This is the remote control with which the robot is started.
and so does the robot. I have everything I need there. I just do not know how I get shut hammer out the running forward and reverse running together. I can not imagine by your post looks like it is the query of individual sensors.
Hey, that's a real Parallax Toddler. Great robot. Rare. In Germany, huh?
Your IR receivers on the robot look OK, but that Samsung remote will be a problem, you need a Sony remote. Can you get a different universal remote and set it up like a Sony television remote?
No, the remote is ok;) I do not want every single keyboard on the remote control code ^^ I did it just so before the start of the robot by any click of the remote.
The infrared sensor will be designed for the forward running and the other for the reverse rotation that is my problem I have no idea how to program it ...
Breuli: I've offered to help you in several PMs, suggesting that you get a different remote using the Sony SIRC protocol, but you insist on using that Samsung remote you already have. If you would have spent $2 and bought a universal remote, we would have been done last week. You keep saying that you don't need all those buttons, but that is not helping your progress. If you want a small remote, then buy this and set it up for Sony TV:
Do you mean a tv remote control, using modulated 38 kHz IR? You will need a special 3 pin IR receiver, such as which is active low, BTW.
You also need Parallax's "read IR" routine to know which key was pressed. Do you know that routine?
read IR remote signal X
if X=1 then forward
if X=2 then backward
goto main
(your routine to take 2 steps forward)
goto main
(your routine to take 2 steps backward)
goto main
And that read IR routine can be found at
more specifically,
This is the remote control with which the robot is started.
and so does the robot. I have everything I need there. I just do not know how I get shut hammer out the running forward and reverse running together. I can not imagine by your post looks like it is the query of individual sensors.
Your IR receivers on the robot look OK, but that Samsung remote will be a problem, you need a Sony remote. Can you get a different universal remote and set it up like a Sony television remote?
Do you have this document, with lots of code?
The infrared sensor will be designed for the forward running and the other for the reverse rotation that is my problem I have no idea how to program it ...
Viel gluck!