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[PoC] SPIN scanner parser written in lex/yacc — Parallax Forums

[PoC] SPIN scanner parser written in lex/yacc

pedwardpedward Posts: 1,642
edited 2013-02-18 04:58 in Propeller 1
Hello everyone. I can't tell you how much it bugs me (in an OCD way, not *really* bugs me) that the SPIN compiler is a monolithic compiler that doesn't use lex or yacc for the heavy lifting.

I wanted to write a tool to extract comments and context from SPIN files, to make a SPINdoc tool.

Well, I got a little carried away and wrote most of the frontend for a SPIN compiler. :innocent:

I've spent probably 20 hours on it this weekend, getting reacquainted with lex and yacc (it's been 14 years since I wrote a compiler), but I now have a grammar that parses a couple of valid SPIN files, without generating a syntax error.

I attached my work in progress, for other tinkerers to look at.

I learned some things about what you can achieve in lex and what you can achieve in yacc.

In general, it's best to put all of your lexical tokens into the lex scanner, because you can control how greedy the matches are and generate unique tokens for matching rules that might otherwise be too general. It also turns out that with many of the operators in SPIN, it's mandatory to define them in a longest->shortest match order so lexical precedence can be enforced.

The parser uses all the tricks in yacc to enforce operator precedence and try to reasonably modularize the grammar. Unfortunately it's necessary to have a very long expression rule because there are so many operators and you need hooks to know how to interpret them.

lex and yacc are ideal for writing compilers, and because SPIN is a stack based language, it would make it easier to translate the grammar matches to code generation, since the order of matching is how you'd write a stack based machine.

This code, which I nicknamed splint is just an exercise, but it provides plenty of capability to do what I originally wanted, extract comments and context of the comments.

I haven't tackled PASM at all, only the SPIN grammar. I would probably add another state to the scanner, for PASM only tokens, then add a rule tree in the parser that handles PASM.

I haven't enforced tab indention, but I added hooks to the scanner to keep track of the "tab stack" so you could use the tab stack to keep track of blocks. I would add another variable that stores the difference between the last line and the current line, which would give you a positive number for a block beginning and a negative number for a block ending.

SPIN is a real bear to parse because it's not a "proper" context oriented language. Some annoying misfeatures are function declarations and calls that don't have parentheses (or empty parentheses). Of course the whitespace block handling is more difficult to parse, meaning that you can't use the parser to enforce syntax, you need to keep track of tabs outside of the parser rules and do your own checking and error detection.

My parser is VERY verbose, mainly to have an action for every rule, so I can ensure the parser is properly grabbing and assembling the tokens. A real compiler would have actual code to implement code generation and other bits, in those actions.

Anyway, it successfully parsed the SPI_spin and demo files I submitted to Parallax for Gold Standard inclusion, which include A LOT of comments and a variety of tricky operators.

Compiler abuse

Another interesting thing to note, if you know how the compiler parses the file, you can exploit that to write code that TOTALLY does not conform to the standards, but actually parses and compiles correctly. This is because parsers generally ignore (more accurately, the scanner throws away) whitespace. Because the whitespace is no longer needed, you could actually write code that just runs together likeagooglesearchwhenyouaretypinginthesearchbarofyourphone (like a google search when you are typing in the search bar of your phone).

Ever search google and forget to put spaces between your words, but it returns a suggested search term that magically separates the words with whitespace? That's because their parser matches based on tokens, it's not trying to figure out what you wrote; it matches a database of known tokens against your search string, the opposite of what you would expect.


Oh, build instructions:

flex tokens.l
vi lex.yy.c (and remove "static" from the declaration of "yy_start" on line 279 so the variable can be used in the parser to debug the current scanner state.)
bison parse.y
gcc -o parser -D STANDALONE_PARSER lex.yy.c
gcc -o scanner -D STANDALONE lex.yy.c

I included the generated source files, so you don't need to edit, just compile.

If you run scanner < file and pipe it to less, it will give you a debug output of what tokens were matched, their value, the string, and the parser state.
The parser takes the file in stdin too, and it will give you a complete lexical breakdown of the file in a most verbose way.

Something else you should know, this parser/scanner isn't built for wide character/UTF-16 support, so I just ran iconv -f UTF-16 -t UTF-8 < file.spin > out.spin on the included files before I ran them through the scanner/parser. If you try to run it on a regular spin file, it'll break. The proper solution would be to bolt a UTF-16 handler onto the scanner input.

