mc14489 with 4 digit 7 segments parts of Bruce Reynolds code
I like working with this display and can't thank everyone enough who loves to teach how code or projects are done.
When I use parts of Bruce R 's code and try to make a little code of my own with it , sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I am using the stamp 2 nothing great compared to sx - p etc but its just perfect for my needs and since i have 3 of them, i figure well if i can get one to work anyone can! I have a question tho ( one of million) when i code my stamp like in A example below it works awsome and when I could it in B example it doesn't show the display and since I have to pound the books like 100 times in my head to get anywhere with EASY basic code I was wondering why that is or did I invent the impossible?
well take care
A example
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' example A
EN PIN 2 ' Connect to SLED4C enable pin #5
CLK PIN 0 ' Connect to SLED4C clock pin #4
DOUT PIN 1 ' Connect to SLED4C data pin #3
motor PIN 15 ' this pin is connected to a led for similator a motor switch
ele PIN 14 ' this pin is connected to a led for sim heater element
warn PIN 13 ' this pin is connected to a led for sim incase the BS2 is on fire
X VAR Word ' GP var bruce code
Y VAR Byte ' GP var
b VAR Byte ' Bank #1 controls the colon ":"
D2 VAR Byte ' SLED4C bank #2 digit (right)
D3 VAR Byte ' SLED4C bank #3
D4 VAR Byte ' SLED4C bank #4
D5 VAR Byte ' SLED4C bank #5 digit (left)
CFG VAR Byte ' Holds display configuration value
OUTPUT 15 ' my code
OUTPUT 14 ' << it wont work unless make these pins outputs
DIRL = 255 'bruce code maybe someday i will figure it out
CFGN CON %11000001
b = 0
Help: ' Display H.E.L.P. while toggling brightness from 100% to 50%
CFG = %11101111 ' Digits 5,3,2,1 special decode, 4 HEX decode
GOSUB Config ' Configure display
' Now write H.E.L.P. to display blinking 50% to 100% brightness
Y = %00000111 ' Setup bit 3 for toggling display brightness
FOR X = 0 TO 4 ' and all DP's ON
EN = 0 ' Enable data input
Y.BIT3 = Y.BIT3 ^ 1' Flip Y.bit3 by XOR-ing with 1 [ 0=DIM, 1=BRIGHT ]
' Y = brightness & DP's 5 4 3 2 :=OFF
SHIFTOUT DOUT, CLK, MSBFIRST, [Y\4, $2\4, $E\4, $5\4, $8\4, $0\4]
EN = 1 ' Transfer data into display registers
GOTO start
EN = 0 ' Enable data input
SHIFTOUT DOUT, CLK, MSBFIRST, [CFG] ' Write to display config register
EN = 1
PAUSE 1 ' Transfer data into display registers
' my code and IT WORKS!!!
FLASH: ' this code is to just flash leds wasting power but kinda cool
b = b + 1
motor = 1
ele = 1
warn = 1
warn = 0
ele = 0
motor = 0
IF b = 2 THEN help
GOTO FLASH ' simple? YES understandable? NO
B example this will make the display not light up at all
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' example A
EN PIN 2 ' Connect to SLED4C enable pin #5
CLK PIN 0 ' Connect to SLED4C clock pin #4
DOUT PIN 1 ' Connect to SLED4C data pin #3
motor PIN 15 ' this pin is connected to a led for similator a motor switch
ele PIN 14 ' this pin is connected to a led for sim heater element
warn PIN 13 ' this pin is connected to a led for sim incase the BS2 is on fire
X VAR Word ' GP var bruce code
Y VAR Byte ' GP var
b VAR Byte ' Bank #1 controls the colon ":"
D2 VAR Byte ' SLED4C bank #2 digit (right)
D3 VAR Byte ' SLED4C bank #3
D4 VAR Byte ' SLED4C bank #4
D5 VAR Byte ' SLED4C bank #5 digit (left)
CFG VAR Byte ' Holds display configuration value
OUTPUT 15 ' my code
OUTPUT 14 ' << it wont work unless make these pins outputs
DIRL = 255 'bruce code maybe someday i will figure it out
CFGN CON %11000001
dont need B= 0 because of the loop for this code
Help: ' Display H.E.L.P. while toggling brightness from 100% to 50%
CFG = %11101111 ' Digits 5,3,2,1 special decode, 4 HEX decode
GOSUB Config ' Configure display
' Now write H.E.L.P. to display blinking 50% to 100% brightness
Y = %00000111 ' Setup bit 3 for toggling display brightness
FOR X = 0 TO 4 ' and all DP's ON
EN = 0 ' Enable data input
Y.BIT3 = Y.BIT3 ^ 1' Flip Y.bit3 by XOR-ing with 1 [ 0=DIM, 1=BRIGHT ]
' Y = brightness & DP's 5 4 3 2 :=OFF
SHIFTOUT DOUT, CLK, MSBFIRST, [Y\4, $2\4, $E\4, $5\4, $8\4, $0\4]
EN = 1 ' Transfer data into display registers
GOTO start
EN = 0 ' Enable data input
SHIFTOUT DOUT, CLK, MSBFIRST, [CFG] ' Write to display config register
EN = 1
PAUSE 1 ' Transfer data into display registers
' my code and it wont light the led display to show help it just stays dead
FLASH: ' this code is to just flash leds wasting power but kinda cool
DO UNTIL 2 < this code is changed from b= b + 1
motor = 1
ele = 1
warn = 1
warn = 0
ele = 0
motor = 0
LOOP and changed the if b = 2 then help
GOTO help
' simple? YES understandable for me? NO
I like working with this display and can't thank everyone enough who loves to teach how code or projects are done.
