6
    FCITOF0_DE  ---     1.181     R2C15A.FCI to      R2C15A.F0 II_1/imem/SLICE_153
    ROUTE         1     0.000      R2C15A.F0 to     R2C15A.DI0 II_1/imem/ptr1_t1_r_s_7 (to CLK_I_inferred_clock)
                       18.836   (30.6% logic, 69.4% route), 6 logic levels.
     Clock Skew Details: 
          Source Clock Path iosc to II_1/alu/SLICE_189:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     7.878        OSC.OSC to     R9C13C.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
    REG_DEL     ---     0.955     R9C13C.CLK to      R9C13C.Q0 SLICE_294
    ROUTE        33     5.856      R9C13C.Q0 to      R5C11A.A1 II_1/opcode_t1_29
    CTOF_DEL    ---     0.923      R5C11A.A1 to      R5C11A.F1 II_1/alu/SLICE_436
    ROUTE         2     3.386      R5C11A.F1 to      R2C13D.B0 II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0_a2_0_0
    CTOOFX_DEL  ---     1.359      R2C13D.B0 to    R2C13D.OFX0 II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0/SLICE_297
    ROUTE        17     8.695    R2C13D.OFX0 to      R5C9A.CLK II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0
                       29.052   (11.1% logic, 88.9% route), 3 logic levels.
          Destination Clock Path iosc to II_1/imem/SLICE_153:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     7.878        OSC.OSC to     R2C15A.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
                        7.878   (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels.
    Passed: The following path meets requirements by 8.474ns
     Logical Details:  Cell type  Pin type       Cell/ASIC name  (clock net +/-)
       Source:         FF         Q              II_1/alu/d_out_1  (from II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0 +)
       Destination:    FF         Data in        II_1/imem/ptr0_t1_r_7  (to CLK_I_inferred_clock +)
       Delay:              18.795ns  (30.6% logic, 69.4% route), 6 logic levels.
     Constraint Details:
         18.795ns physical path delay II_1/alu/SLICE_189 to II_1/imem/SLICE_159 meets
         48.875ns delay constraint less
         21.174ns skew and
          0.432ns DIN_SET requirement (totaling 27.269ns) by 8.474ns
     Physical Path Details:
          Data path II_1/alu/SLICE_189 to II_1/imem/SLICE_159:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    REG_DEL     ---     0.955      R5C9A.CLK to       R5C9A.Q1 II_1/alu/SLICE_189 (from II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0)
    ROUTE         1     6.800       R5C9A.Q1 to      R5C14A.A1 II_1/alu_out_1
    CTOF_DEL    ---     0.923      R5C14A.A1 to      R5C14A.F1 II_1/SLICE_275
    ROUTE         6     6.238      R5C14A.F1 to      R2C16B.A0 DIN_O_c_1
    C0TOFCO_DE  ---     2.064      R2C16B.A0 to     R2C16B.FCO II_1/imem/SLICE_162
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R2C16B.FCO to     R2C16C.FCI II_1/imem/ptr0_t1_r_cry_2
    FCITOFCO_D  ---     0.317     R2C16C.FCI to     R2C16C.FCO II_1/imem/SLICE_161
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R2C16C.FCO to     R2C16D.FCI II_1/imem/ptr0_t1_r_cry_4
    FCITOFCO_D  ---     0.317     R2C16D.FCI to     R2C16D.FCO II_1/imem/SLICE_160
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R2C16D.FCO to     R2C17A.FCI II_1/imem/ptr0_t1_r_cry_6
    FCITOF0_DE  ---     1.181     R2C17A.FCI to      R2C17A.F0 II_1/imem/SLICE_159
    ROUTE         1     0.000      R2C17A.F0 to     R2C17A.DI0 II_1/imem/ptr0_t1_r_s_7 (to CLK_I_inferred_clock)
                       18.795   (30.6% logic, 69.4% route), 6 logic levels.
     Clock Skew Details: 
          Source Clock Path iosc to II_1/alu/SLICE_189:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     7.878        OSC.OSC to     R9C13C.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
    REG_DEL     ---     0.955     R9C13C.CLK to      R9C13C.Q0 SLICE_294
    ROUTE        33     5.856      R9C13C.Q0 to      R5C11A.A1 II_1/opcode_t1_29
    CTOF_DEL    ---     0.923      R5C11A.A1 to      R5C11A.F1 II_1/alu/SLICE_436
    ROUTE         2     3.386      R5C11A.F1 to      R2C13D.B0 II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0_a2_0_0
    CTOOFX_DEL  ---     1.359      R2C13D.B0 to    R2C13D.OFX0 II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0/SLICE_297
    ROUTE        17     8.695    R2C13D.OFX0 to      R5C9A.CLK II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0
                       29.052   (11.1% logic, 88.9% route), 3 logic levels.
          Destination Clock Path iosc to II_1/imem/SLICE_159:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     7.878        OSC.OSC to     R2C17A.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
                        7.878   (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels.
