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My Propeller controlled Home Entertainment System — Parallax Forums

My Propeller controlled Home Entertainment System

Oldbitcollector (Jeff)Oldbitcollector (Jeff) Posts: 8,091
edited 2013-02-26 21:13 in Robotics
Ever set out to create a simple project to discover that you've uncapped about a dozen other neat potential other projects in the process?

I wanted to create a PC based home video system which I could run using only a remote control. When I started working on how to handle the interface from the microcontroller to the PC, I discovered bunch of neat software and standards which are used to provide accessible systems to folks with disabilities. Using those programs and standards I was able to create the project I wanted, and also have a bunch of new ideas for some accessible designs which could be much more life changing for someone than just a simple home entertainment system.

This project uses a Propeller/Quickstart based Pocket Mini Computer connected (and controlling) a PC for a Home Entertainment System which can be completely controlled from a universal remote.

Here's the Instructable I wrote about it.
706 x 519 - 160K
1024 x 704 - 99K
1024 x 773 - 56K


  • rwgast_logicdesignrwgast_logicdesign Posts: 1,464
    edited 2013-02-26 21:13
    Jeff Im not sure exactly what your running for accessibility software. But I thought I would give you a little tip, not sure if it is useful or not.

    Back when I was in Jr Hi I was a l33t AoL hAx0r type, and I use to write programs for AOL 2.0 and 3.0 to do all kinds of things that were genrally annoying to other internet users:/ shame on me, but im sure a lot of people my age got in to windows programming the same way. Anyways to write these programs every body used Visual Basic, which I know you also use from other posts. You can make API call sendMessageEx, and this will allow you to send any key, mouse stroke, etc, to any window on your screen. Basically the idea is to iterate through all windows searching there caption to get there handle ID, then you start sending send key to that window. Ive always thought it would be cool to make plug a prop in to the pc with an IR reciver attached, then send that board messages with a remote (home made or not) that board could then translate the IR signal to whatever you want send them through the serial port, then VB would take the appropriate action using send keys.

    I was cabless for a long time, and my issue with PC remotes were that they did not work the way I wanted and only played nice with media center most of the time, try turning winamp up from a standard of the shelf windows remote. This project is awesome as it solves that issue and lets you control your PC the way you want. I actually think there is a market for what your doing, more and more people are cutting the cable, or even slapping HD tuners in PCs and using them as there DVR along with all the online content. As of now there is just no good remote solution, besides really overpriced Logi Tech Harmony remotes that still don't have the functionality of this project!

    Great Idea Great project. If you decide to test the send key thing maybe send me an e-mail I can dig up some old documents for you if needed, along with a great E-Book on VB and the win32 API.
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