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433mhz Tranceiver code for lighting up LED — Parallax Forums

433mhz Tranceiver code for lighting up LED

edited 2013-02-04 21:11 in Accessories
Does anyone have a basic stamp 2 code for lighting up an LED on the receiving board? I have 2 basic stamp 2 homework boards and two 433 mhz tranceivers. I suck at writting or understanding code. I read the nuts and bolts manual. I also tried the two test codes that came with the transceiver, but thats about it. Any information would be greatly appreciated.



  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2013-02-04 21:11
    Look in the "What's a Microcontroller?" tutorial for information on lighting up LEDs and the documentation for the transceiver for simple transmitting and receiving examples. You will have to put some effort into writing and understanding code. That's the way it is. On the transmitting end, you'll probably have some kind of button or switch to signal on and off. Instead of turning on an LED, you'd transmit some particular value, say a 0 or 1, using the example code. On the receiving end, you'd receive a single value, then check to see whether it's a 0 or 1 and turn the LED off or on as shown in "What's a Microcontroller?".
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