    Passed: The following path meets requirements by 8.549ns
     Logical Details:  Cell type  Pin type       Cell/ASIC name  (clock net +/-)
       Source:         FF         Q              II_1/alu/d_out_2  (from II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0 +)
       Destination:    FF         Data in        II_1/imem/ptr0_t1_r_9  (to CLK_I_inferred_clock +)
       Delay:              18.720ns  (31.0% logic, 69.0% route), 7 logic levels.
     Constraint Details:
         18.720ns physical path delay II_1/alu/SLICE_190 to II_1/imem/SLICE_158 meets
         48.875ns delay constraint less
         21.174ns skew and
          0.432ns DIN_SET requirement (totaling 27.269ns) by 8.549ns
     Physical Path Details:
          Data path II_1/alu/SLICE_190 to II_1/imem/SLICE_158:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    REG_DEL     ---     0.955     R5C10C.CLK to      R5C10C.Q0 II_1/alu/SLICE_190 (from II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0)
    ROUTE         1     6.969      R5C10C.Q0 to      R5C15A.A0 II_1/alu_out_2
    CTOF_DEL    ---     0.923      R5C15A.A0 to      R5C15A.F0 II_1/SLICE_276
    ROUTE         6     5.946      R5C15A.F0 to      R2C16B.A1 DIN_O_c_2
    C1TOFCO_DE  ---     1.795      R2C16B.A1 to     R2C16B.FCO II_1/imem/SLICE_162
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R2C16B.FCO to     R2C16C.FCI II_1/imem/ptr0_t1_r_cry_2
    FCITOFCO_D  ---     0.317     R2C16C.FCI to     R2C16C.FCO II_1/imem/SLICE_161
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R2C16C.FCO to     R2C16D.FCI II_1/imem/ptr0_t1_r_cry_4
    FCITOFCO_D  ---     0.317     R2C16D.FCI to     R2C16D.FCO II_1/imem/SLICE_160
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R2C16D.FCO to     R2C17A.FCI II_1/imem/ptr0_t1_r_cry_6
    FCITOFCO_D  ---     0.317     R2C17A.FCI to     R2C17A.FCO II_1/imem/SLICE_159
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R2C17A.FCO to     R2C17B.FCI II_1/imem/ptr0_t1_r_cry_8
    FCITOF0_DE  ---     1.181     R2C17B.FCI to      R2C17B.F0 II_1/imem/SLICE_158
    ROUTE         1     0.000      R2C17B.F0 to     R2C17B.DI0 II_1/imem/ptr0_t1_r_s_9 (to CLK_I_inferred_clock)
                       18.720   (31.0% logic, 69.0% route), 7 logic levels.
     Clock Skew Details: 
          Source Clock Path iosc to II_1/alu/SLICE_190:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     7.878        OSC.OSC to     R9C13C.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
    REG_DEL     ---     0.955     R9C13C.CLK to      R9C13C.Q0 SLICE_294
    ROUTE        33     5.856      R9C13C.Q0 to      R5C11A.A1 II_1/opcode_t1_29
    CTOF_DEL    ---     0.923      R5C11A.A1 to      R5C11A.F1 II_1/alu/SLICE_436
    ROUTE         2     3.386      R5C11A.F1 to      R2C13D.B0 II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0_a2_0_0
    CTOOFX_DEL  ---     1.359      R2C13D.B0 to    R2C13D.OFX0 II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0/SLICE_297
    ROUTE        17     8.695    R2C13D.OFX0 to     R5C10C.CLK II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0
                       29.052   (11.1% logic, 88.9% route), 3 logic levels.
          Destination Clock Path iosc to II_1/imem/SLICE_158:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     7.878        OSC.OSC to     R2C17B.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
                        7.878   (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels.
    Passed: The following path meets requirements by 8.633ns
     Logical Details:  Cell type  Pin type       Cell/ASIC name  (clock net +/-)
       Source:         FF         Q              II_1/alu/d_out_1  (from II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0 +)
       Destination:    FF         Data in        II_1/imem/ptr1_t1_r_6  (to CLK_I_inferred_clock +)
       Delay:              18.636ns  (29.8% logic, 70.2% route), 5 logic levels.
     Constraint Details:
         18.636ns physical path delay II_1/alu/SLICE_189 to II_1/imem/SLICE_154 meets
         48.875ns delay constraint less
         21.174ns skew and
          0.432ns DIN_SET requirement (totaling 27.269ns) by 8.633ns
     Physical Path Details:
          Data path II_1/alu/SLICE_189 to II_1/imem/SLICE_154:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    REG_DEL     ---     0.955      R5C9A.CLK to       R5C9A.Q1 II_1/alu/SLICE_189 (from II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0)
    ROUTE         1     6.800       R5C9A.Q1 to      R5C14A.A1 II_1/alu_out_1
    CTOF_DEL    ---     0.923      R5C14A.A1 to      R5C14A.F1 II_1/SLICE_275
    ROUTE         6     6.279      R5C14A.F1 to      R2C14B.B0 DIN_O_c_1
    C0TOFCO_DE  ---     2.064      R2C14B.B0 to     R2C14B.FCO II_1/imem/SLICE_156
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R2C14B.FCO to     R2C14C.FCI II_1/imem/ptr1_t1_r_cry_2
    FCITOFCO_D  ---     0.317     R2C14C.FCI to     R2C14C.FCO II_1/imem/SLICE_155
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R2C14C.FCO to     R2C14D.FCI II_1/imem/ptr1_t1_r_cry_4
    FCITOF1_DE  ---     1.298     R2C14D.FCI to      R2C14D.F1 II_1/imem/SLICE_154
    ROUTE         1     0.000      R2C14D.F1 to     R2C14D.DI1 II_1/imem/ptr1_t1_r_s_6 (to CLK_I_inferred_clock)
                       18.636   (29.8% logic, 70.2% route), 5 logic levels.
