Looking for proven or "standard" dual Propeller circuit schematics
WBA Consulting
Posts: 2,934
While working on my DipTrace skills, I am making tweaks to the Quickstart board for other needs on this thread. One suggestion is to make a dual propeller setup in the Quickstart form factor. However, I have no experience with dual prop setups, so I am looking for schematics that have been proven or meet the needs for users of dual prop layouts.
This works for both synchronous serial at full speed and async serial up to and a little above 230400 baud.
We found that when we are sure one prop will be an input pin and the other prop will be an output pin, the resistor is not needed.
But when code is changing, the resistor it always part of the testbed.
Also the writes between props are several inches long, just so we test with worst case.
I was looking at Bill Henning's Morpheus' web page and it states "4 bit bus to CPU #1 on P28-P31". Is that the only thing needed for dual prop usage? Or is Morpheus setup for a specific type of dual prop usage? And he lists the EEPROM for the second prop as optional since the first prop would load it.
1) using just bare propellers with decoupling but no crystal or EEPROM as the slaves, the master requires 6 pins to drive the slave. They are connected to pins 28-31 on the slave to provide EEPROM emulation (28&29) and serial I/O on 30 and 31. The other two provide clock and reset. The master prop will drive the slave's clock with a counter and drive reset when needed. It will also act as an EEPROM when the slave loads. You could also use a boot loader with this configuration.
2) using propellers with crystal and EEPROM as the slaves (or peers in this case), you just need a pair of pins between the two usually going to pin 30 and 31 on the downstream propeller to aid in booting. Standard serial I/O between them (or high speed multichannel).
I haven't done multi-prop with other languages yet.