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How to? Read an SD card a line at a time and parsing the data — Parallax Forums

How to? Read an SD card a line at a time and parsing the data

SteveWoodroughSteveWoodrough Posts: 190
edited 2013-02-03 20:12 in Propeller 1
I’m in over my head again. Here is what I have done so far. I‘ve done a few exercises writing to an SD card, and reading it all back to the PST. Here is what I would like to do:

For my Magellan Bot, I want to prepare a list of way points on my lap top and write them to an SD card, in a simple txt file format. The format would be something simple like:

Waypoint, Lat, Lon
1, 123456, 123456
2, 234567, 765432

Simple, comma delimited data.

What I am having trouble with is how to read back the data from the SD a line at a time, and parse the data. I’ve looked at GPS_IO as parsing example but I’m not sure exactly how that works and how it “stiches” together a bunch of characters into a string. Once I have a string, I know how to convert that to a number, yada yada. Currently I am doing my waypoints as DAT fields in RAM but I would like to migrate to an SD card.

Any examples you all can share on this are appreciated.



  • SRLMSRLM Posts: 5,045
    edited 2013-01-29 21:56
    Here are the steps I take:
    1: write a function to read a character at a time from the SD card, and store it into buffer, until a terminating character is found (such as '\r' or '\n').
    2: write a function to parse a buffer, and split it on the first occurrence of a specified "split character (such as ',').
    --- I'd make this function put the first half of the string in one buffer, and the second half in a second buffer.
    3: Now, write the glue logic:
    --- a) use function 1 to read in a line from the SD card
    --- b) use function 2 to split the line for the first time. One buffer has the waypoint number, the second buffer has the remainder (lat, long, comma, and possibly '\r' and '\n').
    --- c) use function 2 again to split the lat and long.
    --- d) use a string to decimal function to convert all your character representations of numbers, to numbers.
  • Mike GMike G Posts: 2,702
    edited 2013-01-29 22:22
    I do something similar. I'll tokenize a buffer and save pointers to the tokens in an array.

    This is a somewhat simplified outline
    • Write a block of bytes to a buffer
    • Loop
    • Read a byte and replace delimiter values with a zero terminator.
    • Keep reading until an ASCII character is found then add that memory address to pointer array
    • Repeat until the end of the buffer is reached

    When the parsing is over you'll have an indexed table of values. I use this concept to parse HTTP headers.
  • MagIO2MagIO2 Posts: 2,243
    edited 2013-01-29 23:04
    Reading character by character and storing in a buffer is inefficient. You have a lot of function calls (getc or however it is called) which costs runtime.
    Reading the stuff sector-wise is better, as it is only one call to get 512 bytes at once. Then you simply loop over the content to find parameters and lineend.

    You could have a look at the ConfigReader in the object exchange:

    It only needs some little changes to make it read a file like you have it:
    1. The ConfigReader currently only needs a space as separator (it was originally designed to read command lines from keyboard), so if you insist on your comma + space separation, you have to modify that a little bit. As Mike also suggests, each space is replaced by $00 which makes the part in front of the space a valid string which can be used with any function that works with strings.
    2. The ConfigReader treats the first string found special in a way that it generates a hash value out of it. This is also due to the nature of being developed as a command line reader. It's easier/faster and needs less RAM for a command-table if you compare hashes instead of doing a strin-compare. As your first part is just a waypoint-number you could keep it as it is - or replace the hash-function in a way that the first parameter is also parsed like all following parameters.

    The rest is magic. It simply parses through the file, line by line and in case a line is done you'll find all the content in a parameter array.
    Parameters starting with % are parsed like a binary, parameters starting with $ are parsed like a hex-number, parameters starting with a number are parsed decimal, parameters starting with anything else are treated as strings and you'll find it's string address in the array.