     Clock Skew Details: 
          Source Clock Path iosc to II_1/alu/SLICE_189:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     7.878        OSC.OSC to     R9C13C.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
    REG_DEL     ---     0.955     R9C13C.CLK to      R9C13C.Q0 SLICE_294
    ROUTE        33     5.856      R9C13C.Q0 to      R5C11A.A1 II_1/opcode_t1_29
    CTOF_DEL    ---     0.923      R5C11A.A1 to      R5C11A.F1 II_1/alu/SLICE_436
    ROUTE         2     3.386      R5C11A.F1 to      R2C13D.B0 II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0_a2_0_0
    CTOOFX_DEL  ---     1.359      R2C13D.B0 to    R2C13D.OFX0 II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0/SLICE_297
    ROUTE        17     8.695    R2C13D.OFX0 to      R5C9A.CLK II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0
                       29.052   (11.1% logic, 88.9% route), 3 logic levels.
          Destination Clock Path iosc to II_1/imem/SLICE_154:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     7.878        OSC.OSC to     R2C14D.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
                        7.878   (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels.
    Passed: The following path meets requirements by 8.674ns
     Logical Details:  Cell type  Pin type       Cell/ASIC name  (clock net +/-)
       Source:         FF         Q              II_1/alu/d_out_1  (from II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0 +)
       Destination:    FF         Data in        II_1/imem/ptr0_t1_r_6  (to CLK_I_inferred_clock +)
       Delay:              18.595ns  (29.9% logic, 70.1% route), 5 logic levels.
     Constraint Details:
         18.595ns physical path delay II_1/alu/SLICE_189 to II_1/imem/SLICE_160 meets
         48.875ns delay constraint less
         21.174ns skew and
          0.432ns DIN_SET requirement (totaling 27.269ns) by 8.674ns
     Physical Path Details:
          Data path II_1/alu/SLICE_189 to II_1/imem/SLICE_160:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    REG_DEL     ---     0.955      R5C9A.CLK to       R5C9A.Q1 II_1/alu/SLICE_189 (from II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0)
    ROUTE         1     6.800       R5C9A.Q1 to      R5C14A.A1 II_1/alu_out_1
    CTOF_DEL    ---     0.923      R5C14A.A1 to      R5C14A.F1 II_1/SLICE_275
    ROUTE         6     6.238      R5C14A.F1 to      R2C16B.A0 DIN_O_c_1
    C0TOFCO_DE  ---     2.064      R2C16B.A0 to     R2C16B.FCO II_1/imem/SLICE_162
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R2C16B.FCO to     R2C16C.FCI II_1/imem/ptr0_t1_r_cry_2
    FCITOFCO_D  ---     0.317     R2C16C.FCI to     R2C16C.FCO II_1/imem/SLICE_161
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R2C16C.FCO to     R2C16D.FCI II_1/imem/ptr0_t1_r_cry_4
    FCITOF1_DE  ---     1.298     R2C16D.FCI to      R2C16D.F1 II_1/imem/SLICE_160
    ROUTE         1     0.000      R2C16D.F1 to     R2C16D.DI1 II_1/imem/ptr0_t1_r_s_6 (to CLK_I_inferred_clock)
                       18.595   (29.9% logic, 70.1% route), 5 logic levels.
     Clock Skew Details: 
          Source Clock Path iosc to II_1/alu/SLICE_189:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     7.878        OSC.OSC to     R9C13C.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
    REG_DEL     ---     0.955     R9C13C.CLK to      R9C13C.Q0 SLICE_294
    ROUTE        33     5.856      R9C13C.Q0 to      R5C11A.A1 II_1/opcode_t1_29
    CTOF_DEL    ---     0.923      R5C11A.A1 to      R5C11A.F1 II_1/alu/SLICE_436
    ROUTE         2     3.386      R5C11A.F1 to      R2C13D.B0 II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0_a2_0_0
    CTOOFX_DEL  ---     1.359      R2C13D.B0 to    R2C13D.OFX0 II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0/SLICE_297
    ROUTE        17     8.695    R2C13D.OFX0 to      R5C9A.CLK II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0
                       29.052   (11.1% logic, 88.9% route), 3 logic levels.
          Destination Clock Path iosc to II_1/imem/SLICE_160:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     7.878        OSC.OSC to     R2C16D.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
                        7.878   (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels.
