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problem with code for controlling Motors and encoders — Parallax Forums

problem with code for controlling Motors and encoders

Kris CardoenKris Cardoen Posts: 46
edited 2013-02-10 21:04 in Propeller 1

I have two HB25 motor controllers and two quadrature encoders installed on my propeller robot.

I'm trying to write code to make sure that both DC motors run at the same speed, so that I am sure that the robot runs perfectly strait forward.

To control this I read the data from the two encoders (left and right), and modify my pulse send to the controllers(motor). I guess there is something wrong with my approach because the code doesn't work as it suppose to.

PIN     Cable   Device  detail
0       1       Left quadrature encoder fase A
1       2       Left quadrature encoder fase B
2       3       right quadrature encoder        fase A
3       4       right quadrature encoder        fase B
4       5       right motor controller  
5       6       left motor controller   
6       7       left Ping utrasonic     
7       8       front  Ping utrasonic   
8       9       right  Ping utrasonic

  MTR = 19100  'number of clicks per/wheel rotation
  Forw = 1600  'setting for motor controller forward
 pin         : "Input Output Pins"                'instance for using I/O pins
 time        : "Timing"                           'instance for timing
 system      : "Propeller Board of Education"     'instance for board of education
 pst         : "Parallax Serial Terminal Plus"    'instance for serial port comm
 HB25_1      : "HB-25"                            'instance for motor controller 1
 HB25_2      : "HB-25"                            'instance for motor controller 2
 Encoder_1   : "Quadrature Encoder"               'instance for Left encoder
 Encoder_2   : "Quadrature Encoder"               'instance for right encoder

long PosLeft[3]                             'Create buffer for two encoders (plus room for delta position support of 1st encoder)
long PosRight[3]                            'Create buffer for two encoders (plus room for delta position support of 1st encoder)
long vRightSet                              'var to controle speed RightMotor deviation of the cons Forw
long vLeftSet                               'var to controle speed LeftMotor deviation of the cons Forw  

PUB Main

    system.Clock(80_000_000)                         'Initialise clock
    pst.Str(String("Starting system...."))

    HB25_1.config(4,0,1)                             'init HB25 controller signal pin 4          
    HB25_2.config(5,0,1)                             'init HB25 controller signal pin 5  

    Encoder_1.Start(0, 1, 1, @PosLeft)            'Start continuous two-encoder reader
    Encoder_2.Start(2, 1, 1, @PosRight)           'Start continuous two-encoder reader 


pub runForwarClicks

    vRightSet   := 1600      'sets vRightSet to cons Forw                 
    vLeftSet    := 1600      'sets vLeftSet to cons Forw

      HB25_1.set_motor1(vRightSet)    'start right motor ok
      HB25_2.set_motor1(vLeftSet)     'start left motor
      'compensate motor rotation to keep left and right at the same rotation speed
      pst.Str(String("leftClick  = "))
      pst.Str(String(" rightClick  = "))
      pst.Str(String(" ")) 
      if  PosRight[0]  > PosLeft[0] 
           pst.Str(String(" correct to left"))
      if  PosRight[0] < PosLeft[0] 
           pst.Str(String(" correct to right"))
      pst.Str(String(" (right setting  ="))
      pst.dec (vRightSet)
      pst.Str(String(" left setting  ="))


pub stopMotors    'This procedure will stop both engines by setting the imput to 1500    
       HB25_1.set_motor1(1500)    'stop right motor          
       HB25_2.set_motor1(1500)    'stop left motor

The result is that while processing either the left motor works of the right one.

