How well do you see color?
Posts: 10,261
This is a fun test. You sort color tiles into hue order. I got a 13 for my first pass. Very curious how different displays impact this. An idle discussion else where yielded this thing and I thought it would be of interest and fun here.
This is a fun test. You sort color tiles into hue order. I got a 13 for my first pass. Very curious how different displays impact this. An idle discussion else where yielded this thing and I thought it would be of interest and fun here.
I don't get it. The result bar goes 0 to 99. But the worst score for my age range was said to be over 1500.
So am I OK or terrible?
The 0 to 99 bar indicates how well you did for your age range. If the mark is in the middle it is average. There is no number assigned to the 0 to 99 bar.
My score was 37. According to the bar I did just slightly better than average. However, it does look like the mark is right where 37 would fall.
It would be interesting to know where that mark falls for others and what their scores are.
0 would mean you made no errors. So yeah, 3 is really, really good.
EDIT: Rewtried under different lighting conditions - 24
My monitor might help me here. I have a pretty nice monitor (HPZR30w), driven by an nvidia card with the digital vibrance set to 100. The digital vibrance setting seems to make colors "pop" and become more "alive". I don't know how it works, but it's really fun to play with.
It might also help that I'm in the 20-29 range.
Tomorrow I'll do this on a good quality display. Hope the score isn't worse!
Edit: 4:
Turned the contrast and brightness up on my monitor (I prefer low contrast, low brightness for normal display) and it dropped to 4. All errors in a narrow band between the upper blue-green just before it turns magenta.
My score -- 12. I might have done better, but in all honesty, I needed to move on with my morning...
Very common in men as we age -- and one eye usually drifts more.
A lower score is better, with ZERO being the perfect score. The bars above show the regions of the color spectrum where hue discrimination is low."
But I'm 28 so young eyes seem to help.
I am on a really cheap monitor that is several years old. I don't think it is much help.
What I don't get is why the "high score" for my gender/age range is "444445389". Maybe they messed up on the query, and did a SUM instead of a AVG.
"Very common in men as we age -- and one eye usually drifts more." ... Since the difference in hue between eyes has been with me for awhile, I blame it on a dumb thing I did as a kid involving a RED filter, a telescope, and the Sun. ...BTW) I turn 44 in March
I'm a little color blind, mostly with red/greens. It gets worse as things get darker and smaller.
I used to be able to pass the tests where you could see a letter or number amongst a bunch of dots, but I can't see those anymore.
Despite not doing well on tests, its not really noticeable in real life. I only know about it because of tests.
Resistors are a pain in the *** though. But the multimeter helps with that.
I went out off my way to sort in the wrong order and only got 500 and something!
My colour resolution must be worse than I thought.
Spent a minute on the first line, 20 seconds on the last. It seemed to get easier with practice. Anyway, I scored 12 on a cheap laptop. Then I went downstairs to use a better monitor. Scored a 3. Still not as good as Dr. Acula's score.
I'm about Heater's age.