    Passed: The following path meets requirements by 8.749ns
     Logical Details:  Cell type  Pin type       Cell/ASIC name  (clock net +/-)
       Source:         FF         Q              II_1/alu/d_out_2  (from II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0 +)
       Destination:    FF         Data in        II_1/imem/ptr0_t1_r_8  (to CLK_I_inferred_clock +)
       Delay:              18.520ns  (30.3% logic, 69.7% route), 6 logic levels.
     Constraint Details:
         18.520ns physical path delay II_1/alu/SLICE_190 to II_1/imem/SLICE_159 meets
         48.875ns delay constraint less
         21.174ns skew and
          0.432ns DIN_SET requirement (totaling 27.269ns) by 8.749ns
     Physical Path Details:
          Data path II_1/alu/SLICE_190 to II_1/imem/SLICE_159:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    REG_DEL     ---     0.955     R5C10C.CLK to      R5C10C.Q0 II_1/alu/SLICE_190 (from II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0)
    ROUTE         1     6.969      R5C10C.Q0 to      R5C15A.A0 II_1/alu_out_2
    CTOF_DEL    ---     0.923      R5C15A.A0 to      R5C15A.F0 II_1/SLICE_276
    ROUTE         6     5.946      R5C15A.F0 to      R2C16B.A1 DIN_O_c_2
    C1TOFCO_DE  ---     1.795      R2C16B.A1 to     R2C16B.FCO II_1/imem/SLICE_162
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R2C16B.FCO to     R2C16C.FCI II_1/imem/ptr0_t1_r_cry_2
    FCITOFCO_D  ---     0.317     R2C16C.FCI to     R2C16C.FCO II_1/imem/SLICE_161
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R2C16C.FCO to     R2C16D.FCI II_1/imem/ptr0_t1_r_cry_4
    FCITOFCO_D  ---     0.317     R2C16D.FCI to     R2C16D.FCO II_1/imem/SLICE_160
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R2C16D.FCO to     R2C17A.FCI II_1/imem/ptr0_t1_r_cry_6
    FCITOF1_DE  ---     1.298     R2C17A.FCI to      R2C17A.F1 II_1/imem/SLICE_159
    ROUTE         1     0.000      R2C17A.F1 to     R2C17A.DI1 II_1/imem/ptr0_t1_r_s_8 (to CLK_I_inferred_clock)
                       18.520   (30.3% logic, 69.7% route), 6 logic levels.
     Clock Skew Details: 
          Source Clock Path iosc to II_1/alu/SLICE_190:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     7.878        OSC.OSC to     R9C13C.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
    REG_DEL     ---     0.955     R9C13C.CLK to      R9C13C.Q0 SLICE_294
    ROUTE        33     5.856      R9C13C.Q0 to      R5C11A.A1 II_1/opcode_t1_29
    CTOF_DEL    ---     0.923      R5C11A.A1 to      R5C11A.F1 II_1/alu/SLICE_436
    ROUTE         2     3.386      R5C11A.F1 to      R2C13D.B0 II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0_a2_0_0
    CTOOFX_DEL  ---     1.359      R2C13D.B0 to    R2C13D.OFX0 II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0/SLICE_297
    ROUTE        17     8.695    R2C13D.OFX0 to     R5C10C.CLK II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0
                       29.052   (11.1% logic, 88.9% route), 3 logic levels.
          Destination Clock Path iosc to II_1/imem/SLICE_159:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     7.878        OSC.OSC to     R2C17A.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
                        7.878   (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels.
    Report:   24.534MHz is the maximum frequency for this preference.
    Report Summary
    Preference                              |   Constraint|       Actual|Levels
                                            |             |             |
    FREQUENCY NET "CLK_I_inferred_clock"    |             |             |
    20.460000 MHz ;                         |   20.460 MHz|   24.534 MHz|   7  
                                            |             |             |
    All preferences were met.
    Clock Domains Analysis
    Found 2 clocks:
    Clock Domain: CLK_I_inferred_clock   Source: iosc.OSC   Loads: 144
       Covered under: FREQUENCY NET "CLK_I_inferred_clock" 20.460000 MHz ;
       Data transfers from:
       Clock Domain: II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0   Source: II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0/SLICE_297.OFX0
          Covered under: FREQUENCY NET "CLK_I_inferred_clock" 20.460000 MHz ;   Transfers: 32
    Clock Domain: II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0   Source: II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0/SLICE_297.OFX0   Loads: 17
       No transfer within this clock domain is found
    Timing summary (Setup):
    Timing errors: 0  Score: 0
    Cumulative negative slack: 0
    Constraints cover 22451 paths, 1 nets, and 3445 connections (73.1% coverage)
    Lattice TRACE Report - Hold, Version Diamond_1.4_Production (87)
    Sun Apr 07 08:52:00 2013
    Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
    Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp.   All rights reserved.
    Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc.  All rights reserved.
    Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems   All rights reserved.
    Copyright (c) 2002-2011 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation,  All rights reserved.