Expected warnings

These are the expected warnings when generating the parser:

parse.y:261.7: warning: empty rule for typed nonterminal, and no action
parse.y:310.11: warning: empty rule for typed nonterminal, and no action
parse.y:314.13: warning: empty rule for typed nonterminal, and no action
parse.y:363.5: warning: empty rule for typed nonterminal, and no action
parse.y: conflicts: 3128 shift/reduce, 234 reduce/reduce

Here's sample tokenizer output from the scanner:
    1:    1:    1:    {{ -> 265
    1:    2:    1:    
   Author: Perry Harrington
Copyright: (c) 2012 Perry Harrington

This is a demo program to show the usage of the SPI SPIN object.

This demo reads the current temperature from a Maxim DS1620 digital
thermometer and thermostat and displays the temperature on the Parallax
Serial Terminal.  You can obtain the datasheet from Maxim

This device is an 8 pin DIP with an active high CLK input and single DQ
data line instead of MISO and MOSI I/O.  The chip uses LSB first
endianness, data is read PRE clock. The maximum clock rate is 1.75Mhz.

To send a command to the chip you must set RST high, send the command, then
signal the end of command by setting RST low.  When receiving data set RST
low to signal the end of reception.

The output of the chip is a 9 bit signed temperature in 1/2 degree Celsius
units.  That means you must divide the result by 2 to get whole degrees.

