Hi teganburns it would certainly look good on a college application. If you are already enrolled in college you can enter the educational category. You can also enter the public category. Winners in the education category can have the hardware prizes go to their school. In the public category winners will win cash prizes. That cash prize could be helpful with college tuition. More detailed info can be found at the link below.
Consider this; we have had interns from DeVry's Biomedical Engineering program and from this I know that they require a final senior design project. Some have been rather interesting, and perhaps proof that you can take an idea from concept to product. Depending on the college you are trying to get into, if there is competition (STEM fields? Hope so...) a completed project might give you the winning edge if all else is equal.
Just go for it, beyond the time invested, the upside is all gains are positive. Where else are ya gonna get a deal like dat? And possibly fer free!!!
This will look great on your CV and might create opportunities later. As somebody who hires people, we always pick people who do things beyond taking their courses. Good luck (You got a kit, right?)
Just go for it, beyond the time invested, the upside is all gains are positive. Where else are ya gonna get a deal like dat? And possibly fer free!!!
This will look great on your CV and might create opportunities later. As somebody who hires people, we always pick people who do things beyond taking their courses. Good luck (You got a kit, right?)
Ok, on a different note are there any known sponsorships for something like this?