    Report Information
    Command line:    trce -v 10 -gt -sethld -sp 1 -sphld m -o pnutdsp_lattice_pnutdsp_lattice.twr pnutdsp_lattice_pnutdsp_lattice.ncd pnutdsp_lattice_pnutdsp_lattice.prf 
    Design file:     pnutdsp_lattice_pnutdsp_lattice.ncd
    Preference file: pnutdsp_lattice_pnutdsp_lattice.prf
    Device,speed:    LCMXO2-1200ZE,m
    Report level:    verbose report, limited to 10 items per preference
    Preference Summary
    FREQUENCY NET "CLK_I_inferred_clock" 20.460000 MHz (0 errors)
                4096 items scored, 0 timing errors detected.
    Preference: FREQUENCY NET "CLK_I_inferred_clock" 20.460000 MHz ;
                4096 items scored, 0 timing errors detected.
    Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.856ns
     Logical Details:  Cell type  Pin type       Cell/ASIC name  (clock net +/-)
       Source:         FF         Q              II_1/imem/cnt_r_21  (from CLK_I_inferred_clock +)
       Destination:    FF         Data in        II_1/imem/cnt_r_21  (to CLK_I_inferred_clock +)
       Delay:               0.824ns  (55.3% logic, 44.7% route), 2 logic levels.
     Constraint Details:
          0.824ns physical path delay II_1/imem/SLICE_169 to II_1/imem/SLICE_169 meets
         -0.032ns DIN_HLD and
          0.000ns delay constraint less
          0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.032ns) by 0.856ns
     Physical Path Details:
          Data path II_1/imem/SLICE_169 to II_1/imem/SLICE_169:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    REG_DEL     ---     0.257    R10C15D.CLK to     R10C15D.Q0 II_1/imem/SLICE_169 (from CLK_I_inferred_clock)
    ROUTE         3     0.368     R10C15D.Q0 to     R10C15D.A0 II_1/imem/cnt_r_21
    CTOF_DEL    ---     0.199     R10C15D.A0 to     R10C15D.F0 II_1/imem/SLICE_169
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R10C15D.F0 to    R10C15D.DI0 II_1/imem/cnt_r_s_21 (to CLK_I_inferred_clock)
                        0.824   (55.3% logic, 44.7% route), 2 logic levels.
     Clock Skew Details: 
          Source Clock Path iosc to II_1/imem/SLICE_169:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     2.474        OSC.OSC to    R10C15D.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
                        2.474   (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels.
          Destination Clock Path iosc to II_1/imem/SLICE_169:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     2.474        OSC.OSC to    R10C15D.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
                        2.474   (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels.
    Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.856ns
     Logical Details:  Cell type  Pin type       Cell/ASIC name  (clock net +/-)
       Source:         FF         Q              II_1/imem/cnt_r_16  (from CLK_I_inferred_clock +)
       Destination:    FF         Data in        II_1/imem/cnt_r_16  (to CLK_I_inferred_clock +)
       Delay:               0.824ns  (55.3% logic, 44.7% route), 2 logic levels.
     Constraint Details:
          0.824ns physical path delay II_1/imem/SLICE_172 to II_1/imem/SLICE_172 meets
         -0.032ns DIN_HLD and
          0.000ns delay constraint less
          0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.032ns) by 0.856ns
     Physical Path Details:
          Data path II_1/imem/SLICE_172 to II_1/imem/SLICE_172:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    REG_DEL     ---     0.257    R10C15A.CLK to     R10C15A.Q1 II_1/imem/SLICE_172 (from CLK_I_inferred_clock)
    ROUTE         3     0.368     R10C15A.Q1 to     R10C15A.A1 II_1/imem/cnt_r_16
    CTOF_DEL    ---     0.199     R10C15A.A1 to     R10C15A.F1 II_1/imem/SLICE_172
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R10C15A.F1 to    R10C15A.DI1 II_1/imem/cnt_r_s_16 (to CLK_I_inferred_clock)
                        0.824   (55.3% logic, 44.7% route), 2 logic levels.
     Clock Skew Details: 
          Source Clock Path iosc to II_1/imem/SLICE_172:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     2.474        OSC.OSC to    R10C15A.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
                        2.474   (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels.
          Destination Clock Path iosc to II_1/imem/SLICE_172:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     2.474        OSC.OSC to    R10C15A.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
                        2.474   (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels.
    Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.856ns
     Logical Details:  Cell type  Pin type       Cell/ASIC name  (clock net +/-)
       Source:         FF         Q              II_1/imem/cnt_r_10  (from CLK_I_inferred_clock +)
       Destination:    FF         Data in        II_1/imem/cnt_r_10  (to CLK_I_inferred_clock +)
       Delay:               0.824ns  (55.3% logic, 44.7% route), 2 logic levels.