 -> 355
    1:    3:    0:    }} -> 267
    2:    4:    0:    CON -> 258
    4:    5:    0:    _clkmode -> 356
    4:    6:    0:    = -> 299
    4:    7:    0:    xtal1 -> 356
    4:    8:    0:    + -> 310
    4:    9:    0:    pll16x -> 356
    5:   10:    0:    _xinfreq -> 356
    5:   11:    0:    = -> 299
    5:   12:    0:    5_000_000 -> 358
    7:   13:    0:    DPIN -> 356
    7:   14:    0:    = -> 299
    7:   15:    0:    0 -> 358
    7:   16:    2:    ' -> 272
    7:   17:    2:    Data pin -> 355
    8:   18:    0:    
 -> 264
    8:   19:    0:    CPIN -> 356
    8:   20:    0:    = -> 299
    8:   21:    0:    1 -> 358
    8:   22:    2:    ' -> 272
    8:   23:    2:    Clock pin -> 355
    9:   24:    0:    
 -> 264
    9:   25:    0:    RST -> 356
    9:   26:    0:    = -> 299
    9:   27:    0:    2 -> 358
    9:   28:    2:    ' -> 272
    9:   29:    2:    Reset pin -> 355
   10:   30:    0:    
 -> 264
   10:   31:    0:    CLKr -> 356
   10:   32:    0:    = -> 299
   10:   33:    0:    10 -> 358
   10:   34:    2:    ' -> 272
   10:   35:    2:    100us clock frequency -> 355
   11:   36:    0:    
 -> 264
   12:   37:    0:    START_CONVERT -> 356
   12:   38:    0:    = -> 299
   12:   39:    3:    $ -> 36
   12:   40:    0:    EE -> 360
   12:   41:    2:    ' -> 272
   12:   42:    2:    Start temp conversion -> 355
   13:   43:    0:    
 -> 264
   13:   44:    0:    READ_TEMP -> 356
   13:   45:    0:    = -> 299
   13:   46:    3:    $ -> 36
   13:   47:    0:    AA -> 360
   13:   48:    2:    ' -> 272
   13:   49:    2:    Read temp from DS1620 -> 355
   14:   50:    0:    
 -> 264
   14:   51:    0:    WRITE_CONFIG -> 356
   14:   52:    0:    = -> 299
   14:   53:    3:    $ -> 36
   14:   54:    0:    0C -> 360
   14:   55:    2:    ' -> 272
   14:   56:    2:    Write config register -> 355
   15:   57:    0:    
 -> 264
   15:   58:    0:    CONFIG_REG -> 356
   15:   59:    0:    = -> 299
   15:   60:    0:    % -> 37
   15:   61:    0:    0000_1010 -> 358
   15:   62:    2:    ' -> 272
   15:   63:    2:    enable continuous conversion and CPU 3wire -> 355
   16:   64:    0:    
 -> 264
   16:   65:    0:    CONVERT_TIME -> 356
   16:   66:    0:    = -> 299
   16:   67:    0:    750 -> 358
   16:   68:    2:    ' -> 272
   16:   69:    2:    Takes 750ms to initialize temp conversion -> 355
   17:   70:    0:    
 -> 264
   17:   71:    0:    EEPROM_WTIME -> 356
   17:   72:    0:    = -> 299
   17:   73:    0:    10 -> 358
   17:   74:    2:    ' -> 272
   17:   75:    2:    Takes 10ms to write to EEPROM config -> 355
   18:   76:    0:    
 -> 264
   19:   77:    0:    OBJ -> 259
   21:   78:    0:    pst -> 356
   21:   79:    0:    : -> 58
   21:   80:    0:    "Parallax Serial Terminal" -> 357
   22:   81:    0:    spi -> 356
   22:   82:    0:    : -> 58
   22:   83:    0:    "SPI_spinv1.1" -> 357
   24:   84:    0:    VAR -> 260
   25:   85:    0:    long -> 354
   25:   86:    0:    temperature -> 356
   27:   87:    0:    PUB -> 262
   27:   88:    0:    main -> 356
   28:   89:    1:    {{ -> 265
   28:   90:    1:    
  This function does the setup for the DS1620 and reads the current temperature once per
  second, converts it to Fahrenheit, and displays it on the serial terminal
 -> 355
   28:   91:    0:    }} -> 267
   30:   92:    0:    pst -> 356
   30:   93:    0:    . -> 46
   30:   94:    0:    Start -> 356
   30:   95:    0:    ( -> 40
   30:   96:    0:    115200 -> 358
   30:   97:    0:    ) -> 41
   30:   98:    2:    ' -> 272
   30:   99:    2:    debug output -> 355
   31:  100:    0:    
 -> 264
   31:  101:    0:    pst -> 356
   31:  102:    0:    . -> 46
   31:  103:    0:    Str -> 356
   31:  104:    0:    ( -> 40
   31:  105:    0:    String -> 356
   31:  106:    0:    ( -> 40
   31:  107:    0:    "Welcome to the SPI demo! This program prints the current" -> 357
   31:  108:    0:    ) -> 41
   31:  109:    0:    ) -> 41
   32:  110:    0:    pst -> 356