When I use parts of Bruce R 's code and try to make a little code of my own with it , sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I am using the stamp 2 nothing great compared to sx - p etc but its just perfect for my needs and since i have 3 of them, i figure well if i can get one to work anyone can! I have a question tho ( one of million) when i code my stamp like in A example below it works awsome and when I could it in B example it doesn't show the display and since I have to pound the books like 100 times in my head to get anywhere with EASY basic code I was wondering why that is or did I invent the impossible?
well take care
A example
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' example A
EN PIN 2 ' Connect to SLED4C enable pin #5
CLK PIN 0 ' Connect to SLED4C clock pin #4
DOUT PIN 1 ' Connect to SLED4C data pin #3
motor PIN 15 ' this pin is connected to a led for similator a motor switch
ele PIN 14 ' this pin is connected to a led for sim heater element
warn PIN 13 ' this pin is connected to a led for sim incase the BS2 is on fire
X VAR Word ' GP var bruce code
Y VAR Byte ' GP var
b VAR Byte ' Bank #1 controls the colon ":"
D2 VAR Byte ' SLED4C bank #2 digit (right)
D3 VAR Byte ' SLED4C bank #3
D4 VAR Byte ' SLED4C bank #4
D5 VAR Byte ' SLED4C bank #5 digit (left)
CFG VAR Byte ' Holds display configuration value
OUTPUT 15 ' my code
OUTPUT 14 ' << it wont work unless make these pins outputs
DIRL = 255 'bruce code maybe someday i will figure it out
CFGN CON %11000001
b = 0
Help: ' Display H.E.L.P. while toggling brightness from 100% to 50%
CFG = %11101111 ' Digits 5,3,2,1 special decode, 4 HEX decode
GOSUB Config ' Configure display
' Now write H.E.L.P. to display blinking 50% to 100% brightness
Y = %00000111 ' Setup bit 3 for toggling display brightness
FOR X = 0 TO 4 ' and all DP's ON
EN = 0 ' Enable data input
Y.BIT3 = Y.BIT3 ^ 1' Flip Y.bit3 by XOR-ing with 1 [ 0=DIM, 1=BRIGHT ]
' Y = brightness & DP's 5 4 3 2 :=OFF
SHIFTOUT DOUT, CLK, MSBFIRST, [Y\4, $2\4, $E\4, $5\4, $8\4, $0\4]
EN = 1 ' Transfer data into display registers
GOTO start
EN = 0 ' Enable data input
SHIFTOUT DOUT, CLK, MSBFIRST, [CFG] ' Write to display config register
EN = 1
PAUSE 1 ' Transfer data into display registers
' my code and IT WORKS!!!
FLASH: ' this code is to just flash leds wasting power but kinda cool
b = b + 1
motor = 1
ele = 1
warn = 1
warn = 0
ele = 0
motor = 0
IF b = 2 THEN help
GOTO FLASH ' simple? YES understandable? NO
B example this will make the display not light up at all
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' example A
EN PIN 2 ' Connect to SLED4C enable pin #5
CLK PIN 0 ' Connect to SLED4C clock pin #4
DOUT PIN 1 ' Connect to SLED4C data pin #3
motor PIN 15 ' this pin is connected to a led for similator a motor switch
ele PIN 14 ' this pin is connected to a led for sim heater element
warn PIN 13 ' this pin is connected to a led for sim incase the BS2 is on fire
X VAR Word ' GP var bruce code
Y VAR Byte ' GP var
b VAR Byte ' Bank #1 controls the colon ":"
D2 VAR Byte ' SLED4C bank #2 digit (right)
D3 VAR Byte ' SLED4C bank #3
D4 VAR Byte ' SLED4C bank #4
D5 VAR Byte ' SLED4C bank #5 digit (left)
CFG VAR Byte ' Holds display configuration value
OUTPUT 15 ' my code
OUTPUT 14 ' << it wont work unless make these pins outputs
DIRL = 255 'bruce code maybe someday i will figure it out
CFGN CON %11000001
dont need B= 0 because of the loop for this code
Help: ' Display H.E.L.P. while toggling brightness from 100% to 50%
CFG = %11101111 ' Digits 5,3,2,1 special decode, 4 HEX decode
GOSUB Config ' Configure display
' Now write H.E.L.P. to display blinking 50% to 100% brightness
Y = %00000111 ' Setup bit 3 for toggling display brightness
FOR X = 0 TO 4 ' and all DP's ON
EN = 0 ' Enable data input
Y.BIT3 = Y.BIT3 ^ 1' Flip Y.bit3 by XOR-ing with 1 [ 0=DIM, 1=BRIGHT ]
' Y = brightness & DP's 5 4 3 2 :=OFF
SHIFTOUT DOUT, CLK, MSBFIRST, [Y\4, $2\4, $E\4, $5\4, $8\4, $0\4]
EN = 1 ' Transfer data into display registers
GOTO start
EN = 0 ' Enable data input
SHIFTOUT DOUT, CLK, MSBFIRST, [CFG] ' Write to display config register
EN = 1
PAUSE 1 ' Transfer data into display registers
' my code and it wont light the led display to show help it just stays dead
FLASH: ' this code is to just flash leds wasting power but kinda cool
DO UNTIL 2 < this code is changed from b= b + 1
motor = 1
ele = 1
warn = 1
warn = 0
ele = 0
motor = 0
LOOP and changed the if b = 2 then help
GOTO help
' simple? YES understandable for me? NO
Believe me, We ALL know that feeling!!!! Wait until you get motors to turn and sensors to work!!! Oh, and Welcome to the Forums!!
like what does [ ] mean? I know DOUT , CLK, MSBFIRST but do not know the [ ] in the index it shows 4 bit \4 etc but doesn't explain the [ ]
well thanks in advance