div tag attribute corrupts page
Posts: 2,245
I can't figure out why, but when I add an attribute to the <div> tag below, it corrupts the html and the page does not render properly. Any suggestions anyone?
DAT index byte "HTTP/1.1 200 OK", CR, LF, { } "Content-Type: text/html", CR, LF, CR, LF, { } "<HTML>", { } "<HEAD>", { } "<TITLE>Willoughby Farm</TITLE>", { } "</HEAD>", { } "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript'>",CR,{ } "Temp3 = 60",CR, { } "function Counter() {",CR, { } " Temp3 = Temp3 - 1;",CR, { } " document.frm1.seconds.value=Temp3;",CR,{ } " timerID = setTimeout('Counter()',1000);",CR,{ } " timedRefresh()",CR, { } " }",CR, { } "</SCRIPT>",CR, { } "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript'>",CR,{ } "function timedRefresh() {",CR,{ } " setTimeout('location.reload(true);',60000);",CR,{ } " }",CR, { } "</SCRIPT>" byte "<BODY Onload='Counter()'>" byte "<center>" byte "<FONT FACE=BOOKMAN OLD STYLE SIZE=8><BR>" byte "Doc's Flock<BR></FONT>" byte "<FONT FACE=BOOKMAN OLD STYLE SIZE=4><BR>" byte "Coop Status Page " byte "(...a work in progress!)</FONT>" byte "<BR><img src=http://www.tegacayanimalhospital.com/images/spinneret/coop.jpg><BR>" byte "<div>" byte "<FONT FACE=BOOKMAN OLD STYLE SIZE=2>Coop Date and Time: " time1 byte "00/" '<--- This is a place holder ; number is dynamically updated time2 byte "00/20" '<--- This is a place holder ; number is dynamically updated time3 byte " "'<--- This is a place holder ; number is dynamically updated time4 byte " :" '<--- This is a place holder ; number is dynamically updated time5 byte " :" '<--- This is a place holder ; number is dynamically updated time6 byte " <BR>" '<--- This is a place holder ; number is dynamically updated byte "</FONT>" byte "<BR><B><FONT FACE=BOOKMAN OLD STYLE SIZE=4>Conditions inside Coop:</FONT></B> " byte "<table><tr><td>" 'wrapper table byte "<table border='1'>" byte "<tr><td><FONT FACE=BOOKMAN OLD STYLE SIZE=4>Temp:</td> " byte "<td><FONT FACE=BOOKMAN OLD STYLE SIZE=4 COLOR=RED>" temp byte " °F "'<--- This is a place holder ; number is dynamically updated byte "</FONT></FONT></td></tr>" byte "<tr><td><FONT FACE=BOOKMAN OLD STYLE SIZE=4>Humidity: </td> " byte "<td><FONT FACE=BOOKMAN OLD STYLE SIZE=4 COLOR=RED>" humi byte " % "'<--- This is a place holder ; number is dynamically updated byte "</FONT></FONT></td></tr></table></td>" byte "<td><table border='1'>" byte "<tr><td><FONT FACE=BOOKMAN OLD STYLE SIZE=4>Current Light:</td> " byte "<td><FONT FACE=BOOKMAN OLD STYLE SIZE=4 COLOR=RED>" num1 byte "0000 " '<--- This is a place holder ; number is dynamically updated byte "</FONT></FONT></td></tr>" byte "<tr><td><FONT FACE=BOOKMAN OLD STYLE SIZE=4>Average Light:</td> " byte "<td><FONT FACE=BOOKMAN OLD STYLE SIZE=4 COLOR=RED>" num2 byte "0000 "'<--- This is a place holder ; number is dynamically updated byte "</FONT></FONT></td></tr></table></td>" byte "<td><table border='1'>" byte "<tr><td><FONT FACE=BOOKMAN OLD STYLE SIZE=4>Door Position</td>" byte "<td><FONT FACE=BOOKMAN OLD STYLE SIZE=4 COLOR=RED>" str1 byte " "'<--- This is a place holder ; val is dynamically updated byte "</FONT></FONT></td></tr>" byte "<tr><td><FONT FACE=BOOKMAN OLD STYLE SIZE=4>Switch Position</td>" byte "<td><FONT FACE=BOOKMAN OLD STYLE SIZE=4 COLOR=RED>" str2 byte " " '<--- This is a place holder ; val is dynamically updated byte "</FONT></FONT></td></tr></table>" byte "</td></tr></table>" byte "</div>" byte "<FONT FACE=BOOKMAN OLD STYLE SIZE=2><BR>" byte "<FORM NAME='frm1'>" byte "Seconds Until Refresh =" byte "<INPUT NAME='seconds' SIZE=4 VALUE=''>" byte "</FORM>" byte "</FONT>" byte "</FONT>" byte "</center>" byte "</BODY>" byte "</HTML>" byte 0 buff byte $0[BUFFER_2K] resPtr long $0[25] null long $00 dhcpLease long $ff_ff_ff dns_addr byte $61, $0A, $0B, $01
This is what chrome displays on Mac OSX 10.8
EDIT: It actually perpetuates the problem. If I now remove the div tag all together, which has resolved the problem before, the page doesn't display. I removed all the quotes from the face attributes and it works as expected.
Now I'm really confused.
EDIT: or not.
Keep up the good work, doggiedoc! Your patients (and their humans) need you!
Good Night.
Otherwise, I'll fix it when I get home from work.
Like Mike said in another thread: use the spinneret xml service :put your coop sensor data etc; in an xml, and parse the xml in another website.
btw Doc, nice project