   32:  111:    0:    . -> 46
   32:  112:    0:    Newline -> 356
   33:  113:    0:    pst -> 356
   33:  114:    0:    . -> 46
   33:  115:    0:    Str -> 356
   33:  116:    0:    ( -> 40
   33:  117:    0:    String -> 356
   33:  118:    0:    ( -> 40
   33:  119:    0:    "temperature from a DS1620 digital thermometer chip." -> 357
   33:  120:    0:    ) -> 41
   33:  121:    0:    ) -> 41
   34:  122:    0:    pst -> 356
   34:  123:    0:    . -> 46
   34:  124:    0:    Newline -> 356
   35:  125:    0:    pst -> 356
   35:  126:    0:    . -> 46
   35:  127:    0:    Str -> 356
   35:  128:    0:    ( -> 40
   35:  129:    0:    String -> 356
   35:  130:    0:    ( -> 40
   35:  131:    0:    "Binary    Hex  Fahrenheit" -> 357
   35:  132:    0:    ) -> 41
   35:  133:    0:    ) -> 41
   36:  134:    0:    pst -> 356
   36:  135:    0:    . -> 46
   36:  136:    0:    Newline -> 356
   37:  137:    0:    spi -> 356
   37:  138:    0:    . -> 46
   37:  139:    0:    Start -> 356
   37:  140:    0:    ( -> 40
   37:  141:    0:    CLKr -> 356
   37:  142:    0:    , -> 44
   37:  143:    0:    spi -> 356
   37:  144:    0:    # -> 35
   37:  145:    0:    HIGH -> 356
   37:  146:    0:    ) -> 41
   37:  147:    2:    ' -> 272
   37:  148:    2:    initial clock high, going low on first bit -> 355
   38:  149:    0:    
 -> 264
   39:  150:    0:    DIRA -> 356
   39:  151:    0:    [ -> 91
   39:  152:    0:    RST -> 356
   39:  153:    0:    ] -> 93
   39:  154:    0:    ~~ -> 348
   39:  155:    2:    ' -> 272
   39:  156:    2:    enable RST as output -> 355
   40:  157:    0:    
 -> 264
   40:  158:    0:    OUTA -> 356
   40:  159:    0:    [ -> 91
   40:  160:    0:    RST -> 356
   40:  161:    0:    ] -> 93
   40:  162:    0:    ~ -> 347
   40:  163:    2:    ' -> 272
   40:  164:    2:    set RST low -> 355
   41:  165:    0:    
 -> 264
   42:  166:    0:    Toggle -> 356
   42:  167:    0:    ( -> 40
   42:  168:    0:    RST -> 356
   42:  169:    0:    ) -> 41
   42:  170:    2:    ' -> 272
   42:  171:    2:    clear the RST line so we can talk to chip -> 355
   43:  172:    0:    
 -> 264
   44:  173:    0:    spi -> 356
   44:  174:    0:    . -> 46
   44:  175:    0:    ShiftOut -> 356
   44:  176:    0:    ( -> 40
   44:  177:    0:    DPIN -> 356
   44:  178:    0:    , -> 44
   44:  179:    0:    CPIN -> 356
   44:  180:    0:    , -> 44
   44:  181:    0:    spi -> 356
   44:  182:    0:    # -> 35
   44:  183:    0:    LSB -> 356
   44:  184:    0:    , -> 44
   44:  185:    0:    8 -> 358
   44:  186:    0:    , -> 44
   44:  187:    0:    WRITE_CONFIG -> 356
   44:  188:    0:    ) -> 41
   44:  189:    2:    ' -> 272
   44:  190:    2:    send the config write command -> 355
   45:  191:    0:    
 -> 264
   45:  192:    0:    spi -> 356
   45:  193:    0:    . -> 46
   45:  194:    0:    ShiftOut -> 356
   45:  195:    0:    ( -> 40
   45:  196:    0:    DPIN -> 356
   45:  197:    0:    , -> 44
   45:  198:    0:    CPIN -> 356
   45:  199:    0:    , -> 44
   45:  200:    0:    spi -> 356
   45:  201:    0:    # -> 35
   45:  202:    0:    LSB -> 356
   45:  203:    0:    , -> 44
   45:  204:    0:    8 -> 358
   45:  205:    0:    , -> 44
   45:  206:    0:    CONFIG_REG -> 356
   45:  207:    0:    ) -> 41
   45:  208:    2:    ' -> 272
   45:  209:    2:    send config register contents -> 355
   46:  210:    0:    
 -> 264
   47:  211:    0:    Toggle -> 356
   47:  212:    0:    ( -> 40
   47:  213:    0:    RST -> 356
   47:  214:    0:    ) -> 41
   49:  215:    0:    PauseMS -> 356
   49:  216:    0:    ( -> 40
   49:  217:    0:    EEPROM_WTIME -> 356
   49:  218:    0:    ) -> 41
   49:  219:    2:    ' -> 272
   49:  220:    2:    wait 10ms for config to write to EEPROM -> 355
   50:  221:    0:    
 -> 264
   51:  222:    0:    Toggle -> 356
   51:  223:    0:    ( -> 40
   51:  224:    0:    RST -> 356
   51:  225:    0:    ) -> 41
   53:  226:    0:    spi -> 356