    If the buffer has been parsed and the line is not finished yet, the next bunch of data is loaded from SD card.
  • SteveWoodroughSteveWoodrough Posts: 190
    edited 2013-01-30 19:08
    Thank You. Let me take a look at the suggestions and let you know what develops.
  • nomadnomad Posts: 276
    edited 2013-01-31 00:13
    here is a little programm (PropC3)
    it works:
    -1) gps-datas as vars
    -2) mount sdcard
    -3) look for file "gps1.txt"
    -4) if file on the sd-card delete it
    -5) open a new file "gps1.txt
    -6) write gps-datas into file as:
    -6) close file
    -7 open it for read
    -8) read the string to pst.terminal
    -9) close file
    -10) unmount sdcard

    attachment: c3-quadV2-SD-02.spin
  • SteveWoodroughSteveWoodrough Posts: 190
    edited 2013-02-01 19:50
    Thank you for your responses. This is elementary programming for most of you, so please excuse my ignorance.

    Let me see if I have one concept down correctly. I asked how strings are "stiched" together. As I played with Jon McPhalen's jm_sd_text_read.spin it occured to me that a byte aligned array forms a string merly through the act of calling the array root. I've probably butchered that, here is an example.

    VAR BYTE Newbie[10] is an array of 10 bytes (0-9)

    assuming that I bytefill Newbie to put zeros in the array
    and if then I make:
    Newbie[0] = "S"
    Newbie[1] = "t"
    Newbie[2] = "e"
    Newbie[3] = "v"
    Newbie[4] = "e"

    then to get the "stiched" together string I need to only refer to the variable Newbie.

    Am I getting it or still missing something?
  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,108
    edited 2013-02-01 21:58
    You need to end the array with a 0; then you can use a string function like this.

    String functions need the address of (@) a z-string (zero-terminated string).
  • StefanL38StefanL38 Posts: 2,292
    edited 2013-02-02 10:54
    Hi Steve,

    in the attachmant there is a OpenOffice-sheet (like an Excel-sheet) explaining how strings work
    and with some basic democode how to parse a string for a certain character.
    I made this maybe two years ago for another propeller-user

    best regards
  • softconsoftcon Posts: 217
    edited 2013-02-02 17:19
    Thank you Jon. You just answered a question I was struggling with in a program I've been working for my wife. Now I know why it wasn't working. I was trying to pass a string to a function, and it wasn't working. Because it wasn't 0 terminated. I think I knew this needed to be done, But being new to propellers like Steve, I didn't realize this was my problem. Now I can go fix my problem code. :)
    That's why I like reading these forums, I learn all kinds of things, and get answers to questions I didn't even know I needed to ask. :)
  • SteveWoodroughSteveWoodrough Posts: 190
    edited 2013-02-02 20:41
    OK, I think I get it. Below is a modification to Jon's code. I replace comma's with number zero, and that creates automatic break points for strings, those strings can then be converted into numbers. I can then index the numbers into Longitude and Latitude waypoints as LONGS. Comments for lines I added have ***** in front. The key is knowing where in the buffer array the desired data string begins.