When I put a time.pause(200) in the control loop both engines run at the same time, but the motors doesn't run at the same speed.(the speed corrections) happen to slow

Any help would be much appropriated



  • NWCCTVNWCCTV Posts: 3,629
    edited 2013-02-10 10:44
    I do not know much about spin but I do know that the HB-25"s control motors just like servos are controlled. You need a 20ms pause between motor 1 and motor 2 command. Not sure if that is your issue or not but thought I would point it out.
  • lardomlardom Posts: 1,659
    edited 2013-02-10 20:29
    I don't much about HB-25's but the easiest way to do what you want to do is to run each HB-25 in its own cog. In the "numerical diagram" the commands are called from within the motor objects. The parent object can initialize two cogs but the commands to the HB-25's must come from the motor objects and match the other cog in everything except wheel direction if you want it to run straight. In the "motor ping diagram" the motor objects 'call' a global variable returned by the "ping" object. Both run parallel.
    numerical diagram.jpg
    motor ping diagram.jpg
    872 x 486 - 60K
    872 x 486 - 40K
  • dgatelydgately Posts: 1,633
    edited 2013-02-10 21:04

    I have two HB25 motor controllers and two quadrature encoders installed on my propeller robot.

    I'm trying to write code to make sure that both DC motors run at the same speed, so that I am sure that the robot runs perfectly strait forward.

    To control this I read the data from the two encoders (left and right), and modify my pulse send to the controllers(motor). I guess there is something wrong with my approach because the code doesn't work as it suppose to.

    Not sure why you re using two HB25 objects... The HB25 object code includes methods for setting two HB25s (individually or together: SetMotor1, SetMotor2 and SetMotorS) to different speeds. Why waste a cog? And, you can run the HB25s from a single prop pin (check the HB25 docs). Also, you do not need two encoder objects.
    Here are the HB25 driver methods:
    PUB SetMotor1(Motor1WidthNew_)                          'Note: A negative Width value indicates Ramp mode
        Motor1WidthNew := Motor1WidthNew_                   '      A positive Width value indicates Immediate mode
    PUB SetMotor2(Motor2WidthNew_)                          'Note: A negative Width value indicates Ramp mode
        Motor2WidthNew := Motor2WidthNew_                   '      A positive Width value indicates Immediate mode
                                                            '      A "Zero" Width value deselects Motor2
    PUB SetMotorS(Motor1WidthNew_,Motor2WidthNew_)
    Here is the Encoder driver comments:
    PUB Start(StartPin, NumEnc, NumDelta, PosAddr): Pass
    ''Record configuration, clear all encoder positions and launch a continuous encoder-reading cog.
    ''PARAMETERS: StartPin = (0..63) 1st pin of encoder 1.  2nd pin of encoder 1 is StartPin+1.
    ''                       Additional pins for other encoders are contiguous starting with StartPin+2 but MUST NOT cross port boundry (31).
    ''            NumEnc   = Number of encoders (1..16) to monitor.
    ''            NumDelta = Number of encoders (0..16) needing delta value support (can be less than NumEnc).
    ''            PosAddr  = Address of a buffer of longs where each encoder's position (and deta position, if any) is to be stored.
    ''RETURNS:    True if successful, False otherwise.

    As for your motors not auto-correcting to match speed, the single increment (++) and decrement (--) operators are very small considering the scale of motor speed input (approximately 1500-2200 forward and 800-1500 backward) as well as the scale of the encoders (19,100 ticks per revolution).

    As a quick test, change the increment/decrements to:
    [COLOR=#323333][FONT=Parallax]      if  PosRight[0]  > PosLeft[0] [/FONT][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#323333][FONT=Parallax]           pst.Str(String(" correct to left"))[/FONT][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#323333][FONT=Parallax]           vRightSet -= 50[/FONT][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#323333][FONT=Parallax]           vLeftSet += 50[/FONT][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#323333][FONT=Parallax]      if  PosRight[0] < PosLeft[0] [/FONT][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#323333][FONT=Parallax]           pst.Str(String(" correct to right"))[/FONT][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#323333][FONT=Parallax]           vRightSet += 50[/FONT][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#323333][FONT=Parallax]           vLeftSet -= 50[/FONT][/COLOR]

    See if the bot reacts quicker. Then, modify the increment/decrement value to optimize.

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