   53:  227:    0:    . -> 46
   53:  228:    0:    SHIFTOUT -> 356
   53:  229:    0:    ( -> 40
   53:  230:    0:    DPIN -> 356
   53:  231:    0:    , -> 44
   53:  232:    0:    CPIN -> 356
   53:  233:    0:    , -> 44
   53:  234:    0:    spi -> 356
   53:  235:    0:    # -> 35
   53:  236:    0:    LSBFIRST -> 356
   53:  237:    0:    , -> 44
   53:  238:    0:    8 -> 358
   53:  239:    0:    , -> 44
   53:  240:    0:    START_CONVERT -> 356
   53:  241:    0:    ) -> 41
   53:  242:    2:    ' -> 272
   53:  243:    2:    send beginning of conversion command -> 355
   54:  244:    0:    
 -> 264
   55:  245:    0:    Toggle -> 356
   55:  246:    0:    ( -> 40
   55:  247:    0:    RST -> 356
   55:  248:    0:    ) -> 41
   57:  249:    0:    PauseMS -> 356
   57:  250:    0:    ( -> 40
   57:  251:    0:    CONVERT_TIME -> 356
   57:  252:    0:    ) -> 41
   57:  253:    2:    ' -> 272
   57:  254:    2:    wait for first conversion -> 355
   58:  255:    0:    
 -> 264
   59:  256:    0:    repeat -> 273
   60:  257:    0:    Toggle -> 356
   60:  258:    0:    ( -> 40
   60:  259:    0:    RST -> 356
   60:  260:    0:    ) -> 41
   62:  261:    0:    spi -> 356
   62:  262:    0:    . -> 46
   62:  263:    0:    ShiftOut -> 356
   62:  264:    0:    ( -> 40
   62:  265:    0:    DPIN -> 356
   62:  266:    0:    , -> 44
   62:  267:    0:    CPIN -> 356
   62:  268:    0:    , -> 44
   62:  269:    0:    spi -> 356
   62:  270:    0:    # -> 35
   62:  271:    0:    LSB -> 356
   62:  272:    0:    , -> 44
   62:  273:    0:    8 -> 358
   62:  274:    0:    , -> 44
   62:  275:    0:    READ_TEMP -> 356
   62:  276:    0:    ) -> 41
   62:  277:    2:    ' -> 272
   62:  278:    2:    send temp reading command -> 355
   63:  279:    0:    
 -> 264
   63:  280:    0:    temperature -> 356
   63:  281:    0:    := -> 294
   63:  282:    0:    spi -> 356
   63:  283:    0:    . -> 46
   63:  284:    0:    ShiftIn -> 356
   63:  285:    0:    ( -> 40
   63:  286:    0:    DPIN -> 356
   63:  287:    0:    , -> 44
   63:  288:    0:    CPIN -> 356
   63:  289:    0:    , -> 44
   63:  290:    0:    spi -> 356
   63:  291:    0:    # -> 35
   63:  292:    0:    LSB -> 356
   63:  293:    0:    + -> 310
   63:  294:    0:    spi -> 356
   63:  295:    0:    # -> 35
   63:  296:    0:    PRE -> 356
   63:  297:    0:    , -> 44
   63:  298:    0:    9 -> 358
   63:  299:    0:    ) -> 41
   63:  300:    2:    ' -> 272
   63:  301:    2:    fetch temperature value -> 355
   64:  302:    0:    
 -> 264
   65:  303:    0:    Toggle -> 356
   65:  304:    0:    ( -> 40
   65:  305:    0:    RST -> 356
   65:  306:    0:    ) -> 41
   67:  307:    0:    pst -> 356
   67:  308:    0:    . -> 46
   67:  309:    0:    Bin -> 356
   67:  310:    0:    ( -> 40
   67:  311:    0:    temperature -> 356
   67:  312:    0:    , -> 44
   67:  313:    0:    9 -> 358
   67:  314:    0:    ) -> 41
   67:  315:    2:    ' -> 272
   67:  316:    2:    print out raw value binary -> 355
   68:  317:    0:    
 -> 264
   68:  318:    0:    pst -> 356
   68:  319:    0:    . -> 46
   68:  320:    0:    Char -> 356
   68:  321:    0:    ( -> 40
   68:  322:    0:    32 -> 358
   68:  323:    0:    ) -> 41
   69:  324:    0:    pst -> 356
   69:  325:    0:    . -> 46
   69:  326:    0:    Hex -> 356
   69:  327:    0:    ( -> 40
   69:  328:    0:    temperature -> 356
   69:  329:    0:    , -> 44
   69:  330:    0:    4 -> 358
   69:  331:    0:    ) -> 41
   69:  332:    2:    ' -> 272
   69:  333:    2:    print out raw hex value -> 355
   70:  334:    0:    
 -> 264
   70:  335:    0:    pst -> 356
   70:  336:    0:    . -> 46
   70:  337:    0:    Char -> 356
   70:  338:    0:    ( -> 40
   70:  339:    0:    32 -> 358
   70:  340:    0:    ) -> 41
   72:  341:    0:    temperature -> 356
   72:  342:    0:    := -> 294
   72:  343:    0:    temperature -> 356
   72:  344:    0:    << -> 334
   72:  345:    0:    23 -> 358