     Constraint Details:
          0.824ns physical path delay II_1/imem/SLICE_175 to II_1/imem/SLICE_175 meets
         -0.032ns DIN_HLD and
          0.000ns delay constraint less
          0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.032ns) by 0.856ns
     Physical Path Details:
          Data path II_1/imem/SLICE_175 to II_1/imem/SLICE_175:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    REG_DEL     ---     0.257    R10C14B.CLK to     R10C14B.Q1 II_1/imem/SLICE_175 (from CLK_I_inferred_clock)
    ROUTE         3     0.368     R10C14B.Q1 to     R10C14B.A1 II_1/imem/cnt_r_10
    CTOF_DEL    ---     0.199     R10C14B.A1 to     R10C14B.F1 II_1/imem/SLICE_175
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R10C14B.F1 to    R10C14B.DI1 II_1/imem/cnt_r_s_10 (to CLK_I_inferred_clock)
                        0.824   (55.3% logic, 44.7% route), 2 logic levels.
     Clock Skew Details: 
          Source Clock Path iosc to II_1/imem/SLICE_175:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     2.474        OSC.OSC to    R10C14B.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
                        2.474   (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels.
          Destination Clock Path iosc to II_1/imem/SLICE_175:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     2.474        OSC.OSC to    R10C14B.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
                        2.474   (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels.
    Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.856ns
     Logical Details:  Cell type  Pin type       Cell/ASIC name  (clock net +/-)
       Source:         FF         Q              II_1/imem/cnt_r_3  (from CLK_I_inferred_clock +)
       Destination:    FF         Data in        II_1/imem/cnt_r_3  (to CLK_I_inferred_clock +)
       Delay:               0.824ns  (55.3% logic, 44.7% route), 2 logic levels.
     Constraint Details:
          0.824ns physical path delay II_1/imem/SLICE_178 to II_1/imem/SLICE_178 meets
         -0.032ns DIN_HLD and
          0.000ns delay constraint less
          0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.032ns) by 0.856ns
     Physical Path Details:
          Data path II_1/imem/SLICE_178 to II_1/imem/SLICE_178:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    REG_DEL     ---     0.257    R10C13C.CLK to     R10C13C.Q0 II_1/imem/SLICE_178 (from CLK_I_inferred_clock)
    ROUTE         3     0.368     R10C13C.Q0 to     R10C13C.A0 II_1/imem/cnt_r_3
    CTOF_DEL    ---     0.199     R10C13C.A0 to     R10C13C.F0 II_1/imem/SLICE_178
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R10C13C.F0 to    R10C13C.DI0 II_1/imem/cnt_r_s_3 (to CLK_I_inferred_clock)
                        0.824   (55.3% logic, 44.7% route), 2 logic levels.
     Clock Skew Details: 
          Source Clock Path iosc to II_1/imem/SLICE_178:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     2.474        OSC.OSC to    R10C13C.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
                        2.474   (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels.
          Destination Clock Path iosc to II_1/imem/SLICE_178:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     2.474        OSC.OSC to    R10C13C.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
                        2.474   (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels.
    Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.856ns
     Logical Details:  Cell type  Pin type       Cell/ASIC name  (clock net +/-)
       Source:         FF         Q              II_1/imem/cnt_r_17  (from CLK_I_inferred_clock +)
       Destination:    FF         Data in        II_1/imem/cnt_r_17  (to CLK_I_inferred_clock +)
       Delay:               0.824ns  (55.3% logic, 44.7% route), 2 logic levels.
     Constraint Details:
          0.824ns physical path delay II_1/imem/SLICE_171 to II_1/imem/SLICE_171 meets
         -0.032ns DIN_HLD and
          0.000ns delay constraint less
          0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.032ns) by 0.856ns
     Physical Path Details:
          Data path II_1/imem/SLICE_171 to II_1/imem/SLICE_171:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    REG_DEL     ---     0.257    R10C15B.CLK to     R10C15B.Q0 II_1/imem/SLICE_171 (from CLK_I_inferred_clock)
    ROUTE         3     0.368     R10C15B.Q0 to     R10C15B.A0 II_1/imem/cnt_r_17
    CTOF_DEL    ---     0.199     R10C15B.A0 to     R10C15B.F0 II_1/imem/SLICE_171
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R10C15B.F0 to    R10C15B.DI0 II_1/imem/cnt_r_s_17 (to CLK_I_inferred_clock)
                        0.824   (55.3% logic, 44.7% route), 2 logic levels.
     Clock Skew Details: 
          Source Clock Path iosc to II_1/imem/SLICE_171:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     2.474        OSC.OSC to    R10C15B.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
                        2.474   (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels.
          Destination Clock Path iosc to II_1/imem/SLICE_171:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     2.474        OSC.OSC to    R10C15B.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
                        2.474   (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels.
    Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.856ns
     Logical Details:  Cell type  Pin type       Cell/ASIC name  (clock net +/-)
       Source:         FF         Q              II_1/imem/cnt_r_28  (from CLK_I_inferred_clock +)
       Destination:    FF         Data in        II_1/imem/cnt_r_28  (to CLK_I_inferred_clock +)
       Delay:               0.824ns  (55.3% logic, 44.7% route), 2 logic levels.
