Transmitting if then data over 433MHz tranceiver
Posts: 9
We've ran into another issue with our project. We are trying to transmit the information from the CO sensor, mentioned in an earlier thread, to a receiver. We have the Purging and sensing count downs transmitting properly but when the alarm is tripped the we get no "alarm" on the receiving debug screen. I think this must be because it will not transmit the If Then switching. Any insight is appreciated our project is due in a week and are stumped. <br><br>reciever circuit MASTER COPY CO sensor interface.bs2
CO sensor TransmitWORKING revison 2.bs2reciever circuit MASTER COPY CO sensor interface.bs2
I would suggest that you start with the transmit program and insert comments whereever you have data you want to transmit ... you've already got DEBUG statements to do much the same thing. After that, you replace the comments with SEROUT statements to transmit. Then you have to write a receive program to receive the data in the same order as it's transmitted ... and display it.
Looking at your code it doesn't appear you're actuallt transmitting the coutndown since the SEROUT exists before/outside the loop.