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Question on old DS1620 code by Scott Edwards — Parallax Forums

Question on old DS1620 code by Scott Edwards

Dee GunterDee Gunter Posts: 3
edited 2013-01-23 11:08 in Accessories
Just started using the DS1620 temp sensor from Dallas Semiconductor in the thermostat mode. I copied a program to run the thermostat written by Scott Edwards, in the program there are two commands that I can't find reference to.
The first is:
SHIFTOUT 04, 03, LSBFIRST, [2,50\9]
I completely understand the command with exception of the 2 before 50\9
The second is:
SHIFTOUT 04, 03, LSBFIRST, [1, 52\9
Here again, I uderstand the command with exception of the 1 before 52\9

I spoke with Scott Edwards on the phone and the program is so old he couldn't remember the details.
I wonder if anyone else has used or understands the 2 and 1 that's mentioned in the above lines of code.


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2013-01-17 08:47
    This is all described in the datasheet for the DS1620. These values are (8-bit) commands to the DS1620 and the value after them is the parameter (9-bits) for the command. See pages 6 through 8 for a description of the commands. A complete example follows this in the datasheet.
  • TorTor Posts: 2,010
    edited 2013-01-17 08:58
    I would humbly suggest that the original poster edits the Title of this thread to something slightly more useful.. it should probably include something about DS1620 .

  • Dee GunterDee Gunter Posts: 3
    edited 2013-01-17 10:35
    Sorry about the Title of the thread, it's my first post and I'm now in the learning mode.
  • Dee GunterDee Gunter Posts: 3
    edited 2013-01-17 11:09
    Mike, it seems that I missed something from the data sheet you referred to. I see that writing to reg. 2 is the lower temperature and that reg. 1 is the upper temperature for the thermostat. I've just never seen the SHIFTOUT command written as such. SHIFTOUT 04, 03, LSBFIRST, [1, 52\9]. I do understand it now and thank you for pointing me in the right direction.
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2013-01-23 11:08
    Subject Updated.
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