     Constraint Details:
          0.824ns physical path delay II_1/imem/SLICE_166 to II_1/imem/SLICE_166 meets
         -0.032ns DIN_HLD and
          0.000ns delay constraint less
          0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.032ns) by 0.856ns
     Physical Path Details:
          Data path II_1/imem/SLICE_166 to II_1/imem/SLICE_166:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    REG_DEL     ---     0.257    R10C16C.CLK to     R10C16C.Q1 II_1/imem/SLICE_166 (from CLK_I_inferred_clock)
    ROUTE         3     0.368     R10C16C.Q1 to     R10C16C.A1 II_1/imem/cnt_r_28
    CTOF_DEL    ---     0.199     R10C16C.A1 to     R10C16C.F1 II_1/imem/SLICE_166
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R10C16C.F1 to    R10C16C.DI1 II_1/imem/cnt_r_s_28 (to CLK_I_inferred_clock)
                        0.824   (55.3% logic, 44.7% route), 2 logic levels.
     Clock Skew Details: 
          Source Clock Path iosc to II_1/imem/SLICE_166:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     2.474        OSC.OSC to    R10C16C.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
                        2.474   (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels.
          Destination Clock Path iosc to II_1/imem/SLICE_166:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     2.474        OSC.OSC to    R10C16C.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
                        2.474   (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels.
    Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.856ns
     Logical Details:  Cell type  Pin type       Cell/ASIC name  (clock net +/-)
       Source:         FF         Q              II_1/imem/cnt_r_14  (from CLK_I_inferred_clock +)
       Destination:    FF         Data in        II_1/imem/cnt_r_14  (to CLK_I_inferred_clock +)
       Delay:               0.824ns  (55.3% logic, 44.7% route), 2 logic levels.
     Constraint Details:
          0.824ns physical path delay II_1/imem/SLICE_173 to II_1/imem/SLICE_173 meets
         -0.032ns DIN_HLD and
          0.000ns delay constraint less
          0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.032ns) by 0.856ns
     Physical Path Details:
          Data path II_1/imem/SLICE_173 to II_1/imem/SLICE_173:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    REG_DEL     ---     0.257    R10C14D.CLK to     R10C14D.Q1 II_1/imem/SLICE_173 (from CLK_I_inferred_clock)
    ROUTE         3     0.368     R10C14D.Q1 to     R10C14D.A1 II_1/imem/cnt_r_14
    CTOF_DEL    ---     0.199     R10C14D.A1 to     R10C14D.F1 II_1/imem/SLICE_173
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R10C14D.F1 to    R10C14D.DI1 II_1/imem/cnt_r_s_14 (to CLK_I_inferred_clock)
                        0.824   (55.3% logic, 44.7% route), 2 logic levels.
     Clock Skew Details: 
          Source Clock Path iosc to II_1/imem/SLICE_173:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     2.474        OSC.OSC to    R10C14D.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
                        2.474   (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels.
          Destination Clock Path iosc to II_1/imem/SLICE_173:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     2.474        OSC.OSC to    R10C14D.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
                        2.474   (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels.
    Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.856ns
     Logical Details:  Cell type  Pin type       Cell/ASIC name  (clock net +/-)
       Source:         FF         Q              II_1/imem/cnt_r_20  (from CLK_I_inferred_clock +)
       Destination:    FF         Data in        II_1/imem/cnt_r_20  (to CLK_I_inferred_clock +)
       Delay:               0.824ns  (55.3% logic, 44.7% route), 2 logic levels.
     Constraint Details:
          0.824ns physical path delay II_1/imem/SLICE_170 to II_1/imem/SLICE_170 meets
         -0.032ns DIN_HLD and
          0.000ns delay constraint less
          0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.032ns) by 0.856ns
     Physical Path Details:
          Data path II_1/imem/SLICE_170 to II_1/imem/SLICE_170:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    REG_DEL     ---     0.257    R10C15C.CLK to     R10C15C.Q1 II_1/imem/SLICE_170 (from CLK_I_inferred_clock)
    ROUTE         3     0.368     R10C15C.Q1 to     R10C15C.A1 II_1/imem/cnt_r_20
    CTOF_DEL    ---     0.199     R10C15C.A1 to     R10C15C.F1 II_1/imem/SLICE_170
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R10C15C.F1 to    R10C15C.DI1 II_1/imem/cnt_r_s_20 (to CLK_I_inferred_clock)
                        0.824   (55.3% logic, 44.7% route), 2 logic levels.
     Clock Skew Details: 
          Source Clock Path iosc to II_1/imem/SLICE_170:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     2.474        OSC.OSC to    R10C15C.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
                        2.474   (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels.
          Destination Clock Path iosc to II_1/imem/SLICE_170:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     2.474        OSC.OSC to    R10C15C.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
                        2.474   (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels.
    Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.856ns
     Logical Details:  Cell type  Pin type       Cell/ASIC name  (clock net +/-)
       Source:         FF         Q              II_1/imem/cnt_r_26  (from CLK_I_inferred_clock +)
       Destination:    FF         Data in        II_1/imem/cnt_r_26  (to CLK_I_inferred_clock +)
       Delay:               0.824ns  (55.3% logic, 44.7% route), 2 logic levels.
