I think I have a problem with my microcontroller! please help!
Posts: 1
Okay, so this is my problem:
Whenever I try to run a program on my boe bot that involves the use of the continuous rotation servos, one servo runs forward and the other servo runs in reverse. Could this be my microcontroller?
Whenever I try to run a program on my boe bot that involves the use of the continuous rotation servos, one servo runs forward and the other servo runs in reverse. Could this be my microcontroller?
What you're describing sounds like normal behavior. Remember that the servo motors are mounted on opposite sides of the BoeBot. If they both rotate in the same direction, one will cause forward motion and the other will cause reverse motion. To get forward motion of the BoeBot, one servo has to move "clockwise" and the other "counter-clockwise" as viewed from the wheel / shaft side of the motor.