    Thanks everyone for your help .
      term   : "fullduplexserial"
      sdcard : "fsrw" 
      num    : "numbers"
      byte  sbuf[BUF_SIZE]                                          ' string buffer
      long  waypoint [10],Latitude[10], Longitude[10]                             '****an array of longs to store the lat an long numbers
    testfile                byte    "p8x32a.txt", 0
    teststring              byte    "Jon McPhalen", CR, LF                  ' 1st line in file
                            byte    "Hollywood, CA", CR, LF                 ' 2nd line in file
                            byte    0
    pub main | check , index                                   
      term.start(RX1, TX1, %0000, 115_200)
      term.str(string("SD Card Access Test", CR, "-- press key to start", CR, CR))
      check := term.rx  
      check := \sdcard.mount_explicit(SD_DO, SD_CLK, SD_DI, SD_CS)
      if (check == 0)
        term.str(string("-- sd card mounted", CR))
        term.str(string("-- sd card failed to mount", CR))
          waitcnt(0)                                                ' stop here   
      check := \sdcard.popen(string("data.txt"), "r")
      if (check == 0)
         term.str(string("-- test file opened", CR))   
         repeat index from 0 to 9
          bytefill(@sbuf, 0, BUF_SIZE)                                ' clear buffer
          readln(@sbuf, 80)                                           ' read line from file
           term.str(@sbuf[0])           '****start at sbuf[0] since there are zero's buried in the
                                        'string it will stop when it hits a zero
           term.str(@sbuf[5])            '****same as above but starting a bit further down the string
           Longitude[index]:= num.FromStr(@sbuf[0],Num#DEC5)   '***Make numbers from the strings
           Latitude[index] := num.FromStr(@sbuf[5], Num#DEC6)
            term.tx(13)                                                'CR
        term.str(string("-- failed to open test file", CR))
          waitcnt(0)                                                ' stop here    
      term.str(string("-- waypoints", CR))  
      repeat index from 0 to 9             '****Display the numerical latitudes and longitudes.  
        term.str(string("Longitude- "))
        term.str(string("  Latitude- "))
      term.str(string("      end of test strings: "))       
      term.str(string(CR, CR, "Done.", CR))   
        waitcnt(0)                                                  ' stop here    
    pub readln(pntr, n) | c, len
    '' reads line of text from open file
    '' -- terminated by CR or EOF
    '' -- pntr is address of string buffer
    '' -- n is maximum number of characters to read from line
      len  := 0                                                     ' index into string
      repeat n
        c := \sdcard.pgetc                                          ' get a character
        if (c < 0)                                                  ' end of file
          if (len == 0)                                             ' if nothing
            return -1                                               ' return empty
        if (c == CR)                                                ' if CR we're done with line
          if (c <> LF)                                              ' if not a line feed
             if c ==","                                            '***look for comma
              c:= 0                                                '***convert comma to the number zero 
           byte[pntr++] := c                                       ' else move c to buffer
            len++                                                   ' update character count
      byte[pntr] := 0                                               ' terminate end of line
      return len
    pub pause(ms) | t
    '' Delay program ms milliseconds
      t := cnt - 1088                                               ' sync with system counter
      repeat (ms #> 0)                                              ' delay must be > 0
        waitcnt(t += MS_001)
  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,108
    edited 2013-02-02 22:53
    As you gain more experience you'll put my original code back the way it was. Why? Well, you've turned a generic line reading method into a parser which should in fact be a separate method. When use configuration files I read the line, then scan through them (with a parser method) looking for delimiters. Knowing where they are and what the fragments between should be, the necessary conversions can be dealt with.
  • SteveWoodroughSteveWoodrough Posts: 190
    edited 2013-02-03 13:05
    Following Jon’s cue, below is the parsing method. The parse method is called after Jon’s line reader method, readln(@sbuf, 80) , has read in all 80 characters. Parse(@sbuf,80) works just fine. A few observations: the Numbers object seems to essentially self parse strings. Assuming that the numbers object is configured for standard base 10 conversion, once the pointer reaches a comma the Numbers object processes everything to that point as a single number.

    Anyway, I’m a bit more dangerous thanks to everyone’s input. Hope these notes will help the next person along.

    Pub EOS(pntr,n)    |   index                        'replaces commas with zero's to aid in breaking up strings
              repeat index from 0 to n
               if byte[@sbuf][index] == ","
                  byte[@sbuf][index]:= 0
  • MagIO2MagIO2 Posts: 2,243
    edited 2013-02-03 13:21
    Buggy code ....

    char := sbuf[index]

    should be replaced with

    char := byte[pntr][index]

    otherwise pntr is of no use at all. (similar replacement needed for sbuf[index] := 0 )

    char itself is a waste of stack-space because you could come along without.
    And finally I'd not call this a parser, as it does not parse anything, it's only replacing comma with stringend.
  • StefanL38StefanL38 Posts: 2,292
    edited 2013-02-03 13:40
    Jon's right. Every method should do just ONE thing. Test this method and if it works in every thinkable situation.
    write next method. This way you will avoid a lot of bugs. This seems to be slower in progress but in the end it is much faster
    because you don't waste any time on bug-searching across many lines of code.

    Now replacing the comma with a zero terminates the string. Every string-out-put method stops if it cames across a zero.
    If you want to access the characters behind the zero you have to go on parsing it and copying to some other string-variable.

    best regards
  • SteveWoodroughSteveWoodrough Posts: 190
    edited 2013-02-03 20:12
    Tightened up method above based on feedback.
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