     Constraint Details:
          0.824ns physical path delay II_1/imem/SLICE_167 to II_1/imem/SLICE_167 meets
         -0.032ns DIN_HLD and
          0.000ns delay constraint less
          0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.032ns) by 0.856ns
     Physical Path Details:
          Data path II_1/imem/SLICE_167 to II_1/imem/SLICE_167:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    REG_DEL     ---     0.257    R10C16B.CLK to     R10C16B.Q1 II_1/imem/SLICE_167 (from CLK_I_inferred_clock)
    ROUTE         3     0.368     R10C16B.Q1 to     R10C16B.A1 II_1/imem/cnt_r_26
    CTOF_DEL    ---     0.199     R10C16B.A1 to     R10C16B.F1 II_1/imem/SLICE_167
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R10C16B.F1 to    R10C16B.DI1 II_1/imem/cnt_r_s_26 (to CLK_I_inferred_clock)
                        0.824   (55.3% logic, 44.7% route), 2 logic levels.
     Clock Skew Details: 
          Source Clock Path iosc to II_1/imem/SLICE_167:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     2.474        OSC.OSC to    R10C16B.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
                        2.474   (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels.
          Destination Clock Path iosc to II_1/imem/SLICE_167:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     2.474        OSC.OSC to    R10C16B.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
                        2.474   (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels.
    Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.856ns
     Logical Details:  Cell type  Pin type       Cell/ASIC name  (clock net +/-)
       Source:         FF         Q              II_1/imem/cnt_r_27  (from CLK_I_inferred_clock +)
       Destination:    FF         Data in        II_1/imem/cnt_r_27  (to CLK_I_inferred_clock +)
       Delay:               0.824ns  (55.3% logic, 44.7% route), 2 logic levels.
     Constraint Details:
          0.824ns physical path delay II_1/imem/SLICE_166 to II_1/imem/SLICE_166 meets
         -0.032ns DIN_HLD and
          0.000ns delay constraint less
          0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.032ns) by 0.856ns
     Physical Path Details:
          Data path II_1/imem/SLICE_166 to II_1/imem/SLICE_166:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    REG_DEL     ---     0.257    R10C16C.CLK to     R10C16C.Q0 II_1/imem/SLICE_166 (from CLK_I_inferred_clock)
    ROUTE         3     0.368     R10C16C.Q0 to     R10C16C.A0 II_1/imem/cnt_r_27
    CTOF_DEL    ---     0.199     R10C16C.A0 to     R10C16C.F0 II_1/imem/SLICE_166
    ROUTE         1     0.000     R10C16C.F0 to    R10C16C.DI0 II_1/imem/cnt_r_s_27 (to CLK_I_inferred_clock)
                        0.824   (55.3% logic, 44.7% route), 2 logic levels.
     Clock Skew Details: 
          Source Clock Path iosc to II_1/imem/SLICE_166:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     2.474        OSC.OSC to    R10C16C.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
                        2.474   (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels.
          Destination Clock Path iosc to II_1/imem/SLICE_166:
       Name    Fanout   Delay (ns)          Site               Resource
    ROUTE       144     2.474        OSC.OSC to    R10C16C.CLK CLK_I_inferred_clock
                        2.474   (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels.
    Report Summary
    Preference(MIN Delays)                  |   Constraint|       Actual|Levels
                                            |             |             |
    FREQUENCY NET "CLK_I_inferred_clock"    |             |             |
    20.460000 MHz ;                         |            -|            -|   2  
                                            |             |             |
    All preferences were met.
    Clock Domains Analysis
    Found 2 clocks:
    Clock Domain: CLK_I_inferred_clock   Source: iosc.OSC   Loads: 144
       Covered under: FREQUENCY NET "CLK_I_inferred_clock" 20.460000 MHz ;
       Data transfers from:
       Clock Domain: II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0   Source: II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0/SLICE_297.OFX0
          Covered under: FREQUENCY NET "CLK_I_inferred_clock" 20.460000 MHz ;   Transfers: 32
    Clock Domain: II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0   Source: II_1/alu/un1_d_out126_0/SLICE_297.OFX0   Loads: 17
       No transfer within this clock domain is found
    Timing summary (Hold):
    Timing errors: 0  Score: 0
    Cumulative negative slack: 0
    Constraints cover 22451 paths, 1 nets, and 3444 connections (73.0% coverage)
    Timing summary (Setup and Hold):
    Timing errors: 0 (setup), 0 (hold)
    Score: 0 (setup), 0 (hold)
    Cumulative negative slack: 0 (0+0)
  • AleAle Posts: 2,363
    edited 2013-07-02 14:00
    I have been playing a bit with this design and thought about porting it to the MachXO2-7000, I got 2 breakout boards (one runs a pdp-11 core!). To support a pipelined design I need quad ported RAM, i.e. two block in parallel, we write to both and read from both simultaneously. I have to work a bit on that. The 7000HE is quite a bit faster than the ZE version :), like 100 % in paper... the pdp-11 runs at 33 MHz !!! ;-)
    I'll post more code soon :)
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