Serial Programming Circuit RX/TX LEDs
I have a BS2 Rev. F, and have constructed a circuit as shown in the manual to program the unit via a RS-232 PC connection. It works well, but I'd like a visual cue for the RX/TX lines. How could I add LEDs, so that they blink in response to data transmission on these lines? I've tried line---resistor---LED---ground, but it's very dim. Could it be done with a transistor to amplify the pulses? If so, where could the current be drawn from to drive the LEDs? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I don't know what a MAX232 is, but from the context I gather it might be an IC? I use an Edgeport/C from Inside Out Networks™ (purchased from Ax-Man Surplus on University Ave. some years ago), and I just unscrewed the cover to find a chip next to each DE-9 connector marked MAX211C. I found the datasheet at , and from my (limited) understandding of it, the output voltage could be anywhere the range -30V to +30V. Unfortunately, my multimeter has been horribly unreliable lately (RadioShack Digital Multimeter POS... can't figure out how to recalibrate it), so I don't trust it. However, I read a sustained potential of -8.76V between TX and GND after powering the BS2 with 9V and sending a "Hello World" program to it from the editor. The potential reading drops to 0V when the Debug Terminal window is closed. Similarly, I read -4.68V between RX and GND.
I'm unfamiliar with 'high brightness' LEDs. Could you give an example of a suitable LED for this application? I really appreciate your assistance with this. Thank you very much. This is what I was hoping to do, but where do I draw the current from to drive the LEDs?
A typical red high brightness LED would be this from RadioShack.