   72:  346:    0:    ~> -> 336
   72:  347:    0:    23 -> 358
   72:  348:    2:    ' -> 272
   72:  349:    2:    zero, sign extend, and convert to whole degrees -> 355
   73:  350:    0:    
 -> 264
   73:  351:    0:    temperature -> 356
   73:  352:    0:    *= -> 315
   73:  353:    0:    5 -> 358
   75:  354:    0:    temperature -> 356
   75:  355:    0:    := -> 294
   75:  356:    0:    temperature -> 356
   75:  357:    0:    * -> 314
   75:  358:    0:    9 -> 358
   75:  359:    0:    / -> 318
   75:  360:    0:    5 -> 358
   75:  361:    0:    + -> 310
   75:  362:    0:    320 -> 358
   75:  363:    2:    ' -> 272
   75:  364:    2:    convert reading to fahrenheit -> 355
   76:  365:    0:    
 -> 264
   77:  366:    0:    pst -> 356
   77:  367:    0:    . -> 46
   77:  368:    0:    Dec -> 356
   77:  369:    0:    ( -> 40
   77:  370:    0:    temperature -> 356
   77:  371:    0:    / -> 318
   77:  372:    0:    10 -> 358
   77:  373:    0:    ) -> 41
   77:  374:    2:    ' -> 272
   77:  375:    2:    print out temp in whole degrees Fahrenheit -> 355
   78:  376:    0:    
 -> 264
   78:  377:    0:    pst -> 356
   78:  378:    0:    . -> 46
   78:  379:    0:    Char -> 356
   78:  380:    0:    ( -> 40
   78:  381:    0:    "." -> 357
   78:  382:    0:    ) -> 41
   79:  383:    0:    pst -> 356
   79:  384:    0:    . -> 46
   79:  385:    0:    Dec -> 356
   79:  386:    0:    ( -> 40
   79:  387:    0:    temperature -> 356
   79:  388:    0:    // -> 320
   79:  389:    0:    10 -> 358
   79:  390:    0:    ) -> 41
   79:  391:    2:    ' -> 272
   79:  392:    2:    print out tenths using modulus operator -> 355
   80:  393:    0:    
 -> 264
   80:  394:    0:    pst -> 356
   80:  395:    0:    . -> 46
   80:  396:    0:    Char -> 356
   80:  397:    0:    ( -> 40
   80:  398:    0:    "°" -> 357
   80:  399:    0:    ) -> 41
   81:  400:    0:    pst -> 356
   81:  401:    0:    . -> 46
   81:  402:    0:    Newline -> 356
   83:  403:    0:    PauseMS -> 356
   83:  404:    0:    ( -> 40
   83:  405:    0:    1000 -> 358
   83:  406:    0:    ) -> 41
   83:  407:    2:    ' -> 272
   83:  408:    2:    update once per second -> 355
   84:  409:    0:    
 -> 264
   85:  410:    0:    PRI -> 263
   85:  411:    0:    PauseMS -> 356
   85:  412:    0:    ( -> 40
   85:  413:    0:    _time -> 356
   85:  414:    0:    ) -> 41
   86:  415:    0:    waitcnt -> 356
   86:  416:    0:    ( -> 40
   86:  417:    0:    CLKFREQ -> 356
   86:  418:    0:    / -> 318
   86:  419:    0:    1000 -> 358
   86:  420:    0:    * -> 314
   86:  421:    0:    _time -> 356
   86:  422:    0:    + -> 310
   86:  423:    0:    cnt -> 356
   86:  424:    0:    ) -> 41
   88:  425:    0:    PRI -> 263
   88:  426:    0:    Toggle -> 356
   88:  427:    0:    ( -> 40
   88:  428:    0:    _pin -> 356
   88:  429:    0:    ) -> 41
   89:  430:    0:    ! -> 344
   89:  431:    0:    OUTA -> 356
   89:  432:    0:    [ -> 91
   89:  433:    0:    _pin -> 356
   89:  434:    0:    ] -> 93
   91:  435:    0:    DAT -> 356
   92:  436:    1:    {{ -> 265
   92:  437:    1:    
&#9474;                                                   TERMS OF USE: MIT License                                                  &#9474;                                                            
&#9474;Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation    &#9474; 
&#9474;files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,    &#9474;
&#9474;modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software&#9474;
&#9474;is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:                                                                   &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474;The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.&#9474;
&#9474;                                                                                                                              &#9474;
 -> 355
   92:  438:    0:    }} -> 267

