Propeller VGA resistor/connector board
Posts: 177
Update: $4.75 each from my shop on Tindie
To breadboard with my eeZee Propeller, I wanted to do VGA on occasion so I built a board for myself with resistors + connector for convenience.
What other options are out there for Propeller experimenters wanting to do VGA?
Anyone notice the goof up on the prototype pictured? Oops. That's fixed in the final version.
To breadboard with my eeZee Propeller, I wanted to do VGA on occasion so I built a board for myself with resistors + connector for convenience.
What other options are out there for Propeller experimenters wanting to do VGA?
Anyone notice the goof up on the prototype pictured? Oops. That's fixed in the final version.
1) Oops VGA
This VGA breakout was to be an opening product, but wound up missing it's Vss connection. I later put them on sale for $2.99 since a since a simple wire to any mounting hole provides excellent Vss.
2) 64/256 Color VGA Breakout
This is the revision of the original VGA Breakout that features both 64 color (standard VGA, same as the original) and 256 color VGA jumper modes.
I'm almost done fulfilling the fundraiser orders on thee eeZee Power, so I will make another order in the next several days. Look for them in the next 3-4 weeks.
@doggiedoc - no update on the Tiny2313 boards yet. Will post when I have 'em.
Also have re-stocked the eeZee Power and a couple other things.