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wireless control of boe-bot — Parallax Forums

wireless control of boe-bot

waleedfakhrwaleedfakhr Posts: 9
edited 2013-01-28 09:51 in Accessories
Dear all

We want to make a simple project with boe-bot where it is wirelessly controlled from the PC. which wireless module should we buy?
the 433MHz transceivers or Xbee pair module? and what are the differences between them?

many thanks



  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2013-01-27 08:15
    I would suggest a pair of xBee modules or the pin-compatible WiFi or Bluetooth modules made by Roving Networks. The 433MHz transceivers are nice and cheaper than the others, but they have no error detection and correction built-in and are susceptible to interference and noise. You can program error detection and retransmission, but the code is fairly large and leaves very little room in the BS2's memory for robotic code. If you plan to have a robot that's completely controlled remotely with only some simple sensors and no local control, the 433MHz transceivers would be a reasonable choice, but, if you want anything more complex, use one of the modules I mentioned. Note that Bluetooth has limited range (about 20 meters) and WiFi uses more power than the others. Download the datasheets for the various devices and compare them. If you haven't already, download the xBee text given in the first link above.
  • waleedfakhrwaleedfakhr Posts: 9
    edited 2013-01-28 09:51
    Mike Green wrote: »
    I would suggest a pair of xBee modules or the pin-compatible WiFi or Bluetooth modules made by Roving Networks. The 433MHz transceivers are nice and cheaper than the others, but they have no error detection and correction built-in and are susceptible to interference and noise. You can program error detection and retransmission, but the code is fairly large and leaves very little room in the BS2's memory for robotic code. If you plan to have a robot that's completely controlled remotely with only some simple sensors and no local control, the 433MHz transceivers would be a reasonable choice, but, if you want anything more complex, use one of the modules I mentioned. Note that Bluetooth has limited range (about 20 meters) and WiFi uses more power than the others. Download the datasheets for the various devices and compare them. If you haven't already, download the xBee text given in the first link above.

    Many thanks for the valuable information. I think I'll go with the xBees.
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