Here is the output from the parser:
Block Comment: '
   Author: Perry Harrington
Copyright: (c) 2012 Perry Harrington

This is a demo program to show the usage of the SPI SPIN object.

This demo reads the current temperature from a Maxim DS1620 digital
thermometer and thermostat and displays the temperature on the Parallax
Serial Terminal.  You can obtain the datasheet from Maxim

This device is an 8 pin DIP with an active high CLK input and single DQ
data line instead of MISO and MOSI I/O.  The chip uses LSB first
endianness, data is read PRE clock. The maximum clock rate is 1.75Mhz.

To send a command to the chip you must set RST high, send the command, then
signal the end of command by setting RST low.  When receiving data set RST
low to signal the end of reception.

The output of the chip is a 9 bit signed temperature in 1/2 degree Celsius
units.  That means you must divide the result by 2 to get whole degrees.

Block type changed: 258: CON
Symbol: _clkmode
Symbol: xtal1
Symbol: pll16x
Add: xtal1 + pll16x
Constant assignment: _clkmode = xtal1
Symbol: _xinfreq
Value: 5000000
Constant assignment: _xinfreq = 5000000
Symbol: DPIN
Value: 0
Constant assignment: DPIN = 0
Code Comment: 'Data pin'
Symbol: CPIN
Value: 1
Constant assignment: CPIN = 1
Code Comment: 'Clock pin'
Symbol: RST
Value: 2
Constant assignment: RST = 2
Code Comment: 'Reset pin'
Symbol: CLKr
Value: 10
Constant assignment: CLKr = 10
Code Comment: '100us clock frequency'
Value: EE
Constant assignment: START_CONVERT = EE
Code Comment: 'Start temp conversion'
Value: AA
Constant assignment: READ_TEMP = AA
Code Comment: 'Read temp from DS1620'
Value: 0C
Constant assignment: WRITE_CONFIG = 0C
Code Comment: 'Write config register'
Value: 00001010
Constant assignment: CONFIG_REG = 00001010
Code Comment: 'enable continuous conversion and CPU 3wire'
Value: 750
Constant assignment: CONVERT_TIME = 750
Code Comment: 'Takes 750ms to initialize temp conversion'
Value: 10
Constant assignment: EEPROM_WTIME = 10
Code Comment: 'Takes 10ms to write to EEPROM config'
Block type changed: 259: OBJ
Load object: pst -> Parallax Serial Terminal
Load object: spi -> SPI_spinv1.1
Block type changed: 260: VAR
Variable declaration: long -> temperature
Block type changed: 262: PUB
Function: main
Block Comment: '
  This function does the setup for the DS1620 and reads the current temperature once per
  second, converts it to Fahrenheit, and displays it on the serial terminal
Symbol: pst
Symbol: Start
Value: 115200
Parameter expression: Start -> 115200
Object call: pst -> Start
Code Comment: 'debug output'
Symbol: pst
Symbol: Str
Symbol: String
Literal String: Welcome to the SPI demo! This program prints the current
Parameter expression: String -> Welcome to the SPI demo! This program prints the current
Parameter expression: Str -> String
Object call: pst -> Str
Symbol: pst
Symbol: Newline
Object call: pst -> Newline
Symbol: pst
Symbol: Str
Symbol: String
Literal String: temperature from a DS1620 digital thermometer chip.
Parameter expression: String -> temperature from a DS1620 digital thermometer chip.
Parameter expression: Str -> String
Object call: pst -> Str
Symbol: pst
Symbol: Newline
Object call: pst -> Newline
Symbol: pst
Symbol: Str
Symbol: String
Literal String: Binary    Hex  Fahrenheit
Parameter expression: String -> Binary    Hex  Fahrenheit
Parameter expression: Str -> String
Object call: pst -> Str
Symbol: pst
Symbol: Newline
Object call: pst -> Newline
Symbol: spi
Symbol: Start
Symbol: CLKr
Symbol: spi
Symbol: HIGH
Object constant reference: spi -> HIGH
Expression list: CLKr , spi#HIGH
Parameter expression: Start -> CLKr
Object call: spi -> Start
Code Comment: 'initial clock high, going low on first bit'
Symbol: DIRA
Symbol: RST
Array expression: DIRA -> RST
Post Set Assign: DIRA ~~
Code Comment: 'enable RST as output'
Symbol: OUTA
Symbol: RST
Array expression: OUTA -> RST
Post Clear: OUTA ~
Code Comment: 'set RST low'
Symbol: RST
Code Comment: 'clear the RST line so we can talk to chip'
Symbol: spi
Symbol: ShiftOut
Symbol: DPIN
Symbol: CPIN
Symbol: spi
Symbol: LSB
Value: 8
Expression list: 8 , WRITE_CONFIG
Expression list: LSB , 8
Object constant reference: spi -> LSB
Expression list: CPIN , spi#LSB
Expression list: DPIN , CPIN
Parameter expression: ShiftOut -> DPIN
Object call: spi -> ShiftOut
Code Comment: 'send the config write command'
Symbol: spi
Symbol: ShiftOut
Symbol: DPIN
Symbol: CPIN
Symbol: spi
Symbol: LSB
Value: 8
Expression list: 8 , CONFIG_REG
Expression list: LSB , 8
Object constant reference: spi -> LSB
Expression list: CPIN , spi#LSB
Expression list: DPIN , CPIN
Parameter expression: ShiftOut -> DPIN
Object call: spi -> ShiftOut
Code Comment: 'send config register contents'
Symbol: RST
Code Comment: 'wait 10ms for config to write to EEPROM'
Symbol: RST
Symbol: spi
Symbol: DPIN
Symbol: CPIN
Symbol: spi
Value: 8
Expression list: 8 , START_CONVERT
Expression list: LSBFIRST , 8
Object constant reference: spi -> LSBFIRST
Expression list: CPIN , spi#LSBFIRST
Expression list: DPIN , CPIN
Parameter expression: SHIFTOUT -> DPIN
Object call: spi -> SHIFTOUT
Code Comment: 'send beginning of conversion command'
Symbol: RST
Code Comment: 'wait for first conversion'
Symbol: Toggle
Symbol: RST
Parameter expression: Toggle -> RST
Repeat expression: Toggle
Symbol: spi
Symbol: ShiftOut
Symbol: DPIN
Symbol: CPIN
Symbol: spi
Symbol: LSB
Value: 8
Expression list: 8 , READ_TEMP
Expression list: LSB , 8
Object constant reference: spi -> LSB
Expression list: CPIN , spi#LSB
Expression list: DPIN , CPIN
Parameter expression: ShiftOut -> DPIN
Object call: spi -> ShiftOut
Code Comment: 'send temp reading command'
Symbol: temperature
Symbol: spi
Symbol: ShiftIn
Symbol: DPIN
Symbol: CPIN
Symbol: spi
Symbol: LSB
Symbol: spi
Symbol: PRE
Value: 9
Expression list: PRE , 9
Object constant reference: spi -> PRE
Add: LSB + spi#PRE
Object constant reference: spi -> LSB
Expression list: CPIN , spi#LSB
Expression list: DPIN , CPIN
Parameter expression: ShiftIn -> DPIN
Object call: spi -> ShiftIn
Variable assignment: temperature = spi
Code Comment: 'fetch temperature value'
Symbol: RST
Symbol: pst
Symbol: Bin
Symbol: temperature
Value: 9
Expression list: temperature , 9
Parameter expression: Bin -> temperature
Object call: pst -> Bin
Code Comment: 'print out raw value binary'
Symbol: pst
Symbol: Char
Value: 32
Parameter expression: Char -> 32
Object call: pst -> Char
Symbol: pst
Symbol: Hex
Symbol: temperature
Value: 4
Expression list: temperature , 4
Parameter expression: Hex -> temperature
Object call: pst -> Hex
Code Comment: 'print out raw hex value'
Symbol: pst
Symbol: Char
Value: 32
Parameter expression: Char -> 32
Object call: pst -> Char
Symbol: temperature
Symbol: temperature
Value: 23
Shift Left: temperature << 23
Value: 23
Shift Arithmetic Right: temperature ~> 23
Variable assignment: temperature = temperature
Code Comment: 'zero, sign extend, and convert to whole degrees'
Symbol: temperature
Value: 5
Multiply low=: temperature *= 5
Symbol: temperature
Symbol: temperature
Value: 9
Value: 5
Divide: 9 / 5
Multiply low: temperature * 9
Value: 320
Add: temperature + 320
Variable assignment: temperature = temperature
Code Comment: 'convert reading to fahrenheit'
Symbol: pst
Symbol: Dec
Symbol: temperature
Value: 10
Divide: temperature / 10
Parameter expression: Dec -> temperature
Object call: pst -> Dec
Code Comment: 'print out temp in whole degrees Fahrenheit'
Symbol: pst
Symbol: Char
Literal String: .
Parameter expression: Char -> .
Object call: pst -> Char
Symbol: pst
Symbol: Dec
Symbol: temperature
Value: 10
Modulus: temperature // 10
Parameter expression: Dec -> temperature
Object call: pst -> Dec
Code Comment: 'print out tenths using modulus operator'
Symbol: pst
Symbol: Char
Literal String: °
Parameter expression: Char -> °
Object call: pst -> Char
Symbol: pst
Symbol: Newline
Object call: pst -> Newline
Value: 1000
Code Comment: 'update once per second'
Block type changed: 263: PRI
Symbolic parameter: _time
Function: PauseMS
Value: 1000
Divide: CLKFREQ / 1000
Symbol: _time
Multiply low: CLKFREQ * _time
Symbol: cnt
Add: CLKFREQ + cnt
Block type changed: 263: PRI
Symbolic parameter: _pin
Function: Toggle
Symbol: OUTA
Symbol: _pin
Array expression: OUTA -> _pin
Bitwize NOT: ! OUTA
Block Comment: '
&#9474;                                                   TERMS OF USE: MIT License                                                  &#9474;                                                            
&#9474;Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation    &#9474; 
&#9474;files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,    &#9474;
&#9474;modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software&#9474;
&#9474;is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:                                                                   &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474;The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.&#9474;
&#9474;                                                                                                                              &#9474;


