Wireless Video without WIFI signal
Hey guys,
I am building a robot for my senior project, and I would like to have a wireless video camera mounted on the robot so the operator won't have to actually see the robot's path. He/she can just look through the camera. I am using Xbee for the wireless communication from the robot to my Mac. I've heard the Xbee is too slow to produce video. Is there any other way I can produce live video without a WIFI connection?
I am building a robot for my senior project, and I would like to have a wireless video camera mounted on the robot so the operator won't have to actually see the robot's path. He/she can just look through the camera. I am using Xbee for the wireless communication from the robot to my Mac. I've heard the Xbee is too slow to produce video. Is there any other way I can produce live video without a WIFI connection?
I've read that lower freqency transmitters have greater range than higher frequency transmitters (at the same power level). I've used a 900MHz link myself.
I would look for a part 15 Legal one in this case ....
So this is what I have ordered tonight. I got a back up camera for a car that has female plugs, a transmitter and receiver duo which contain male to male cords, and a video to usb cord to hook up to my computer. I have the battery to supply the power, and I will make a mounting plate for the camera on the robot.
Did you see Peter's post? You do need a ham license to operate that transmitter. Do you have one?
I thought there were some frequencies that don't require a license?
A most dont care or know and are putting them selves at legal risk . not to mention the forum is at slight risk too .
B I took my ham test , any EE 101 student can pass it . My mom bless her heart she cant tell a diode from a resistor passed it .
soo there is no excuse .
With Great ( ERP) Power comes Great responsibility /.
It may seen like it sucks to be playing with any kind of RF with so many rules ., but part of being a good tech or EE is to follow regulations ...
We both want to further Our hobby/ profession right ?
Then We need to start by doing our best to follow the Rules that other EEs ect have laid out for us ..
If you want I have no problem teaching some ham basics to you ,,,,, Iam elmering another student right this week . ,and trust me its not that hard ,,, and once you have your call you can so all kinds of Really cool stuff the normal public only Dreams of doing .
Peter ....
BTW, I forget how I found it (maybe from a forum post or maybe when I was doing research about getting my own license) but the FCC keeps a list of stores and people they've taken action against. I learned from this list that Hobby-Lobby (the one that sells RC stuff not the craft supply store) got in trouble for selling a video link that was too powerful. I also learned from the list, it's not a good idea to sell cell phone jammers to undercover FCC agents. They even had cases of going after overseas companies for selling (to US customers) transmitters not legal to use in the US.
Peter, here is the transmitter i have chosen.
I'm unfamiliar with the ham license. What will it take for me to get one?
as soon as i get it set up i'll try to post some feedback and pics on how it's doing.
I was in the Signal Corp. In the Military so I think I should be able to pass!!!! Why I even know what UHF and VHF mean and the differences!!!!
Considering with a Ham license you can cook the air with more then a kW of power. I don't think the terms of a ham call is un-reasonable ...
getting a ham call is like taking a DMV test and being able to rent a tank and Drive it .
If you can pick a band to use a wireless part 15 ( License Free) system on . you may wan to opt for 1.2 GHz or 5,8 as 2.4 is filled with WiFi Noise and older cordless phones ......
Peter KG6LSE
-for sharing this, i am tried....