  • SRLMSRLM Posts: 5,045
    edited 2013-02-18 00:02
    Interesting. Did you happen to write a formal grammar for this project? I'm looking for one for adding syntax highlighting to Google code (link).
  • pedwardpedward Posts: 1,642
    edited 2013-02-18 00:12
    The tokens.l and parse.y combine to form a formal grammar, as you would put it.

    Languages are traditionally specified in Backus–Naur Form (BNF), which is a pseudo code that resembled yacc rules very closely.

    I looked over the grammar and noticed a couple of errors/incomplete bits. I used the Propeller Manual to define many of the keywords and grammar, so it should make sense to most.

    Given what I've provided above, one could take that code and make a syntax highlighter, but syntax highlighting is typically much simpler.


    keyword_list: keyword_list | keywords { color = blue }
    keywords: if | repeat | while | until | case

    literal_list: literals { color = red }
    literals: NUMBER | STRING

    operator_list: operators { color = green }
    operators: + | - | * | /

    Ad nauseam...
  • ersmithersmith Posts: 6,124
    edited 2013-02-18 04:58
    The spin2cpp source code ( also contains a yacc grammar for Spin, and a bunch of test cases for it -- feel free to take whatever you'd like (under the MIT license). The scanner is hand-written though, rather than using lex.

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